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Build NethServer RPMs in a Docker container


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RPM builds by Linux containers

This is a simple RPM build environment based on the official CentOS Docker image.

It can build RPMs in the github actions environment, or on your local Fedora 31+/CentOS 8 machine.


On Fedora 31+ and CentOS 8, run as a non-root user

$ curl | bash

There must be podman [1] already installed though.

Build requirements

Requirements for building RPMs, implemented by the buildimage/makesrpm command:

  • The .spec file is in the current working directory
  • Source tarballs defined in the .spec file can be downloaded via http:// or ftp://.
  • If a SHA1SUM file exists in the current working directory, the integrity of source tarballs is checked against it. Do not put any path in the SHA1SUM contents, only the tarball/source file name.
  • If the current working directory contains a .git directory (thus it is a git repository workdir) the specfile source0 can be set to Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz. Then git-archive generates a tarball of the repository itself at the HEAD commit.
  • Other tarballs are downloaded automatically with spectool during the build.

Building RPMs locally

If the previous build requirements are met, change directory to the repository root then run

$ makerpms *.spec

Run without any argument to get a brief help

$ makerpms

To build a package for another distribution pass the DIST environment variable

$ DIST=.el7 makerpms *.spec

If you have a custom or development builder image to test, set the IMAGE environment variable, e.g.:

$ IMAGE=me/myimage:test makerpms *.spec

It is possible to override the builder command, with the COMMAND environment variable

$ COMMAND="whoami" makerpms *.spec

Additional arguments can be passed to YUM before starting the binary build, to fetch dependencies not tracked by BuildRequires, enable additional repositories and so on...

$ YUM_ARGS="--enablerepo=nethserver-testing" makerpms *.spec

To pass additional arguments to Podman, use PODMAN_ARGS instead

$ PODMAN_ARGS="--volume=$PWD/myrepo.conf:/etc/yum.repos.d/myrepo.conf"


To speed up the build process, the YUM cache directory contents are preserved. Container instances share the named Podman volume makerpms-yum-cache.

To clear the YUM cache run

$ podman volume rm makerpms-yum-cache

Builder container images

The builder container images are updated periodically and are available at

  • is the default image, for noarch builds

  • is the image for x86_64 builds (GCC 4)

  • is the image for x86_64 builds with GCC 9 (devtoolset-9 from SCLo), then run makerpms in a SCLo environment, e.g. :

    $ COMMAND="scl enable devtoolset-9 -- makerpms" makerpms *.spec

For more info about how to build the images locally look at travis/

The following command locally builds the images with Podman (instead of Docker):

$ cat travis/  | sed s/docker/podman/  | \
grep -v -E '\b(login|logout|push)\b'  | \
NSVER=7 IMAGE_REPO=me/myimage bash

To test the local image run makerpms as follow:

$ IMAGE=me/myimage:7 makerpms *.spec

Images for NethServer 6 are available as well: just replace 7 with 6.

Other commands

The scripts installs also the following commands:

  • uploadrpms is a RPM publishing helper, specific for the NethServer community RPMs publishing policies
  • releasetag is a release workflow helper, specific for the NethServer community release guidelines
  • makesrpm builds just the .src.rpm package.


The first time, before running uploadrpms ensure the following command works

$ sftp

Accept the server SSH key fingerprint when asked.

The following command uploads all the RPMs in the current working directory to the nethforge testing repository for NethServer version 7.8.2003.

$ uploadrpms *.rpm

Replace 7.8.2003 with the correct NS version number. Also replace nethforge-testing with the target repository name.

The command output might complain about some SFTP disabled commands. Ignore those messages.


The releasetag command executes a workflow that suits only those NethServer packages that expect a Version tag in the form X.Y.Z.

Some RPMs, (notably nethserver-release) require a different version schema and releasetag does not suit their release workflow. Refer to their README files for more information.

When releasetag is invoked:

  • reads the git log history and fetches related issues from the issue tracker web site.
  • updates the Version tag and the %changelog section in the .spec file.
  • commits changes to the .spec file.
  • tags the commit (with optional GPG signature).

To fetch issues from private GitHub repositories create a private GitHub access token. Select the repo scope only.

Copy it to ~/.release_tag_token and keep its content secret:

chmod 600  ~/.release_tag_token


The private access token is useful also for public repositories because authenticated requests have an higher API rate limit

The releasetag command is now ready for use. This is the help output:

releasetag -h
Usage: releasetag [-h] [-k KEYID] [-T <x.y.z>] [<file>.spec]

Sample invocation:

releasetag -k ABCDABCD -T 1.8.5 nethserver-mail-server.spec

To force a local GPG password prompt (tested on Fedora) prepend some additional environment variables:

GPG_TTY=$(tty) GPG_AGENT_INFO="" releasetag  -k ABCDABCD -T 1.8.5 nethserver-mail-server.spec

Replace ABCDABCD with your signing GPG key. The $EDITOR program (or git core.editor) is opened automatically to adjust the commit message. The same text is used as tag annotation. Usage of -k option is optional.

To push the tagged release to GitHub (and possibly trigger an automated build) ensure to add the --follow-tags option to git push invocation. For instance:

git push --follow-tags

To make --follow-tags permanent run this command:

git config --global push.followTags true

Building RPMs on automatically builds RPMs and uploads them to, if configured with enough environment variables and upload secrets.


To automate the RPM build process using GitHub

  • create a .github/workflows/make-rpms.yml file inside the source code repository hosted on GitHub.
  • the repository must have actions enabled and upload secrets properly set up, please contact the organization maintainer on for help.

This is an example of .github/workflows/make-rpms.yml contents:

name: Make RPMs
      - master
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      dest_id: core
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
      - name: Generate .env file
        run: |
          cat > .env <<EOF
            DEST_ID=${{ env.dest_id }}
            DOCKER_IMAGE=${{ env.docker_image }}
            GITHUB_HEAD_REF=${{ github.head_ref }}
            GITHUB_REF=${{ github.ref }}
            GITHUB_REPOSITORY=${{ github.repository }}
            GITHUB_RUN_ID=${{ github.run_id }}
            ENDPOINTS_PACK=${{ secrets.endpoints_pack }}
            SECRET=${{ secrets.secret }}
            SECRET_URL=${{ secrets.secret_url }}
            AUTOBUILD_SECRET=${{ secrets.autobuild_secret }}
            AUTOBUILD_SECRET_URL=${{ secrets.autobuild_secret_url }}
      - name: Run prep-sources if present.
        run: if test -f "prep-sources"; then ./prep-sources; fi
      - name: Build RPM and publish
        run: |
          echo "Starting build..."
          docker run --name makerpms \
            --env-file .env \
            --hostname $GITHUB_RUN_ID-$ \
            --volume $PWD:/srv/makerpms/src:ro \
            ${{ env.docker_image }} \
            makerpms-github -s *.spec
          echo "Build succesful."
          if [[ "${{ secrets.endpoints_pack }}" && "${{ secrets.secret }}" ]]; then
            echo "Publish configuration exists, pushing package to repo."
            docker commit makerpms nethserver/build
            docker run \
              --env-file .env \
              nethserver/build \
            echo "Publish complete."
          rm .env


GitHub Actions builds are triggered automatically when:

  • one or more commits are pushed to the master or main branch of the NethServer repository, as stated in the .github/workflows/make-rpms.yml file inside the on.push.branches key
  • A pull request is opened from a NethServer repository fork or it is updated by submitting new commits

After a successful build, (if secrets are available) the RPM is uploaded to, according to the DEST_ID variable value. Supported values are core for NethServer core packages, and forge for NethForge packages.

Pull requests are commented automatically by nethbot [4] with the links to available RPMs.

Also issues are commented by nethbot if the following rules are respected in git commit messages:

  1. The issue reference (e.g. NethServer/dev#1234) is present in the merge commit of pull requests
  2. The issue reference is added to standalone commits (should be rarely used)

The build environment supports the following variables:



The Docker build image can contain different RPMs depending on the tag:

  • latest (or 7) contains only dependencies to build nethserver-* RPMS, like nethserver-base. It actually installs only nethserver-devtools and a basic RPM build environment without gcc compiler.

  • buildsys7 is based on the previous environment. It also pulls in the dependencies for arch-dependant packages (like asterisk13 or ns-samba). It actually installs the buildsys-build package group, which provides the gcc compiler (version 4) among other packages.

  • devtoolset7: it extends the buildsys7 with the devtoolset-9 SCLo packages set. It is possible to compile with gcc version 9, by prefixing the container entry point in the following way:

    docker run -ti [OPTIONS] scl enable devtoolset-9 -- makerpms-travis package.spec

    For instance, see the sofia-sip package.


If DEST_ID=core:

  • Builds triggered by pull requests are uploaded to the autobuild [2] repository
  • Builds triggered by commits pushed to master are uploaded to the testing [3] repository. If a git tag is on the last available commit, the upload destination is the updates repository.

If DEST_ID=forge:

  • Pull requests are uploaded to nethforge-autobuild
  • Branch builds are uploaded to nethforge-testing, whilst tagged builds are uploaded to nethforge


In any case, the git tag must begin with a digit and not containing any "-" minus symbol. For instance the tag 0.1.12 is considered as a tagged build whilst v0.1.12-1 is not


[1]Podman is a daemonless Linux container engine.
[2]Is a particular kind of repository in that hosts the rpms builded automatically from
[3]Is a repository in that hosts the rpms builded automatically from started form official nethserver github repository.
[4]Is our bot that comments the issues and pull request with the list of automated RPMs builds.