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Tim Kuijsten edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 11 revisions

Research auth schemes


Use bcrypt, gryphon is too HTTP-centric and scrypt too new.


Research wire protocols


Use BSON with a self implemented BSON wire parser.


WebSockets can not be passed over IPC (at least not the WebSocket objects created by ws) nor does ws support opening a WebSocket server on a AF_UNIX socket. Consider opening a standard nodejs TCP-server (that supports AF_UNIX sockets) with a simple wire protocol that supports JSON-like objects but extended with a "date"-type.

Research wire protocols that supports binary data as well as date types:

Research IPC and privilege separation

Find out how to build a network bound privilege separated IPC workflow that can be optimized for local host traffic.


Mastersync privilege separation



Privilege separation:

And checkout the imsg messaging framework:

Maybe use websockets:

Check gryphon and other auth methods (preferably pubkey):


  • let a privileged process read the oplog and spawn Versioned Collection processes with only read access on the oplog to their own collection and write access to their own DAG, all based on MongoDB database auth.