I'm a student of computer science and a research assistant at the Chair V (Programming Systems) at TU Dortmund University.
The languages I work with are mainly Java and C# (.Net Core), as well a TypeScript.
Lately I have developed an admiration for Scala as well.
I'm versed in many of the supporting and underlying technologies for web development,
including, but not limited to:
SQL (mainly MySQL), HTML, CSS, JS/TS and ORM (JPA & Hibernate, EF Core),
as well as DevOps and Continuos Practices.
I'm wrote my bachelor's thesis on "Visual Authoring of CI/CD Pipeline Configurations" (available here) and developed a tool that allows the graphical composition of CI/CD pipelines (https://gitlab.com/scce/Rig), greatly reducing the complexity of creating such pipelines and making CI/CD much easier accessible.