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Creating a release

Jeffrey Gill edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 16 revisions

Releasing to PyPI

  1. Gather closed issues and pull requests related to the release into a GitHub milestone:

  2. Create a branch called "release-X.X.X" using the real release number.

  3. In the docs, add a change log entry referencing each notable PR and issue (remember to add a link from releasenotes.rst!)

  4. In, set the new version number, making sure that you remove the ".dev".

  5. Commit these changes to the branch with the message "Prepare release X.X.X", push the branch to GitHub, and open a pull request.

  6. After all tests pass, merge the pull request with commit name "Release X.X.X".

  7. Verify that the new release notes built correctly:

  8. If the docs are OK, tag the PR merge commit with the release number and push the tag to GitHub.

  9. Mark the new release as an active version on Read the Docs so that an archive of the docs for the current version is available in the future even after later releases (this may be done automatically):

  10. Before publishing the package to the official PyPI server, first publish it to the test server by manually running the "Publish to TestPyPI" workflow in GitHub Actions, using the new tag as input:

  11. Verify the test release looks OK:

  12. If all is well, publish to the official PyPI server by manually running the "Publish to PyPI" workflow in GitHub Actions, using the new tag as input (THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE OR OVERWRITTEN):

  13. Verify the official release looks OK:

  14. In, increment the version number to the next patch release and append ".dev".

  15. Commit this change directly to master with the message "After release" and push to GitHub.

  16. Create a GitHub release from the pushed tag containing the release notes:

  17. Close the milestone and create a new one for the next patch release:

Building for conda-forge

  1. In your fork of conda-forge/ephyviewer-feedstock, create a branch called "build-X.X.X" using the real release number.

  2. Edit the feedstock's meta.yaml file by:

    1. updating the version number
    2. updating the sha256 (which can be obtained for the tar.gz file here)
    3. resetting the build number to 0
  3. If any other changes to the build recipe are required, such as updating the minimum versions of dependencies, make those now.

  4. Commit these changes to the branch with the message "Build for release X.X.X", push the branch to GitHub, and open a pull request.

  5. Post @conda-forge-admin, please rerender in the pull request and wait for the bot to update the recipe.

  6. Make sure the checklist in the pull request's initial post is complete.

  7. Wait for all tests to pass:

  8. If tests are OK, merge the pull request.

  9. The new build should appear on Anaconda Cloud fairly quickly:

    but the index of the CDN that distributes the build may take a little longer to sync with it. You can check to see if the new release is listed in the index with this command (with the actual version number):

    curl -s 2>&1 | grep ephyviewer-X.X.X

    The last time the index was updated can be checked using this command:

    curl -s 2>&1 | head -10 | tail -1

    If this takes a very long time (many hours), you can post on Gitter to see if anyone is available to force the CDN's index to update:

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