A playground for some tools that the zHan community uses
Setup a discord app and get the client id, client secret and redirect uri. You can do this by going to the discord developer portal and creating a new app.
Install the dependencies with pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add your relevant credentials to a file called '.envrc' in the root directory. The file should look like this:
After you've added your credentials to the .envrc file, you'll need to start up the database,
docker-compose -d up
Then you want to run the migrations
./manage.py migrate
To run the app for developmen you just do:
./manage.py runserver 8000
Then you can browse to http://localhost:8000 Then to start the Discord Auth process click the login
To get the sound clips to be generated you need to run the task processor in a seperate terminal as such:
./manage.py process_tasks
Note This is a work in progress and is primarly used for an internal project for the zHan community.
When we want to test a connnection or population of a database, we've created a dockerfile inside of the dev folder.
Make sure to update your DATABASE_URL in the .envrc file to match your setup, i.e: