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alt tag CIM, AIM, and ARB for Go Language

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Give your Go Language applications the ability to store and retrieve credit cards from CIM, AIM, and ARB API. This golang package lets you create recurring subscriptions, AUTH only transactions, voids, refunds, and other functionality connected to the API.


customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
        ID: "13838",

customerInfo := customer.Info()

paymentProfiles := customerInfo.PaymentProfiles()
shippingProfiles := customerInfo.ShippingProfiles()
subscriptions := customerInfo.Subscriptions()


  • Import package
go get
import ""
Or Shorten the Package Name
import auth ""
// auth.SetAPIInfo(apiName,apiKey,"test")

Set API Keys

You can get Sandbox Access at:

apiName := "auth_name_here"
apiKey := "auth_transaction_key_here"
// use "live" to do transactions on production server

Included API References

✅ Set API Creds

func main() {

    apiName := "PQO38FSL"
    apiKey := "OQ8NFBAPA9DS"
    apiMode := "test"



Payment Transactions

✅ chargeCard

newTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.NewTransaction{
		Amount: "15.90",
		CreditCard: CreditCard{
			CardNumber:     "4007000000027",
			ExpirationDate: "10/23",
response, err := newTransaction.Charge()
if response.Approved() {


✅ authorizeCard

newTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.NewTransaction{
		Amount: "100.00",
		CreditCard: CreditCard{
			CardNumber:     "4012888818888",
			ExpirationDate: "10/27",
response, err := newTransaction.AuthOnly()
if response.Approved() {


✅ capturePreviousCard

oldTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.PreviousTransaction{
		Amount: "49.99",
		RefId:  "AUTHCODEHERE001",
response, err := oldTransaction.Capture()
if response.Approved() {


✅ captureAuthorizedCardChannel

newTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.NewTransaction{
		Amount: "38.00",
		CreditCard: CreditCard{
			CardNumber:     "4012888818888",
			ExpirationDate: "10/24",
response, err := newTransaction.Charge()
if response.Approved() {


✅ refundTransaction

newTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.NewTransaction{
		Amount: "15.00",
		CreditCard: CreditCard{
			CardNumber:     "4012888818888",
			ExpirationDate: "10/24",
		RefTransId: "0392482938402",
response, err := newTransaction.Refund()
if response.Approved() {


✅ voidTransaction

oldTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.PreviousTransaction{
		RefId: "3987324293834",
response, err := oldTransaction.Void()
if response.Approved() {


◻️ updateSplitTenderGround

◻️ debitBankAccount

◻️ creditBankAccount

✅ chargeCustomerProfile

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "49587345",
		PaymentID: "84392124324",

newTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.NewTransaction{
		Amount: "35.00",

response, err := newTransaction.ChargeProfile(customer)

if response.Ok() {


◻️ chargeTokenCard

◻️ creditAcceptPaymentTransaction

◻️ getAccessPaymentPage

◻️ getHostedPaymentPageRequest

Transaction Responses

response.Ok()                   // bool
response.Approved()             // bool
response.Message()              // string
response.ErrorMessage()         // string
response.TransactionID()        // string
response.AVS()                  // [avsResultCode,cavvResultCode,cvvResultCode]

Fraud Management

✅ getUnsettledTransactionListRequest

transactions := AuthorizeCIM.UnsettledBatchList()
fmt.Println("Unsettled Count: ", transactions.Count)

✅ updateHeldTransactionRequest

oldTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.PreviousTransaction{
		Amount: "49.99",
		RefId:  "39824723983",

	response, err := oldTransaction.Approve()
	//response := oldTransaction.Decline()

	if response.Ok() {


Recurring Billing

✅ ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest

subscription := AuthorizeCIM.Subscription{
		Name:        "New Subscription",
		Amount:      "9.00",
		TrialAmount: "0.00",
		PaymentSchedule: &PaymentSchedule{
			StartDate:        CurrentDate(),
			TotalOccurrences: "9999",
			TrialOccurrences: "0",
			Interval: AuthorizeCIM.IntervalMonthly(),
		Payment: &Payment{
			CreditCard: CreditCard{
				CardNumber:     "4007000000027",
				ExpirationDate: "10/23",
		BillTo: &BillTo{
			FirstName: "Test",
			LastName:  "User",

response, err := subscription.Charge()

if response.Approved() {
    fmt.Println("New Subscription ID: ",response.SubscriptionID)
For Intervals, you can use simple methods
AuthorizeCIM.IntervalWeekly()      // runs every week (7 days)
AuthorizeCIM.IntervalMonthly()     // runs every Month
AuthorizeCIM.IntervalQuarterly()   // runs every 3 months
AuthorizeCIM.IntervalYearly()      // runs every 1 year
AuthorizeCIM.IntervalDays("15")    // runs every 15 days
AuthorizeCIM.IntervalMonths("6")   // runs every 6 months

✅ ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest from Customer Profile

subscription := AuthorizeCIM.Subscription{
		Name:        "New Customer Subscription",
		Amount:      "12.00",
		TrialAmount: "0.00",
		PaymentSchedule: &PaymentSchedule{
			StartDate:        CurrentDate(),
			TotalOccurrences: "9999",
			TrialOccurrences: "0",
			Interval: AuthorizeCIM.IntervalDays("15"),
		Profile: &CustomerProfiler{
			CustomerProfileID: "823928379",
			CustomerPaymentProfileID: "183949200",
			//CustomerShippingProfileID: "310282443",

	response, err := subscription.Charge()

	if response.Approved() {
		newSubscriptionId = response.SubscriptionID
		fmt.Println("Customer #",response.CustomerProfileId(), " Created a New Subscription: ", response.SubscriptionID)

✅ ARBGetSubscriptionRequest

sub := AuthorizeCIM.SetSubscription{
		Id: "2973984693",

subscriptionInfo := sub.Info()

✅ ARBGetSubscriptionStatusRequest

sub := AuthorizeCIM.SetSubscription{
		Id: "2973984693",

subscriptionInfo, err := sub.Status()

fmt.Println("Subscription ID has status: ",subscriptionInfo.Status)

✅ ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest

subscription := AuthorizeCIM.Subscription{
		Payment: Payment{
			CreditCard: CreditCard{
				CardNumber:     "5424000000000015",
				ExpirationDate: "06/25",
		SubscriptionId: newSubscriptionId,

response, err := subscription.Update()

if response.Ok() {


✅ ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest

sub := AuthorizeCIM.SetSubscription{
		Id: "2973984693",

subscriptionInfo, err := sub.Cancel()

fmt.Println("Subscription ID has been canceled: ", sub.Id, "\n")

✅ ARBGetSubscriptionListRequest

inactive := AuthorizeCIM.SubscriptionList("subscriptionInactive")
fmt.Println("Amount of Inactive Subscriptions: ", inactive.Count())

active := AuthorizeCIM.SubscriptionList("subscriptionActive")
fmt.Println("Amount of Active Subscriptions: ", active.Count())

Customer Profile (CIM)

✅ createCustomerProfileRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Profile{
		MerchantCustomerID: "86437",
		Email:              "",
		PaymentProfiles: &PaymentProfiles{
			CustomerType: "individual",
			Payment: Payment{
				CreditCard: CreditCard{
					CardNumber:     "4007000000027",
					ExpirationDate: "10/23",

	response, err := customer.Create()

if response.Ok() {
    fmt.Println("New Customer Profile Created #",response.CustomerProfileID)
    fmt.Println("New Customer Payment Profile Created #",response.CustomerPaymentProfileID)
} else {

✅ getCustomerProfileRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "13838",

customerInfo, err := customer.Info()

paymentProfiles := customerInfo.PaymentProfiles()
shippingProfiles := customerInfo.ShippingProfiles()
subscriptions := customerInfo.Subscriptions()

✅ getCustomerProfileIdsRequest

profiles, _ := AuthorizeCIM.GetProfileIds()

✅ updateCustomerProfileRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Profile{
		MerchantCustomerID: "13838",
		CustomerProfileId: "13838",
		Description: "Updated Account",
		Email:       "",

	response := customer.Update()

if response.Ok() {


✅ deleteCustomerProfileRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "13838",

	response, err := customer.Delete()

if response.Ok() {


Customer Payment Profile

✅ createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest

paymentProfile := AuthorizeCIM.CustomerPaymentProfile{
		CustomerProfileID: "32948234232",
		PaymentProfile: PaymentProfile{
			BillTo: BillTo{
				FirstName: "okokk",
				LastName: "okok",
				Address: "1111 white ct",
				City: "los angeles",
				Country: "USA",
				PhoneNumber: "8885555555",
			Payment: Payment{
				CreditCard: CreditCard{
					CardNumber: "5424000000000015",
					ExpirationDate: "04/22",
			DefaultPaymentProfile: "true",

response, err := paymentProfile.Add()

if response.Ok() {

} else {

✅ getCustomerPaymentProfileRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "3923482487",

response, err := customer.Info()

paymentProfiles := response.PaymentProfiles()

✅ getCustomerPaymentProfileListRequest

profileIds := AuthorizeCIM.GetPaymentProfileIds("2017-03","cardsExpiringInMonth")

✅ validateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest

customerProfile := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "127723778",
		PaymentID: "984583934",

response, err := customerProfile.Validate()

if response.Ok() {


✅ updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Profile{
		CustomerProfileId:  "3838238293",
		PaymentProfileId: "83929382739",
		Email:              "",
		PaymentProfiles: &PaymentProfiles{
			Payment: Payment{
				CreditCard: CreditCard{
					CardNumber: "4007000000027",
					ExpirationDate: "01/26",
			BillTo: &BillTo{
				FirstName:   "newname",
				LastName:    "golang",
				Address:     "2841 purple ct",
				City:        "los angeles",
				State:		  "CA",
				Zip:            "93939",
				Country:     "USA",
				PhoneNumber: "8885555555",

response, err := customer.UpdatePaymentProfile()

if response.Ok() {
    fmt.Println("Customer Payment Profile was Updated")
} else {

✅ deleteCustomerPaymentProfileRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "3724823472",
		PaymentID: "98238472349",

response, err := customer.DeletePaymentProfile()

if response.Ok() {
    fmt.Println("Payment Profile was Deleted")
} else {

Customer Shipping Profile

✅ createCustomerShippingAddressRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Profile{
		MerchantCustomerID: "86437",
		CustomerProfileId:  "7832642387",
		Email:              "",
		Shipping: &Address{
			FirstName:   "My",
			LastName:    "Name",
			Company:     "none",
			Address:     "1111 yellow ave.",
			City:        "Los Angeles",
			State:       "CA",
			Zip:         "92039",
			Country:     "USA",
			PhoneNumber: "8885555555",

response, err := customer.CreateShipping()

if response.Ok() {
    fmt.Println("New Shipping Added: #",response.CustomerAddressID)
} else {

✅ getCustomerShippingAddressRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "3842934233",

response, err := customer.Info()

shippingProfiles := response.ShippingProfiles()

fmt.Println("Customer Shipping Profiles", shippingProfiles)

✅ updateCustomerShippingAddressRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Profile{
		CustomerProfileId:  "398432389",
		CustomerAddressId: "848388438",
		Shipping: &Address{
			FirstName:   "My",
			LastName:    "Name",
			Company:     "none",
			Address:     "1111 yellow ave.",
			City:        "Los Angeles",
			State:       "CA",
			Zip:         "92039",
			Country:     "USA",
			PhoneNumber: "8885555555",

response, err := customer.UpdateShippingProfile()

if response.Ok() {
    fmt.Println("Shipping Profile was updated")

✅ deleteCustomerShippingAddressRequest

customer := AuthorizeCIM.Customer{
		ID: "128749382",
		ShippingID: "34892734829",

	response, err := customer.DeleteShippingProfile()

	if response.Ok() {
		fmt.Println("Shipping Profile was Deleted")
	} else {

◻️ getHostedProfilePageRequest

◻️ createCustomerProfileFromTransactionRequest

Transaction Reporting

✅ getSettledBatchListRequest

list := AuthorizeCIM.Range{
		Start: LastWeek(),
		End:   Now(),

batches := list.SettledBatch().List()

for _, v := range batches {
    t.Log("Batch ID: ", v.BatchID, "\n")
    t.Log("Payment Method: ", v.PaymentMethod, "\n")
    t.Log("State: ", v.SettlementState, "\n")

✅ getUnSettledBatchListRequest

batches := AuthorizeCIM.UnSettledBatch().List()

for _, v := range batches {
    t.Log("Status: ",v.TransactionStatus, "\n")
    t.Log("Amount: ",v.Amount, "\n")
    t.Log("Transaction ID: #",v.TransID, "\n")

✅ getTransactionListRequest

list := AuthorizeCIM.Range{
		BatchId: "6933560",

batches := list.Transactions().List()

for _, v := range batches {
    t.Log("Transaction ID: ", v.TransID, "\n")
    t.Log("Amount: ", v.Amount, "\n")
    t.Log("Account: ", v.AccountNumber, "\n")

✅ getTransactionDetails

oldTransaction := AuthorizeCIM.PreviousTransaction{
		RefId: "60019493304",
response := oldTransaction.Info()

fmt.PrintLn("Transaction Status: ",response.TransactionStatus,"\n")

✅ getBatchStatistics

list := AuthorizeCIM.Range{
		BatchId: "6933560",

batch := list.Statistics()

fmt.PrintLn("Refund Count: ", batch.RefundCount, "\n")
fmt.PrintLn("Charge Count: ", batch.ChargeCount, "\n")
fmt.PrintLn("Void Count: ", batch.VoidCount, "\n")
fmt.PrintLn("Charge Amount: ", batch.ChargeAmount, "\n")
fmt.PrintLn("Refund Amount: ", batch.RefundAmount, "\n")

✅ getMerchantDetails

info := AuthorizeCIM.GetMerchantDetails()

fmt.PrintLn("Test Mode: ", info.IsTestMode, "\n")
fmt.PrintLn("Merchant Name: ", info.MerchantName, "\n")
fmt.PrintLn("Gateway ID: ", info.GatewayID, "\n")


  • Organize and refactor some areas
  • Add Bank Account Support
  • Make tests fail if transactions fail (skipping 'duplicate transaction') CIM Documentation Sandbox Access


This golang package is release under MIT license. Feel free to submit a Pull Request if you have updates!

This software gets reponses in JSON, but currently says "JSON Support is in BETA, please contact us if you intend to use it in production." Make sure you test in sandbox mode!

About CIM, AIM, and ARB Functions for Go Language







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