This repository contains the source code for the experimental Death Knight Next Action Guide.
You can create your own rotation with minimal LUA knowledge.
After importing the NAG you can find the individual rotations under "Next action group":
Inside it you can expand "Trigger 1", where you find the code for the rotation, which is usually around 20-30 lines. This is a direct translation of the wowsims APL rotation that you can modify. Here are some examples:
The rotation is a single logical condition that keeps executing until it finds a spell that can be cast. If a major cooldown is found then it is suggested on the left side of the WeakAura, but the logical condition keeps running until a regular spell is found that can be cast. The example above in code looks like this:
return (not aura_env.DotIsActive(spells.FrostFever) and aura_env.Cast(spells.IcyTouch))
or (not aura_env.DotIsActive(spells.BloodPlague) and aura_env.Cast(spells.PlagueStrike))
or (aura_env.DotRemainingTime(spells.FrostFever) < 1.5 and aura_env.DotIsActive(spells.FrostFever) and aura_env.Cast(spells.Pestilence))