JankMonitor is a lightweight, highly scalable component for detecting UI Jank on Android. It is detected based on Choreographer.FrameCallback and Looper.Printer
//support UnitFrameCallback SkipFrameCallback DropFrameCallback AverageFrameCallback UnitFrameCallback callback = new UnitFrameCallback(1000); callback.setOnUnitFrameFunc(mListener);// setListener ChoreographerManager.INSTANCE.start(callback); // get start //support custom extends BaseFrameCallback BaseFrameCallback callback = new BaseFrameCallback() { @Override public void onDoFrame(long frameTimeNanos) { Log.i(TAG, "onDoFrame: custom base frame callback"); } };
- Complete the Demo and Usage
- Complete the Data-Adapter-Layer with Chain of Responsibility
- Unit Test
- Documents in blog post: the introduce of Smoothness and JankMonitor
- Method Cost Trace Feature