Authorisation is a simple Springboot microservice implementing spring cloud security, authentication, authorization with jwt tokens.
This project requires the following;
- Java 11 or greater
- Maven 3.6 or greater
- [Mysql 8]
$ git clone
$ cd Authorisation
$ mvn clean install
for troubleshooting purposes if build fails when building the project,
try building and skipping tests withmvn clean install -DskipTests
- create a mysql database called security_db Authorisatoin requires a springcloud config service, and eureka discovery service to run, so if you already feel confortable with these concepts, feel free to add the following properties file [sample properties file] ( to your config service config file location. Update the application properties file to then point to your config and eureka address.
If you are not confortable with spring cloud then do the following;
- replace the content of the file found here /src/main/resources/ with [sample properties file] ( to
- replace YOUR_USERNAME and YOUR_USERNAME with your appropriate mysql database username and password respectively.
- comment out the following dependencies in the pom file
- comment out the
anotation in the AuthApplication main file.
Authorisation requires the following to have been set in the database in t_paramters
$mvn spring-boot:run
This should launch the project with a swagger documentation accessible at http://${host}:${port}/swagger-ui.html