Yet Another xDelta Patcher
YADP is the first front end for xDelta3 running on Linux.
Actually YADP is able to patch ROMS without any problems.
Before starting you need to install:
yad, xdelta3 and awk
apt-get install yad xdelta3 awk
yad is officially in the repository of Debian starting from Debian 9 so if you are running a version of debian <= 8 you have to compile it from source, go to and download the latest source version.
yad depends on libgtk3-dev initltool so make sure they are installed.
tar xf yad-x.x.x.tar.xz && cd yad-x.x.x
make && sudo make install
Or, if you don't like or are not able to compile just download and install the pre-compiled package from here:
After solving the dependencies just clone the repo
git clone
cd YADP && chmod +x YADP
and double click on the YADP file to run it.