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Nibodhika edited this page May 8, 2019 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the vtmv5-bot wiki!


A word about parameters before listing the commands, A parameter can be either <required>, [optional=default value] or {GM only}

A parameter "who" means the name of the player. If you use discord mentions as names (which is the recommended way), e.g "!hunger @Nibodhika", do notice that the message does not receive "@Nibodhika" as you would expect, but instead "<@123456789>" which is the id of the user, so if you want to send messages in private to the bot about someone first you got to discover his id which you can do by enabling developer mode as explained here. If this parameter is not passed it will use the author of the message (which is why it's ideal to use mentions as name), so players can use the command without having to specify for which player they're asking the information, e.g. if player @A sends the command "!hunger" it will be the same output as if other player sends "!hunger @A"

Whenever a parameter ends with ... it means that it joins all of the remaining parameters into that one


Below you can see a list of commands each with it's own page with a more thorough documentation

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