Simpler roller coaster, programmed in Dart, using three.dart, and rendering for WebGL.
Live demo: Project source:
- Download the Dart editor at:
- Download, and import, the source for this project.
- Run! :D
- In the rider
- T = Toggles between First person/Chase Camera/Free Camera (WASDQE and mouse look, right mouse forward, left mouse backward)
- In the editor
- Click on a cube face to move the cube in the direction of the face normal.
- While dragging a cube, press D, to duplicate the cube.
- While dragging a cube, press delete, to delete the cube.
Herique Polido:
- Coaster spline calculation
- Rail mesh creation
- Rail editor
- Chase Camera
- Part of coaster rider
- Fixed numerous bugs in the Three.dart library
Andrew Feeney:
- Cart Controller
- Energy based velocity
- Force calculations
- SparkParticleHandler
- SparkParticle
- Third Person camera in CoasterRider
- Spark Particle System handling in CoasterRider