This repository houses a basic MERN-Stack application built with Docker, and its initialized to use docker-compose to run the API, MongoDB, React, and Jenkins in their own containers respectively.
The goal of this project is to apply Jenkins and a CI pipeline directly to a feasibly functional MERN Stack application with success.
--Steps to Run The Application----
Clone or Download the Repository off of the Main Branch.
Open the Project Folder in your Code editor or Navigate there using terminal.
Enter both of the api and ui folders and run npm install.
Ensure Docker is installed along with the extension for docker to make the process easier.
In a terminal window run the following command " docker-compose up --build ".
Check localhost:3000 to see React | check localhost:8080 to see Jenkins.
Now, you will setup Jenkins and Install all of the plugins using the link: localhost:8080
Finally, you will setup your CI pipeline directly to your github remote repository : ) --There are guides on YouTube to complete step 8. MERNDOCKERV0.0.1