These are my dotfiles there are many like them, but these ones are mine!
Just clone the repository or get a zip and copy the files to your home directory (~/ for linux users).
You're going to need the programs the dotfiles interact with. I recommend looking them up and following their instructions, I use Arch Linux so the links are to that wiki.
The .pacman_packages are packages that I installed through pacman(Arch Linux package manager), but some were obtained through AUR (that's what yay helps with).
The .pip_packages are the packages I installed through python's pip.
Compositor- Wayland
Windows Manager- Sway
Terminal- Alacritty
Shell- Zsh
Text Editor- Emacs
Just clone the repository or get a zip and copy the files to your home directory (~/ for linux users).
If you're system doesn't explode you succeeded. I guess the test is if you're going to buy a new computer or not.
If your terminal is all funky take a gander at Powerlevel9k, it probably has to do with an undownloaded font (I prefer the nerd fonts).