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This package facilitates the simultaneous simulation of multiple cellular compartments each with their own target population size and potentially also sub-compartments with differential fitness (driver compartments).

Simulate from Zygote for 1 year and subsample tree

##Initialise with seed (R and rsimpop separately)
initSimPop(SEED,bForce = TRUE)
##Setup a single compartment with a target pop of 50K
cfg=getDefaultConfig(target_pop_size  = 5e4,ndriver = 1,basefit = 0.2,rate = 0.1)
#> $compartment
#>   val rate popsize      desc
#> 1   0 -1.0       1  outgroup
#> 2   1  0.1   50000 cellType1
#> $info
#>   val population fitness id driver1
#> 1   0          0       0  0       0
#> 2   1          0       0  0       0
#> $drivers
#>   val driver fitness
#> 1   1      1       0
##Simulate for 2years..
#> n_sim_days: 730
#> b_stop_if_empty: 0
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 1
#> maxt: 0
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 1460 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003
##Look at the population size trajectory

##Subsample tree
#> Starting checking the validity of tmp...
#> Found number of tips: n = 101 
#> Found number of nodes: m = 100 
#> Done.
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.
plot_tree(sampledtree1,cex.label = 0.5)
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.
title("Sampled Zygote Tree: Division Tree")

Notice how the sampled tree has 101 tips rather than the specified 100. This is because the simulator now always maintains an inactive outgroup (here s1). A group is rendered inactive by specifying a negative "rate" in the cfg$compartment dataframe. The tree branch lengths are now given in terms of the number of self renewal divisions. This allows the user to flexibly apply their own mutation acquisition model:

#> function (tree, mutrateperdivision = NULL, backgroundrate = NULL, 
#>     odf = 1) 
#> {
#>     N = length(tree$tip.label) + 1
#>     L = length(tree$edge.length)
#>     TT = max(tree$timestamp)
#>     idx.child = match(tree$edge[, 2], tree$edge[, 1])
#>     duration = ifelse(, TT - tree$tBirth, tree$tBirth[idx.child] - 
#>         tree$tBirth)
#>     duration[which(tree$state == 0)] = 0
#>     if (!is.null(mutrateperdivision)) {
#>         if (odf > 1) {
#>             tree$edge.length = sapply(tree$ndiv, function(n) sum(rpois(n, 
#>                 mutrateperdivision))) + get_nb(n = L, meanmuts = backgroundrate * 
#>                 duration, od = odf)
#>         }
#>         else {
#>             tree$edge.length = sapply(tree$ndiv, function(n) sum(rpois(n, 
#>                 mutrateperdivision))) + rpois(L, backgroundrate * 
#>                 duration)
#>         }
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         tree$edge.length = duration
#>     }
#>     tree
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7fc324f0c288>
#> <environment: namespace:rsimpop>
plot_tree(sampledtree1m,cex.label = 0.5);title("Sampled Zygote Tree: Mutation Tree")
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Actually this illustrates a potential problem with the outgroup sample still having a acquired mutations because it has a finite duration (0 to 365 days)..

The changes between compartments is specified in a separate data.frame, tree$events , that is maintained and updated by the simulator.

t1=plot_tree(sampledtree1m,cex.label = 0.5);title("Sampled Zygote Tree: Mutation Tree")

#>   value driverid node ts
#> 1     0        0    1  0
#> 2     1        0  103  0

Notice how the events dataframe specifies the compartment for the outgroup and the rest of the tree.

We can introduce another cell compartment as follows:

cfg=addCellCompartment(cfg,population = 5e4,rate=1/50,ndriver=1,descr="MyTissue",basefit = 0.3)
cfg$compartment$rate[2]=1/120  ## change the rate of compartment 1
#>    value driverid node       ts
#> 1      0        0    1   0.0000
#> 2      1        0  103   0.0000
#> 3      2        0    4 135.4454
#> 4      2        0    8 135.4454
#> 5      2        0   11 135.4454
#> 6      2        0   14 135.4454
#> 7      2        0   38 135.4454
#> 8      2        0   54 135.4454
#> 9      2        0   80 135.4454
#> 10     2        0   81 135.4454
#> 11     2        0   90 135.4454
#> 12     2        0   96 135.4454

Each branch carries its final compartment membership in the "state" vector.

sampledtree1a$color = c("grey","black","red")[sampledtree1a$state+1]
plot_tree(sampledtree1a,cex.label = 0.5);title("Highlights branches with compartment changes")
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

The above plot does not capture the situation when compartment changes take place mid-branch - so alternatively we can better visualise the situation using the built in function plot_tree_events


#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  2:0 #4DAF4A  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  2:0 #4DAF4A  19
#>    value driverid node       ts fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1      0        0    1   0.0000       0 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2      1        0  103   0.0000       0 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3      2        0    4 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  11
#> 4      2        0    8 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  16
#> 5      2        0   11 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  24
#> 6      2        0   14 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  31
#> 7      2        0   38 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  79
#> 8      2        0   54 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 110
#> 9      2        0   80 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 161
#> 10     2        0   81 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 165
#> 11     2        0   90 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 182
#> 12     2        0   96 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 193
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

We've already updated the config with the target population sizes and division rates, so we're ready to simulate:

#> n_sim_days: 3650
#> b_stop_if_empty: 0
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 135.445371986415
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 7300 
#> MAX_SIZE= 300003

#> Starting checking the validity of tmp...
#> Found number of tips: n = 101 
#> Found number of nodes: m = 100 
#> Done.
plot_tree_events(sampledtree2,cex.label = 0.5)

#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  2:0 #4DAF4A  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  2:0 #4DAF4A  19
#>   value driverid node       ts fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1   0.0000       0 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  103   0.0000       0 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     2        0  107 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19   6
#> 4     2        0  122 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  37
#> 5     2        0  137 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  68
#> 6     2        0  144 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19  78
#> 7     2        0  170 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 133
#> 8     2        0  188 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 169
#> 9     2        0  196 135.4454       0 2:0 #4DAF4A  19 186
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Selection based simulation

Here we are interested in the simple situation of one cellular compartment with multiple sub-compartments.

#> function (initial_division_rate = 0.1, final_division_rate = 1/365, 
#>     target_pop_size = 1e+05, nyears_driver_acquisition = 15, 
#>     nyears = 40, fitness = 0.2, minprop = 0.001, mindriver = 1, 
#>     maxtry = 40) 
#> {
#>     cfg = getDefaultConfig(target_pop_size, rate = initial_division_rate, 
#>         ndriver = 1, basefit = fitness)
#>     params = list(n_sim_days = nyears_driver_acquisition * 365, 
#>         b_stop_at_pop_size = 1, b_stop_if_empty = 0)
#>     growthphase = sim_pop(NULL, params = params, cfg)
#>     ndivkeep = 0
#>     mdivkeep = 0
#>     gdivkeep = 0
#>     tree0 = get_tree_from_simpop(growthphase)
#>     if (growthphase$status == 0) {
#>         tree1 = tree0
#>         params[["n_sim_days"]] = nyears * 365
#>         params[["b_stop_if_empty"]] = 1
#>         dc = 0
#>         tries = 0
#>         tree1_tmp = tree1
#>         while (dc < max(minprop * target_pop_size, mindriver)) {
#>             if (tries >= maxtry) {
#>                 return(NULL)
#>             }
#>             cat("No driver found: tries=", tries, "\n")
#>             tries = tries + 1
#>             tree1_tmp = addDriverEvent(tree1, tree1$cfg, 1, fitness = fitness)
#>             print(tree1_tmp$cfg$info)
#>             params[["b_stop_at_pop_size"]] = 1
#>             adult2 = sim_pop(tree1_tmp, params = params, tree1_tmp$cfg)
#>             adult2a = combine_simpops(growthphase, adult2)
#>             tree2 = get_tree_from_simpop(adult2a)
#>             params[["b_stop_at_pop_size"]] = 0
#>             cfg = tree2$cfg
#>             cfg$compartment$rate[2] = final_division_rate
#>             cfg$compartment$popsize[2] = target_pop_size
#>             adult2 = sim_pop(tree2, params = params, cfg)
#>             adult2 = combine_simpops(adult2a, adult2)
#>             dc = adult2$cfg$info$population[3]
#>         }
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         gdivkeep = mean(nodeHeights(tree0)[which(tree0$edge[, 
#>             2] <= length(tree0$tip.label)), 2])
#>         cfg$compartment$rate[2] = final_division_rate
#>         cfg$compartment$popsize[2] = target_pop_size
#>         years = nyears
#>         params[["n_sim_days"]] = nyears_driver_acquisition * 
#>             365
#>         params[["b_stop_at_pop_size"]] = 0
#>         adult1 = sim_pop(tree0, params = params, cfg)
#>         adult1 = combine_simpops(growthphase, adult1)
#>         tree1 = get_tree_from_simpop(adult1)
#>         params[["n_sim_days"]] = nyears * 365
#>         params[["b_stop_if_empty"]] = 1
#>         dc = 0
#>         tries = 0
#>         tree1_tmp = tree1
#>         while (dc < max(minprop * target_pop_size, mindriver)) {
#>             if (tries >= maxtry) {
#>                 return(NULL)
#>             }
#>             cat("No driver found: tries=", tries, "\n")
#>             tries = tries + 1
#>             tree1_tmp = addDriverEvent(tree1, tree1$cfg, 1, fitness = fitness)
#>             if (TRUE) {
#>                 ndivkeep = nodeHeights(tree1_tmp)[which(tree1_tmp$edge[, 
#>                   2] == tree1_tmp$events$node[3]), 2]
#>                 mdivkeep = mean(nodeHeights(tree1_tmp)[which(tree1_tmp$edge[, 
#>                   2] <= length(tree1_tmp$tip.label)), 2])
#>             }
#>             print(tree1_tmp$cfg$info)
#>             adult2 = sim_pop(tree1_tmp, params = params, tree1_tmp$cfg)
#>             dc = adult2$cfg$info$population[3]
#>         }
#>         adult2 = combine_simpops(adult1, adult2)
#>     }
#>     fulltree = get_tree_from_simpop(adult2)
#>     fulltree$tries = tries
#>     fulltree$ndivkeep = ndivkeep
#>     fulltree$mdivkeep = mdivkeep
#>     fulltree$gdivkeep = gdivkeep
#>     return(fulltree)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7fc3273dac40>
#> <environment: namespace:rsimpop>
selsim=run_selection_sim(0.05,1/(2*190),target_pop_size = 5e4,nyears = 50,fitness=0.3)
#> n_sim_days: 5475
#> b_stop_if_empty: 0
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 1
#> maxt: 0
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 10950 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> n_sim_days: 5475
#> b_stop_if_empty: 0
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 240.331789311844
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 10950 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> No driver found: tries= 0 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      49997     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.3  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 18250
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00896292192
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 36500 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> No driver found: tries= 1 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      49997     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.3  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 18250
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00896292192
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 36500 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> No driver found: tries= 2 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      49997     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.3  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 18250
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00896292192
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 36500 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> No driver found: tries= 3 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      49997     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.3  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 18250
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00896292192
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 36500 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> No driver found: tries= 4 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      49997     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.3  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 18250
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00896292192
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 36500 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> No driver found: tries= 5 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      49997     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.3  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 18250
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00896292192
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 36500 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      30761     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1      19199     0.3  1       1

Plot a sampled tree

#> Starting checking the validity of tmp...
#> Found number of tips: n = 101 
#> Found number of nodes: m = 100 
#> Done.
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1         57     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1         43     0.3  1       1
plot_tree_events(seltree100,cex.label = 0);title("Selection Based Tree: Branch Length=#Self Renewal Divisions")
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   value driverid node       ts fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1    0.000     0.0 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  103    0.000     0.0 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     1        1  141 5475.009     0.3 1:1 #4DAF4A  19  76
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

tree=plot_tree_events(seltree100rt,cex.label = 0);title("Selection Based Tree: Branch Length=#Real Time")
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   value driverid node       ts fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1    0.000     0.0 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  103    0.000     0.0 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     1        1  141 5475.009     0.3 1:1 #4DAF4A  19  76

plot_tree_events(seltree100m,cex.label = 0.5);title("Selection Based Tree: Branch Length=#Mutations")
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   value driverid node       ts fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1    0.000     0.0 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  103    0.000     0.0 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     1        1  141 5475.009     0.3 1:1 #4DAF4A  19  76
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

plot_tree_events(seltree100m2,cex.label = 0.5);title("Selection Based Tree: Branch Length=#Mutations v2")
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#>   value driverid node       ts fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1    0.000     0.0 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  103    0.000     0.0 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     1        1  141 5475.009     0.3 1:1 #4DAF4A  19  76
#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Transient selection

#> function (initial_division_rate, final_division_rate, target_pop_size = 1e+05, 
#>     nyears_driver_acquisition = 15, nyears_transient_end = 30, 
#>     nyears = 40, fitness = 0.2, minprop = 0.05) 
#> {
#>     selsim = run_selection_sim(initial_division_rate, final_division_rate, 
#>         target_pop_size, nyears_driver_acquisition, nyears_transient_end, 
#>         fitness, minprop)
#>     cfg = selsim$cfg
#>     cfg$info$fitness[3] = 0
#>     params = selsim$params
#>     params[["n_sim_days"]] = nyears * 365
#>     params[["maxt"]] = NULL
#>     final = sim_pop(selsim, params = params, cfg)
#>     final = combine_simpops(selsim, final)
#>     return(get_tree_from_simpop(final))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7fc324cd0448>
#> <environment: namespace:rsimpop>
tselsim=run_transient_selection(0.05,1/(2*190),target_pop_size = 5e4,nyears_driver_acquisition=15,
#> n_sim_days: 5475
#> b_stop_if_empty: 0
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 1
#> maxt: 0
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 10950 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> n_sim_days: 5475
#> b_stop_if_empty: 0
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 204.673380003515
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 10950 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150003 
#> No driver found: tries= 0 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      50008     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.5  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 10950
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00064593374
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 21900 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150030 
#> No driver found: tries= 1 
#>    val population fitness id driver1
#> 1    0          1     0.0  0       0
#> 2    1      50008     0.0  0       0
#> 21   1          1     0.5  1       1
#> n_sim_days: 10950
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 5475.00064593374
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 21900 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150030 
#> n_sim_days: 18250
#> b_stop_if_empty: 1
#> b_stop_at_pop_size: 0
#> maxt: 10950.0037261434
#> driver_rate_per_cell_per_day: 0
#> MAX_EVENTS= 36500 
#> MAX_SIZE= 150078
#> Error in get_subsampled_tree(seltree, 200): object 'seltree' not found
#> Error in get_elapsed_time_tree(tseltree200): object 'tseltree200' not found

Neutral simulation with a trajectory

Create a trajectory dataframe with 3 columns (ts,target_pop_size,division_rate) and simulate using the run_neutral_trajectory wrapper function. Note that timestamps and rates are expressed in units of days and expected divisions per day respectively.

#>     ts target_pop_size division_rate
#> 1  365           50100   0.002631579
#> 2  730           50200   0.002631579
#> 3 1095           50300   0.002631579
#> 4 1460           50400   0.002631579
#> 5 1825          101000   0.002631579
#> 6 2190          101200   0.002631579

#> Starting checking the validity of tmp...
#> Found number of tips: n = 101 
#> Found number of nodes: m = 100 
#> Done.
plot_tree(get_elapsed_time_tree(st),cex.label = 0)

#> Phylogenetic tree with 101 tips and 100 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Multiple drivers

Multiple drivers can be generated at a specified rate so the waiting time between events is exponentially distributed.

Firstly the user need to create a function that draws a selection coefficient from a distibution. The simulator isn't optimised to maintain 100s of variants at once - so it is suggested that a minumum selective coefficient be specified (say 0.05) and driver incidence made correspondingly rarer.

##Function to generate exponential distribution based fitness
  function() rtrunc(n=1,a=fitness_threshold, b=Inf,"exp",rate=rate)
hist(sapply(1:100000,function(i) exp(fitnessExpFn())-1),breaks=seq(0,100,0.01),xlim=c(0,1),xlab="Selective Coefficient Per Year",main="Sampled Selective Cofficent Distribution")

Now run the sim:

dps=run_driver_process_sim(0.1,1/(2*190),target_pop_size = 1e5,nyears = 80,fitness=fitnessExpFn,drivers_per_year = 1)

Look at the final per driver counts

print(dps$cfg$info %>% filter(population>0))
#>    val population    fitness id driver1 driver2 driver3 driver4 driver5 driver6
#> 1    0          1 0.00000000  0       0       0       0       0       0       0
#> 2    1      93866 0.00000000  0       0       0       0       0       0       0
#> 25   1        263 0.08728257  5       0       0       0       0       1       0
#> 21   1       3311 0.08732078  1       1       0       0       0       0       0
#> 22   1       2209 0.17231742  2       0       1       0       0       0       0
#> 24   1        306 0.09552229  4       0       0       0       1       0       0
#> 23   1          7 0.08731113  3       0       0       1       0       0       0
#> 29   1         44 0.08031019  9       0       0       0       0       0       0
#> 26   1          9 0.10452876  6       0       0       0       0       0       1
#>    driver7 driver8 driver9 driver10
#> 1        0       0       0        0
#> 2        0       0       0        0
#> 25       0       0       0        0
#> 21       0       0       0        0
#> 22       0       0       0        0
#> 24       0       0       0        0
#> 23       0       0       0        0
#> 29       0       0       1        0
#> 26       0       0       0        0

Plot an example sampled tree

#> Starting checking the validity of tmp...
#> Found number of tips: n = 201 
#> Found number of nodes: m = 200 
#> Done.

#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#> 4  1:2 #984EA3  19
#> 5  1:4 #FF7F00  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#> 4  1:2 #984EA3  19
#> 5  1:4 #FF7F00  19
#>   value driverid node        ts    fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1     0.000 0.00000000 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  203     0.000 0.00000000 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     1        1  400  9642.521 0.08732078 1:1 #4DAF4A  19 396
#> 4     1        2  220 15716.871 0.17231742 1:2 #984EA3  19  29
#> 5     1        4   42 20278.195 0.09552229 1:4 #FF7F00  19  84
#> Phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.
dpst=get_elapsed_time_tree(dpst,mutrateperdivision = 1,backgroundrate = 19/365)

#>       uval     col pch
#> 1 0:0:0.00 #E41A1C  19
#> 2 1:0:0.00 #377EB8  19
#> 3 1:1:0.09 #4DAF4A  19
#> 4 1:2:0.17 #984EA3  19
#> 5 1:4:0.10 #FF7F00  19
#>       uval     col pch
#> 1 0:0:0.00 #E41A1C  19
#> 2 1:0:0.00 #377EB8  19
#> 3 1:1:0.09 #4DAF4A  19
#> 4 1:2:0.17 #984EA3  19
#> 5 1:4:0.10 #FF7F00  19
#>   value driverid node        ts    fitness      key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1     0.000 0.00000000 0:0:0.00 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  203     0.000 0.00000000 1:0:0.00 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     1        1  400  9642.521 0.08732078 1:1:0.09 #4DAF4A  19 396
#> 4     1        2  220 15716.871 0.17231742 1:2:0.17 #984EA3  19  29
#> 5     1        4   42 20278.195 0.09552229 1:4:0.10 #FF7F00  19  84
#> Phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Continue simulating the same individual until the age of 90

dps90=continue_driver_process_sim(dps,90,fitnessGen = fitnessExpFn)

Note the driver ids are reused once they become extinct so there is no guarantee that they are preserved between runs.

#> Starting checking the validity of tmp...
#> Found number of tips: n = 201 
#> Found number of nodes: m = 200 
#> Done.

#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#> 4  1:2 #984EA3  19
#> 5  1:4 #FF7F00  19
#>   uval     col pch
#> 1  0:0 #E41A1C  19
#> 2  1:0 #377EB8  19
#> 3  1:1 #4DAF4A  19
#> 4  1:2 #984EA3  19
#> 5  1:4 #FF7F00  19
#>   value driverid node        ts    fitness key     col pch idx
#> 1     0        0    1     0.000 0.00000000 0:0 #E41A1C  19   1
#> 2     1        0  203     0.000 0.00000000 1:0 #377EB8  19   2
#> 3     1        1  380  9642.521 0.08732078 1:1 #4DAF4A  19 355
#> 4     1        2  216 15716.871 0.17231742 1:2 #984EA3  19  22
#> 5     1        4  250 20278.195 0.09552229 1:4 #FF7F00  19  94
#> Phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>  s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.


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