An extension for the ShopGuiPlus plugin that allows you to create commands to sell items from specific categories directly.
- Java version 17
- Paper 1.20+ (Tested on 1.20.2).
- Depends on the plugins ShopGui+ and Vault
When the plugin is started, a new folder called ShopGuiSellExtension is created under plugins. A configuration for commands and messages can be found in this folder.
In the command configuration, you can register commands with which the player can sell all items from his inventory for a ShopGui category. To create a new command, simply add the following code below the commands
section and customize your details.
- "alias1"
- "alias2"
- "alias3"
description: "Command description."
permission: ""
- "first shopgui shop id"
- "second shopgui shop id"
The message configuration supports the mini message format. You can view all messages directly in the file.