Crack hashes hashed with the FNV-1a algorithm without full brute force
Huge thank you to ConnorM for his incredible writeup and writing the original python proof of concept of which this is based off of. He does some incredible work with cryptography and his writeups are worth a read.
This project requires the following libraries:
- mpfr
- gmp
- fplll
NOTE: This project uses the fplll library which does not support Windows. If you are looking to use this on Windows, look into WSL.
Run the following commands to get started
git clone
cd fnv-hash-cracking
If you do not have the fplll library installed, run the following
chmod +x scripts/
sudo scripts/
To compile the sample script, run the following
make build
The binary will be output in the build/
To compile and run the sample script, run the following
make run