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GitHub Actions / Unit Tests
Apr 30, 2024 in 1s
261 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ unit.test.json
265 tests were completed in 26s with 261 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ test/model/indirect_object_table_test.dart
IndirectObjectTable tests
✅ Test add object
✅ Test resolve object reference
✅ Test resolve direct object
✅ Test find entry in xref
✅ test/model/pdf_catalog_test.dart
PDFDocumentCatalog tests Metadata tests
✅ Test read version
✅ Test read language
PDFDocumentCatalog tests Outline tests
✅ Test read outlines
PDFDocumentCatalog tests Pages tests
✅ Test read pages
✅ test/model/pdf_document_test.dart
✅ Test get catalog
✅ test/model/pdf_outline_test.dart
PDFOutline tests
✅ Test default goto creator
✅ Test unknown action type
✅ Test default creator unhandled
✅ Test override goto creator
✅ test/model/pdf_page_node_test.dart
PDFPageNode tests
✅ Test get or inherited gets self first
✅ Test gets from parent
✅ Test get dictionary
✅ Test get contents tries to resolve
✅ Test get contents does not resolve to parent
✅ Test supports single content stream
✅ Test supports multiple content streams
✅ Test contentStream returns first stream when multiple are defined
✅ Test get resources tries to resolve
✅ test/model/pdf_page_object_node_test.dart
PDFPageObjectNode tests
✅ Test get media box from parent
✅ Test media box malformed
✅ Test media box inverted
✅ test/model/pdf_page_tree_node_test.dart
PDFPageTreeNode tests
✅ Test length
✅ Test length empty
✅ Test get index
✅ test/model/pdf_pages_test.dart
PDFPages tests
✅ Test get flat
✅ Test get nested
✅ test/model/pdf_string_test.dart
String to pdf tests Test literal strings
✅ Test simple string
✅ Test empty string
✅ Test string with escapes
String to pdf tests Test hex strings
✅ Test simple string
✅ Test empty string
✅ Test string with escapes
✅ test/model/pdf_types_test.dart
PDF Types tests PDFNUmber tests
✅ Test clone PDFNumber int
✅ Test clone PDFNUmber double
✅ Test toString truncates double to int
✅ Test toString does not truncate double to int
✅ Test toString truncates to int because of trailing zero
✅ Test toInt with int
✅ Test toInt with double
✅ Test toDouble with int
✅ Test toDouble with double
PDF Types tests PDFLiteralString tests
✅ Test codepoints match
✅ Test toString uses asPDFString
✅ Test toString handles escapes
✅ Test equality
✅ Test dart string utf8
✅ Test dart string utf16
✅ Test clone
PDF Types tests PDFHexString tests
✅ Test codepoints match
✅ Test toString uses asPDFString
✅ Test toString handles escapes
✅ Test equality
✅ Test dart string utf8
✅ Test dart string utf16
✅ Test clone
PDF Types tests PDFBoolean tests
✅ Test value
✅ Test toString
✅ Test equality
PDF Types tests PDFNull tests
✅ Test toString
✅ Test equality
PDF Types tests PDFName tests
✅ Test toString
✅ Test value
✅ Test equality
PDF Types tests PDFArray tests
✅ Test length
✅ Test toString
✅ Test write is not allowed
✅ Test resize is not allowed
✅ Test equality is deep
PDF Types tests PDFDictionary tests
✅ Test entries
✅ Test toString
✅ Test index
✅ Test has
PDF Types tests PDFObjectReference tests
✅ Test create reference
✅ Test toString
✅ Test equality
PDF Types tests PDFCommand tests
✅ Test command
✅ Test toString
✅ Test equality
PDF Types tests PDFStreamObject tests
✅ Test create stream offset 0
✅ Test create stream offset 0
✅ Test read without filters
✅ Test read with single filter
✅ Test read with bad filter
✅ Test read with array filter
✅ Test equality
PDF Types tests PDFIndirectObject tests
✅ Test equality
✅ test/parser/indirect_object_parser_test.dart
IndirectObjectParser tests
✅ Test reference exists
✅ Test readObject
✅ Test readObject compressed
✅ test/parser/object_resolver_test.dart
ObjectResolver tests
✅ Test resolve null
✅ Test resolve regular object
✅ Test resolve indirect object
✅ Test resolve indirect object twice
✅ Test resolve known reference
✅ Test resolve read reference
✅ test/parser/pdf_object_parser_test.dart
PDF Object Parser Dictionary parser tests
✅ Test empty dictionary
✅ Test dictionary not keyed by name
✅ Test dictionary invalid ending
✅ Test dictionary missing value
✅ Test dictionary name to name
✅ Test nested dictionary
✅ Test nested dictionary complex
PDF Object Parser Basic parser tests
✅ Test boolean
✅ Test null
✅ Test number
✅ Test command
PDF Object Parser Array parser tests
✅ Test normal
✅ Test mixed
✅ Test mixed nested
✅ Test mixed newlines
✅ Test mixed newlines with comments
PDF Object Parser Object ref parser tests
✅ Test normal
✅ Test ending with comment
PDF Object Parser Strings Literal strings
✅ Test parse normal string
✅ Test parse normal string, nested braces
✅ Test parse normal string, escaped brace
✅ Test parse normal string, bad brace
✅ Test escaping
✅ Test new line in string
PDF Object Parser Stream parser tests
✅ Test empty stream
✅ Test empty stream length indirect
✅ Test stream with data
✅ Test stream extra space, with data
✅ Test startxref keyword having trailing whitespace
PDF Object Parser Strings Hex strings
✅ Test parse hex string
✅ Test parse uneven hex string
✅ Test parse hex with whitespace
✅ Test parse hex string with comments
✅ Test parse hex string without ending delimiter
✅ Test after parse closing bracket is consumed
✅ test/parser/pdf_parser_test.dart
PDFParser tests Parse document
✅ it supports single main xref
PDFParser tests parseTrailer
✅ parses trailer
✅ parser trailer without newline
✅ test/parser/xref_reader_test.dart
XRefReader tests
✅ Test normal xref
✅ Test normal parse into
✅ Test xref eof not found
✅ Test xref indirect trailer
✅ test/utils/buffered_stream_test.dart
FileStream tests
✅ Test single read
✅ Test single read outside range
✅ Test seek inside
✅ Test seek sets position read
✅ Read advances position
✅ Test length
✅ Test peekByte
✅ Test read buffer
✅ Test read buffer overflow
✅ Test read buffer after end
✅ Test fastRead
✅ Test fastRead after end
✅ test/utils/byte_stream_test.dart
ByteStream tests
✅ Test bytestream of fastRead result
✅ Test single read
✅ Test single read outside range
✅ Test seek inside
✅ Test seek sets position read
✅ Read advances position
✅ Test length
✅ Test peekByte
✅ Test read buffer
✅ Test read buffer overflow
✅ Test read buffer after end
✅ Test fastRead
✅ Test fastRead after end
✅ test/utils/cache/lru_map_test.dart
LRUMap tests
✅ Test set items removes old items
✅ Test access items moves them to the front
✅ Test remove items
✅ Test getOrPut items
✅ Test overwrite items removes old items
✅ test/utils/file_stream_test.dart
FileStream tests
✅ Test single read
✅ Test single read outside range
✅ Test seek inside
✅ Test seek sets position read
✅ Read advances position
✅ Test length
✅ Test peekByte
✅ Test read buffer
✅ Test read buffer overflow
✅ Test read buffer after end
✅ Test fastRead
✅ Test fastRead after end
✅ test/utils/filter/ascii_85_decode_filter_test.dart
Filter tests ASCII85DecodeFilter tests
✅ Decoding test
✅ Decoding with zero bytes test
✅ Decoding single character
✅ Decoding two characters
✅ Decoding three characters
✅ test/utils/filter/ascii_hex_decode_filter_test.dart
Filter tests ASCIIHexDecodeFilter tests
✅ Decoding test
✅ Decoding illegal character test
✅ Decoding skip whitespaces test
✅ Decoding of odd stream data
✅ test/utils/filter/dct_decode_filter_test.dart
Filter tests
✅ DCTDecode test
✅ JPXDecode test
✅ test/utils/filter/direct_byte_stream_test.dart
Direct byte stream tests ByteInputStream tests
✅ Test readByte
✅ Test readByte outside range
✅ Test readFully
✅ Test readFully part
✅ Test readFully part to offset
✅ Test read mixed
✅ Test readFully out of range
✅ Test readBytesToInt width 1
✅ Test readBytesToInt width 2
✅ Test readBytesToInt width 3
✅ Test readBytesToInt width 4
Direct byte stream tests ByteOutputStream tests
✅ Test empty zero capacity
✅ Test empty nonzero capacity
✅ Test write
✅ Test write increase capacity
✅ Test writeAll
✅ Test writeAll increase capacity
✅ Test mixed write increase capacity
✅ test/utils/filter/flate_decode_filter_test.dart
Filter tests FlateDecodeFilter tests
✅ Should decode a flate encoded stream
✅ Should decode a flate encoded stream with predictor
✅ test/utils/filter/lzw_decode_filter_test.dart
Filter tests LZWDecodeFilter tests
✅ Decoding test
✅ test/utils/filter/runlength_decode_filter_test.dart
Filter tests RunLengthDecodeFilter tests
✅ Should decode a runlength decode encoded stream
✅ test/utils/filter/unkown_decode_filter_test.dart
Filter tests
✅ Unknown filter test
✅ test/utils/list_extensions_test.dart
List Extensions
✅ Test Uint8List list to Uint8List
✅ Test int list to Uint8List
✅ test/utils/reader_helper_test.dart
Reader helper tests Test read line skip empty
✅ Test normal
✅ Test with comments
✅ EOF is null
✅ No lines is null
Reader helper tests Test read line
✅ Test read line eof returns null
✅ Test read line returns line
Reader helper tests Test read word
✅ Test read word new on lines
✅ Test read word same line
✅ Test read word ended with comments
Reader helper tests From hex
✅ Test bytes from hex
✅ Test illegal hex byte
Reader helper tests Remove comments
✅ Remove comments end of line
✅ Remove comments beginning of line
✅ Does not remove %%EOF
✅ Does not remove %PDF-1.7
✅ Does remove %%EOF if not first
✅ Does remove %PDF-1.7 if not first
Reader helper tests Skip until
✅ It skips until the byte is found
✅ Throws if the byte can not be found
✅ Skips bytes found in comments
Reader helper tests Skip object header
✅ It skips the object header
✅ It skips the object header
✅ It skips the object header
✅ It throws if the object header is not found
✅ It throws if the object header is the last part of the stream
Reader helper tests Test skip until first non-whitespace
✅ Skips spaces until first non whitespace is encountered
✅ Skips newlines until first non whitespace is encountered
✅ Skips carriage returns until first non whitespace is encountered
✅ Skips tabs until first non whitespace is encountered
✅ Skips comments until first non whitespace is encountered
✅ Throws if no non-whitespace character is found
Reader helper tests Test read number
✅ Reads a number
✅ Reads an invalid number
✅ Reads empty number
✅ Reads a number with other tokens
✅ test/utils/stream_test.dart
Readline tests
✅ Test read line normal
✅ Test read carriage return
✅ Test read line no newline
✅ Test read line empty
✅ Test read line, not empty but direct new line
✅ Test read line multiple
✅ Test read line multiple