Open project in Visual Studio by opening .sln file in root directory. Set startup project to EtteplanMORE.ServiceManual.Web and run EtteplanMORE.ServiceManual.Web with the green arrow and dropbox located next to it. If you ran into some problems check that necessary NuGet and correct ASP.NET packages are installed.
SQLite is used in this implementation. Initialisation queries are included in SQL folder and should be ran in following order CreateTables->FactoryDeviceData->ServiceTaskData. Database is already initialised so you shouldn't need to use these queries unless you want to create a new database.
There are 30 FactoryDevices and 10 ServiceTasks in database by default.
Criticality of ServiceTask is stored as integer value in the database. Integer values with corresponding criticality in plain text:
Critical = 1
Important = 2
Mild = 3
In future response could be refactored to use plain text instead of integers to add readability.
Params that can be provided are: Closed (boolean), Criticality (integer), Description (string), TargetId (integer)
TargetId must be provided and there must be FactoryDevice with provided id in database!! Any other parameters don't need to be provided.
Default values for parameters are following:
Criticality = Mild (3)
Description = No description provided.
Closed = False
Route: HTTP POST: api/servicetasks?{PARAMS}
Postman examples:
POST http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks?TargetId=1&Criticality=1&Description=Change nothing&Closed=True
POST http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks?TargetId=1&Criticality=1&Closed=True
POST http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks?TargetId=1
POST http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks?TargetId=3&Criticality=3&Description=This is decription&Closed=False
Route: HTTP GET: api/servicetasks/
Postman example:
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/
Route: HTTP GET: api/servicetasks/target/{id}
Where id is TargetId (id of target device). NOTE: Returns always at least a null JSON object even if the target device doesn't exist. If target is null in response that means ServiceTask has been given FactoryDevice which no longer exists in database.
Postman examples:
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/target/3
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/target/100 // Doesn't Exist! => Null respond
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/target/11
Route: HTTP GET: /api/servicetasks/search?{PARAMS}
Every parameter is optional
Search options:
TaskId: NOTE: If this is given all other params are ignored!
TargetId: Find only for given target
MinCriticality: Finds all with higher or same criticality compared to provided (Critical is highest and Mild lowest)
IssuedBefore: Finds all issued before given date
IssuedAfter: Finds all issued after given date
Closed: Finds all with given closed status. 0 is any, 1 is True and -1 is False
DescContains: Finds all with description containing given substring
Postman examples:
Return task with TaskId 2 (other params are ignored) so 1 and 2 are same request
1. GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=2&TargetId=2&MinCriticality=2&IssuedBefore=2020-01-20&IssuedAfter=2015-01-20&Closed=0&DescContains=Fix something
2. GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=2
Return all tasks with criticality of Important or higher
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?MinCriticality=1
Return all tasks for target with id 11 where criticality is critical
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TargetId=11&MinCriticality=1
Return all closed tasks issued before 01/01/2019
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?Closed=1&IssuedBefore=2019-01-01
Return all open tasks issued between 01/01/2012 and 01/01/2015
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?Closed=-1&IssuedBefore=2015-01-01&IssuedAfter=2012-01-01
Return all tasks where description contains "Check some"
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?DescContains=Check some
Return all open tasks where description contains "Check"
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?Closed=-1&DescContains=Check
Params that can be provided are: TargetId (integer), Criticality (integer), Description (string), Closed (boolean)
Meaning that TaskId and DateIssued can not be changed.
If TargetId is provided there must be FactoryDevice with same id in database. Any parameters don't have to be provided and in that case only Closed status will be updated to False. NOTE: If closed status is not provided it will be set to False by default. Also it isn't checked that ServiceTask exists in first place so you might update something that doesn't exist.
Route: HTTP PUT: api/servicetasks/{id}?{PARAMS}
Where id is TaskId to be updated.
Postman examples:
Update TaskId 2 with new TargetId(1), new Criticality(3=Mild), new Description(Fixed) and new Closed status(True)
PUT http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/2?TargetId=1&Criticality=3&Description=Fixed&Closed=True
Check with get all or following
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=2
Update TaskId 2 with new Criticality(1=Critical) and new Closed status(False)
PUT http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/2?Criticality=1
Check with get all or following
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=2
Update TaskId 3 with new TargetId(1) and new Closed status(True)
PUT http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/3?TargetId=1&Closed=True
Check with get all or following
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=3
Update TaskId 3 with new Closed status(False)
PUT http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/3
Check with get all or following
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=3
Route: HTTP DELETE: api/servicetasks/{id}
Where id is TaskId to remove. NOTE: this does not check if TaskId exists in database!
Postman examples:
DELETE http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/3
Check with get all or following
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=3
DELETE http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/2
Check with get all or following
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=2
DELETE http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/1
Check with get all or following
GET http://localhost:50441/api/servicetasks/search?TaskId=1
There are small amount of UnitTests included for FactoryDeviceService and ServiceTaskService. There is no function for resetting database though so you should re-compile UnitTests if you want to re-run them. If something goes wrong with database you can grab a fresh SMDB.db file from SQL folder and place it to UnitTest folder.
Application core depends on following NuGet packages:
User is not authenticated and/or restricted in any way.
Application is protected against SQLInjection by using DynamicParameters (Dapper).