Application Frameworks : Group Project-Tech_Gang
FrontEnd : REACT JS
BackEnd Server : Node JS,Express JS
Database : Mongo DB
Group Name : Tech_Gang
Project Name:Student Information System
Group Members:
Name1: IT17026826:Kolamunna K.G.T.D
Name2: IT17027298:Fernando N.I.R
Name3: IT17145930:Nilfa M.S.F
Name4: IT17129404:N.J.Pathiranage
1.Download the Project folder
2.Open the Terminal and go to the project folder and type
cd client
3.Then type
npm install
4.All the dependencies in the client folder, pakage.json will be downloaded
5.Now open a new Terminal and go to the project folder and type
1.npm install
11.nodemon server.js ----->Backend Server will be run on Port:5001
6.All the dependencies in the project folder, pakage.json will be downloaded and the Express server, Mongo DB server will be started
7.Now go to the previously open Terminal (in the client folder)and type
npm start
8.Then the Student Information System Application will be deployed in the http://localhost:3000/
Happy Coding by TechGang