UnGui is a lightweight, Dear ImGui-inspired GUI toolkit for Unity, designed to be used with BepInEx plugins. It simplifies the creation and management of UI elements in a window-based system, making it easy to build custom interfaces for your Unity projects.
- Simple and intuitive API for creating and managing windows and UI elements.
- Automatic layout management for sequentially placed elements.
- Customizable button sizes and positions.
- Draggable windows.
- Ensure you have BepInEx installed in your Unity project.
- Create a new BepInEx plugin and add the UnGui class to your project.
In your BepInEx plugin, use the UnGui class to create and manage your GUI elements. Below is an example plugin implementation:
using BepInEx;
using UnityEngine;
[BepInPlugin(PluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)]
public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
private void Awake()
// Hook Component
// Log information
Logger.LogInfo($"Plugin {PluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID} is loaded!");
public class YourModMan : MonoBehaviour
private bool showMenu = true; // Toggle this based on your conditions
private Rect windowRect = new Rect(20, 20, 300, 200); // Set this based on your conditions
private void OnGUI()
if (showMenu)
// Check if there is a currently active window / window creation event
UnGui.Window pWindow = UnGui.GetCurrentWindow();
if (pWindow != null)
// update windowRect to match window class properties
windowRect.size = pWindow.windowRect.size;
// update Window class variable
// Clamp menu to screen bounds
Vector2 pos = pWindow.windowRect.position;
if (UnGui.ClipWindowToScreenBounds(pWindow, ref pos))
windowRect.position = pos;
// Render Menu
windowRect = GUI.Window(0, windowRect, DrawMenuWindow, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME);
private bool bTestToggle = false;
private void DrawMenuWindow(int windowID)
// Begin Window event , just like Dear ImGui
// Early exit if window creation / find fails
if (!UnGui.Begin(windowID, PluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME))
// Get window context
UnGui.Window pWindow = UnGui.GetCurrentWindow();
// Add your GUI elements here
// Example Text
UnGui.Text("This is text inside the window.");
UnGui.Text("This is centered text inside the window.", true);
UnGui.Text("This is colored text inside the window.", Color.green);
// Example Buttons
if (UnGui.Button("Button 1"))
Console.WriteLine("Button 1 clicked!");
if (UnGui.Button("Large Button", new Vector2(UnGui.GetContentRegionAvail().x, UnGui.CalcTextHeight("Large Button"))))
Console.WriteLine("Large Button clicked!");
string label = "Color Button";
Vector2 szText = UnGui.CalcTextSize(label); // calculate text size
Vector2 szBtn = new Vector2(szText.x + szText.x * .33f, szText.y); // set button size
UnGui.SetCursorPos(new Vector2(UnGui.GetContentRegionAvail().x - (szBtn.x - pWindow.padding), UnGui.GetCursorPos().y));
if (UnGui.Button("Color Button", Color.cyan))
Console.WriteLine("Color 3 clicked!");
// Example Toggle
Menu.bTestToggle = UnGui.Toggle("Toggle", Menu.bTestToggle);
// End Window Event, just like Dear ImGui
// Ensure the window is draggable
GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, pWindow.windowRect.width, pWindow.windowRect.height));
This project is licensed under the MIT License.