Promise based pixiv API client
Inspired by upbit/pixivpy: Pixiv API for Python.
- Promise based
- Converts the output json keys to camelCase
- Converts the parameters to snakeCase
- Supports API without login
$ npm install --save pixiv-app-api
import PixivAppApi from 'pixiv-app-api' //const PixivAppApi = require("pixiv-app-api")
import pixivImg from 'pixiv-img' //const pixivImg = require("pixiv-img")
const pixiv = new PixivAppApi(process.env.NAME, process.env.PASSWORD, {
camelcaseKeys: true
;(async () => {
const json = await pixiv.searchIllust('艦これ10000users入り')
await pixivImg(json.illusts[0].imageUrls.large)
All functions will return either a camelCaseType or a snake_case_type depending on the value of camelcaseKeys
For example:
//const pixiv = new PixivAppApi(process.env.NAME, process.env.PASSWORD, {camelcaseKeys: true})
interface PixivClient = {
accessToken: string
expiresIn: number
tokenType: string
scope: string
refreshToken: string
user: PixivClientUser
deviceToken: string
//const pixiv = new PixivAppApi(process.env.NAME, process.env.PASSWORD, {camelcaseKeys: false})
interface Pixiv_Client = {
access_token: string
expires_in: number
token_type: string
scope: string
refresh_token: string
user: Pixiv_Client_User
device_token: string
Creates a new PixivAppApi object. camelcaseKeys
defaults to true
if it is omitted.
Logs into the API.
"accessToken": "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg",
"expiresIn": 3600,
"tokenType": "bearer",
"scope": "unlimited",
"refreshToken": "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg",
"user": {
"profileImageUrls": {
"px16x16": "",
"px50x50": "",
"px170x170": ""
"id": "19785907",
"name": "akameco",
"account": "akameco",
"mailAddress": "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg",
"isPremium": true,
"xRestrict": 2,
"isMailAuthorized": true
Gets your authInfo.
interface PixivClient {
accessToken: string
expiresIn: number
tokenType: string
scope: string
refreshToken: string
user: PixivClientUser
deviceToken: string
const json = await pixiv.searchIllust('艦これ10000users入り')
let ar = []
for await (const r of pixiv.makeIterable(json)){
ar = ar.concat(r.illusts)
await sleep(1000) // if the request rate is too high, pixiv might ban you
Get a user's profile.
export interface PixivUserDetail {
user: PixivUser
profile: {
webpage: string
gender: string
birth: string
birthDay: string
birthYear: number
region: string
addressId: number
countryCode: string
job: string
jobId: number
totalFollowUsers: number
totalMypixivUsers: number
totalIllusts: number
totalManga: number
totalNovels: number
totalIllustBookmarksPublic: number
totalIllustSeries: number
backgroundImageUrl: string
twitterAccount: string
twitterUrl: string
pawooUrl: string
isPremium: boolean
isUsingCustomProfileImage: boolean
profilePublicity: {
gender: string
region: string
birthDay: string
birthYear: string
job: string
pawoo: boolean
workspace: {
pc: string
monitor: string
tool: string
scanner: string
tablet: string
mouse: string
printer: string
desktop: string
music: string
desk: string
chair: string
comment: string
workspaceImageUrl: string | null
The type PixivParams is defined as follows:
export interface PixivParams {
userId?: number
type?: string
filter?: string
restrict?: 'public' | 'private'
illustId?: number
contentType?: string
includeTotalComments?: boolean
includeRankingLabel?: boolean
includeRankingIllusts?: boolean
includeRankingNovels?: boolean
| 'day'
| 'week'
| 'month'
| 'day_male'
| 'day_female'
| 'week_original'
| 'week_rookie'
| 'day_r18'
| 'day_male_r18'
| 'day_female_r18'
| 'week_r18'
| 'week_r18g'
| 'day_manga'
| 'week_manga'
| 'month_manga'
| 'week_rookie_manga'
| 'day_r18_manga'
| 'week_r18_manga'
| 'week_r18g_manga'
word?: string
| 'partial_match_for_tags'
| 'exact_match_for_tags'
| 'title_and_caption'
sort?: 'date_desc' | 'date_asc' | 'popular_desc'
startDate?: string
endDate?: string
Retrieves all of a users illusts.
export interface PixivIllustSearch {
illusts: PixivIllust[]
nextUrl: string | null
searchSpanLimit?: number
"illusts": [
"id": 64124918,
"title": "Noise Pollution Vol.3",
"type": "illust",
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": ""
"caption": "夏コミ新刊の②<br /><br />東レ54b-CREAYUS<br />Noise Pollution Vol.3には会場限定A5サイズのクリアファイルがつきます。1冊につき1枚(先着)、なくなり次第終了です。<br /><br />とらのあな予約(フルカラー全年齢)<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>",
"restrict": 0,
"user": {
"id": 471355,
"name": "嵐月",
"account": "creayus",
"profileImageUrls": {
"medium": ""
"isFollowed": true
"tags": [
"name": "C.C."
"name": "ルルーシュ"
"name": "ルルC"
"name": "コードギアス"
"name": "コードギアス1000users入り"
"name": "ルルーシュ・ランペルージ"
"tools": ["Photoshop", "SAI"],
"createDate": "2017-07-30T12:20:55+09:00",
"pageCount": 5,
"width": 900,
"height": 633,
"sanityLevel": 4,
"metaSinglePage": {},
"metaPages": [
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"totalView": 45180,
"totalBookmarks": 2358,
"isBookmarked": false,
"visible": true,
"isMuted": false,
"totalComments": 33
"nextUrl": ""
Follows a user.
Unfollows a user.
Gets a user's bookmarked illusts.
Gets the users that a user is following.
export interface PixivUserSearch {
userPreviews: {
user: PixivUser
illusts: PixivIllust[]
novels: PixivNovel[]
isMuted: boolean
nextUrl: string | null
Gets the users who follow a user.
Gets your friends on Mypixiv.
Gets a user list.
Returns detailed info for a pixiv illust.
export interface PixivIllust {
id: number
title: string
interface: string
imageUrls: {
squareMedium: string
medium: string
large?: string
caption: string
restrict: number
user: PixivUser
tags: PixivTag[]
tools: string[]
createDate: string
pageCount: number
width: number
height: number
sanityLevel: number
metaSinglePage: {
originalImageUrl?: string
metaPages: PixivMetaPage[]
totalView: number
totalBookmarks: number
isBookmarked: boolean
visible: boolean
isMuted: boolean
totalComments: number
"illust": {
"id": 57907953,
"title": "ロングヘアレムりん",
"type": "illust",
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": ""
"caption": "デイリー32→5 ありがとうございます!",
"restrict": 0,
"user": {
"id": 3424578,
"name": "こーやふ@三日目東に26b",
"account": "burittohiroba",
"profileImageUrls": {
"medium": ""
"isFollowed": false
"tags": [
"name": "Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活"
"name": "レム"
"name": "リゼロ"
"name": "レム(リゼロ)"
"name": "ナツキ・レム"
"name": "リゼロ10000users入り"
"name": "スバレム"
"name": "メイド"
"name": "ロング化"
"tools": [],
"createDate": "2016-07-15T00:08:24+09:00",
"pageCount": 1,
"width": 1000,
"height": 1412,
"sanityLevel": 2,
"metaSinglePage": {
"originalImageUrl": ""
"metaPages": [],
"totalView": 191059,
"totalBookmarks": 28918,
"isBookmarked": false,
"visible": true,
"isMuted": false,
"totalComments": 181
Searches new illusts.
Searches new illusts from users you follow.
"illusts": [
"id": 64419500,
"title": "【PFRD】Chapter.6",
"type": "illust",
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": ""
"caption": "法尔卡岛.缇拉密林带 <br />挡在阿尔卡娜面前的数个复活者每个个体都带着伤,从摆起的架势来看也似乎毫无章法,但天生的直觉依然如同警铃般急促的敲打着阿尔卡娜的心。<br />“我这是在...害怕么?“感受到握剑的右手微微颤抖,阿尔卡娜自嘲的轻笑”呵..我还以为我已经忘了害怕是什么了呢”。<br /><br />来吧,不管【你们】是什么,堂堂正正的一决胜负吧!",
"restrict": 0,
"user": {
"id": 22124330,
"name": "超凶の狄璐卡",
"account": "swd3e22",
"profileImageUrls": {
"medium": ""
"isFollowed": true
"tags": [
"name": "女の子"
"name": "落書"
"name": "オリジナル"
"name": "グランメイル"
"name": "pixivファンタジアRD"
"name": "不敗王の復活"
"name": "復活者討伐戦【青】"
"tools": [],
"createDate": "2017-08-15T00:16:32+09:00",
"pageCount": 1,
"width": 2126,
"height": 1150,
"sanityLevel": 4,
"metaSinglePage": {
"originalImageUrl": ""
"metaPages": [],
"totalView": 228,
"totalBookmarks": 63,
"isBookmarked": false,
"visible": true,
"isMuted": false
"nextUrl": ""
Returns the comments on an illust.
export interface PixivCommentSearch {
totalComments: number
comments: PixivComment[]
nextUrl: string | null
Searches for illusts related to the one provided.
Returns recommended illusts.
Returns recommended illusts (logged out).
Returns top daily illusts by default.
Returns an array of trending tags.
export interface PixivTrendTags {
trend_tags: PixivTag[]
Searches for illusts with the provided query.
Searches for novels with the provided query.
export interface PixivNovelSearch {
novels: PixivNovel[]
nextUrl: string | null
privacyPolicy?: {}
searchSpanLimit?: number
Searches for users with the provided query.
Returns an array of auto-completed words from the input.
export interface PixivAutoComplete {
searchAutoCompleteKeywords: string[]
Returns detailed info on a bookmark.
export interface PixivBookmarkDetail {
isBookmarked: boolean
tags: PixivTag[]
restrict: string
"bookmarkDetail": {
"isBookmarked": false,
"tags": [
"name": "Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "レム",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "リゼロ",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "レム(リゼロ)",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "ナツキ・レム",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "リゼロ10000users入り",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "スバレム",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "メイド",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "ロング化",
"isRegistered": false
"restrict": "public"
Adds a new bookmark.
Deletes a bookmark.
Searches your bookmark tags.
export interface PixivBookmarkSearch {
bookmarkTags: PixivTag[]
nextUrl: string | null
"bookmarkTags": [],
"nextUrl": null
Searches recommended novels.
Searches new manga.
Searches recommended manga.
export interface PixivMangaSearch {
illusts: PixivManga[]
rankingIllusts: PixivManga[] | []
privacyPolicy: {}
nextUrl: string | null
Searches recommended novels (logged out).
Searches new novels.
Retrieves the zip url and frames for a Pixiv Ugoira.
export interface UgoiraMetaData {
ugoiraMetadata: {
zipUrls: {
medium: string
frames: {
file: string
delay: number
Fetches a route in the Pixiv API and returns the result.
See Sniffer for iOS 6.x Common API · upbit/pixivpy Wiki
Return next request result.
.then(() =>
.then(() =>
.then(json => {
Return true
is able to run.
if (pixiv.hasNext()) {
Return next params parameter.
Export your pixiv username and password before running Tests.
$ export USERNAME=your pixiv username...
$ export PASSWORD=your pixiv password...
$ npm test
- PixivDeck - pixiv client for Desktop like TweetDeck
- pixiv-img - save the image of pixiv
- pixiv-dl - pixiv image downloader
- pixiv-dl-preview - electron pixiv downloader
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
akameco 💻 📖 |
Austin Huang 💻 📖 |
Cake 💻 |
Ade Firman Fauzi 💻 |
yeti2018 💻 |
maple 💻 |
Tenpi 💻 📖 |
yanagiragi 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
MIT © akameco