Summary: .NET Core SDK, zsh + oh-my-zsh / bash.
For source code, please see: dotnet/
"name": "NikiforovAll: .NET Core dev-container",
"image": "",
"settings": {
"": "/bin/zsh"
"extensions": [/*<extensionList>*/],
Summary: .NET Core SDK, zsh + oh-my-zsh / bash.
For source code, please see: go/
"name": "NikiforovAll: Go dev-container",
"image": "nikiforovall/devcontainers-go",
"settings": {
"": "/bin/zsh"
"extensions": [/*<extensionList>*/],
Summary: Nodejs, Typescript, Angular, zsh + oh-my-zsh / bash.
For source code, please see: angular/
"name": "NikiforovAll: Angular dev-container",
"image": "",
"settings": {
"": "/bin/zsh"
"extensions": [/*<extensionList>*/],
Summary: This is a dev environment with exercism preinstalled.
For source code, please see: exercism/
"name": "NikiforovAll: Exercism",
"image": "",
"settings": {
"": "/bin/bash"
"extensions": [/*<extensionList>*/],
"postCreateCommand": "dotnet restore",
"workspaceFolder": "/root/exercism",
"workspaceMount": "source=${localWorkspaceFolder}/,target=/root/exercism,type=bind,consistency=cached",
"remoteUser": "root"
ANTLR developer environment.
For source code, please see: antlr/
"name": "NikiforovAll: ANLTR",
"image": "",
"settings": {
"": "/bin/bash"
"extensions": [/*<extensionList>*/],
Containers above provide basis and dependencies for dotfiles
Configure it like this:
- Every container is based on common setup that includes:
- themed bash, zsh. This depends on dotfiles.
- fzf ⭐
- fzf-extras
- fd
- silversearcher-ag, could be invoked as ag.
- lnav
- exa, aliased as ll.
- autosuggestions: fzf-tab | zsh-autosuggestions
If you use my dotfiles, please see for more details.
- exa requires locale, but dev container doesn't have it. "Unable to determine time zone: No such file or directory (os error 2)"
- [MAJOR] non-root user scenario is not tested
- exercism image builds with some errors
🚧 WIP, Tool chain could be improved based on official impl
Consider to replicate dev-container definition as soon as tooling is available and it is possible to build dev-container out of definition, for now. Let's keep dev-container definition in original repo as fork.
- consider to add fasd and fzf-tab to other dev-containers. Right now, it could be found only in dotnet.
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE