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# Title Solution Basic idea (One line)
1 Two Sum C# 1. Hash O(n) and O(n) space.
2. Sort O(n * log n) and search with two points O(n) and O(1) space.
2 AddTwoNumbers C# Traverse single-linked list and do modulo 10 sum
15 3Sum C# Sort initial array, loop over array and pick current element, solve two-sum problem based on two pointers method for array to the right of current element with target equals to negated value of current element
26 RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArray C# 1. Two pointers, slow/fast runner approach
27 RemoveElement C# Two pointers, skip element at the end and swap at the start.
35 SerachInsertPosition C# 1. Two pointers, skip element at the end and swap at the start.
2. Two pointers, both start at the beginning result-sub-list pointer and full-scan pointer
69 SqrtX C# Bisection, lazy curr element calculation f(mid) < x < f(mid+1), use division instead of multiplication to speed up calculation
75 SortColors C# Two pointers approach, fill the rest of the array with 1
88 MergeSortedArray C# 1. Two pointers solution, store pointers to latest not processed in nums1, nums2 (=p,q). Shift nums1[pos..pos+m-p]->1 when item from nums2 is written and update p,q 2. Two pointers solution, start from the end to avoid shift operation
96 UniqueBinarySearchTrees C# Dynamic programming based on catalan number calculation. The goal is to fix one number as root element and calculate number of unique binary trees based on multiplied combinations of subtrees T[i]*T[i - j -1]
130 SurroundedRegions C# Traverse inner part of board and use dfs to check potential candidates for checking, commit if it is a valid group
189 RotateArray C# 1. Shifting with additional O(k) memory
2. Reverse in-place based on pivot element
3. Cyclic replacement
200 NumberOfIslands C# In-place uncheck of not visited islands via DFS/BFS
222 CountCompleteTreeNodes C# Usage of property of complete tree, depending on height of subtree we could determine the part of tree under construction
231 PowerOfTwo C# Bit manipulation
275 HIndexII C# Binary search for first A[mid] >= N - mind, return number of elements to the right of the pointer
278 FirstBadVersion C# Bisection
380 InsertDeleteGetRandom1 C# Maintain map(val -> ind in array) + list, removal is based on swap of last element
414 ThirdMaximumNumber C# Three consecutive counters, stored element shift
485 ValidateIPAddress C# Validation pipeline with the list of heuristics
485 MaxConsecutiveOnes C# Sliding window for non-zero part of array and current sum calculation as index diff
518 CoinChange2 C# Classic DP problem, cache total combinations of previous subproblems in a list
547 FriendCircles C# Checked DFS nodes
904 FruitIntoBaskets C# Sliding window, a bunch of pointers to store consecutive sequence of previous latest element
977 SquaresOfASortedArray C# 1. Merge sort, array with negative numbers is traversed in a reversed manner
2. Two pointers
1004 MaxConsecutiveOnesIII C# Sliding window, remove elements from the tail
1004 TwoCityScheduling C# Greedy solution based on costs difference heuristic + sorting
1114 DuplicateZeros C# Implement array shift starting from the end for each zero element, don't forget to skip updated zero
1114 FirstInOrder C# Event-based blocking ManualResetEventSlim
1115 PrintFooBarAlternately C# Event-based blocking ManualResetEventSlim
1295 FindNumbersWithEvenNumberOfDigits C# Reduce arr item to double digit by dividing by 100 and count

Other Leetcode Repos

  2. haoel's leetcode
  3. soulmachine's leetcode
  4. gouthampradhan's leetcode
  5. qiyuangong's leetcode