This repo let's you train a custom image detector using the state-of-the-art YOLOv3 computer vision algorithm. For a short write up check out this medium post.
To build and test your object detection algorithm follow the below steps:
- Image Annotation
- Install Microsoft's Visual Object Tagging Tool (VoTT)
- Annotate images
- Training
- Download pre-trained weights
- Train your custom YOLO model on annotated images
- Inference
- Detect objects in new images and videos
: Scripts and instructions on annotating images2_Training
: Scripts and instructions on training your YOLOv3 model3_Inference
: Scripts and instructions on testing your trained YOLO model on new images and videosData
: Input Data, Output Data, Model Weights and ResultsUtils
: Utility scripts used by main scripts
The only hard requirement is a running version of python 3.3 or newer. To install the latest python 3.x version go to
and follow the installation instructions.
To speed up training, it is recommended to use a GPU with CUDA support. For example on AWS you can use a p2.xlarge
instance (Tesla K80 GPU with 12GB memory). Inference is very fast even on a CPU with approximately ~2 images per second.
Clone this repo with:
git clone
cd TrainYourOwnYOLO/
Create Virtual (Linux/Mac) Environment (requires venv which is included in the standard library of Python 3.3 or newer):
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Make sure that, from now on, you run all commands from within your virtual environment.
Use the Github Desktop GUI to clone this repo to your local machine. Navigate to the TrainYourOwnYOLO
project folder and open a power shell window by pressing Shift + Right Click and selecting Open PowerShell window here
in the drop-down menu.
Create Virtual (Windows) Environment (requires venv which is included in the standard library of Python 3.3 or newer):
py -m venv env
Make sure that, from now on, you run all commands from within your virtual environment.
If you are running TrainYourOwnYOLO on a machine with GPU with CUDA drivers installed run:
pip3 install -r requirements_gpu.txt
Otherwise, run:
pip3 install -r requirements_cpu.txt
To test the cat face detector on test images located in TrainYourOwnYOLO/Data/Source_Images/Test_Images
run the
script in the root folder with:
The outputs are saved in TrainYourOwnYOLO/Data/Source_Images/Test_Image_Detection_Results
. This includes:
- Cat pictures with bounding boxes around faces with confidence scores and
file with file names and locations of bounding boxes.
If you want to detect cat faces in your own pictures, replace the cat images in Data/Source_Images/Test_Images
with your own images.
To train your own custom YOLO object detector please follow the instructions detailed in the three numbered subfolders of this repo:
To make everything run smoothly it is highly recommended to keep the original folder structure of this repo!
Each *.py
script has various command line options that help tweak performance and change things such as input and output directories. All scripts are initialized with good default values that help accomplish all tasks as long as the original folder structure is preserved. To learn more about available command line options of a python script <>
python <> -h
Unless explicitly stated otherwise at the top of a file, all code is licensed under the MIT license. This repo makes use of ilmonteux/logohunter which itself is inspired by qqwweee/keras-yolo3.
If you are using pipenv and are having trouble running
python3 -m venv env
, try:pipenv shell
If you are having trouble getting cv2 to run, try:
apt-get update apt-get install -y libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev pip install opencv-python
If you are a Linux user and having trouble installing
package files try:snap install --dangerous vott-2.1.0-linux.snap
See Snap Tutorial for more information.
- ⭐ star this repo to get notifications on future improvements and
- 🍴 fork this repo if you like to use it as part of your own project.