In this web application, the user is able to input a city name in the search bar to see the current weather conditions in the city as well as a 5-Day forecast for that city!
Here is what the page will look like the first time the user visits:
Here is the current conditions dashboard that displays the city, today's date, a weather icon of the current condition, the temperature, humidity, wind speed and UV Index. The UV Index will display a smiling green emoji if it is between 0 and 2, a yellow straight faced emoji if between 3 and 5, a orange sad face if between 6 and 7 and a red sad face if the index is 8 or higher. Below is showing San Diego with a high UV index.
When the user enters a city, it is saved to local storage and is clickable at a later time to retrieve the current conditions and weather forecast for that city again:
There is also a clear all button that will clear the cities from the list as well as from local storage so that the user may create a new list if they choose to do so. Below is a gif showing how this weather dashboard application is used:
The web application is responsive as seen in the gif example below: