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v2.1.0 YAML configuration deprecated - will be converted automatically to a "GUI-Sensor"

Another MVG

  1. Installation
    1.1. HACS installation (recommended)
    1.2. Manual Installation

  2. Create a sensor for your stop / station
    2.1. via GUI (recommended)
    2.2. via configuration.yaml (deprecated)

  3. Adding a card to your dashboard
    3.1. Add the map to your dashboard

  4. Code for your configuration.yaml (deprecated)

  5. Screenshots

  6. Change log
    6.1. How to Update / Change from Manual Installation to HACS

  7. Credits

  8. Disclaimer / Haftungsausschluss

Quick installation - for those who are familiar with the process.

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store. Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

  • go to Settings --> Devices and services --> add integration another mvg and follow the configuration flow

  • create a manual card with this content:

type: custom:content-card-another-mvg
entity: sensor.yourSensor

Why another MVG/MVV integration for Home Assistant?

Usually, I am lazy and use the add-ons and integrations that already exist. Home Assistant has plenty of them. While there are already some MVG integrations, some of them don't work or no longer function, and they may lack the features I desire. Since I had already programmed something similar in PHP for IP-Symcon, I have now implemented it in Home Assistant as well.


This is an inofficial integration and does NOT belong to the MVG / MVV.

The use of the data (API) is for private non commercial use only (due to MVG rules, see bottom of this page).

MVG does not guarantee the availability or maintenance of the interface being used.

The integration itself, can be used private and comercial.

Some Screenshots
The normal View in a dashboard
On an Alexa Show 15 with MyPage addon
On an old Fire Tablet with Wallpanel
On a WT32-SC01 Plus with OpenHASP Needs additional coding in automations.

More Screenshots at the bottom of this document.

1. Installation

Option 1: HACS installation (recommended)

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

Or use these steps:

  • In Home Assistant go to the HACS integration (you can find the link in the left admin menu)
  • on the top right click on the 3 dots
  • click on "Custom Repositories"
  • Repository:
  • Category: Integration
  • click on add (bottom right)
  • close the configuration popup (X on the top right)
  • search for "Another MVG" and click on it
  • click on download (bottom right)
  • Restart HA

Option 2: Manual Installation

  • Copy the another_mvg folder (the folder, not only the content of the folder) from the custom_components/ folder to your config/custom_components/ folder.
  • Restart HA

2. Create a sensor for your stop / station

Option 1: via GUI (recommended)

Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

Or use these steps:

  • go to Settings (Einstellungen)
  • go to Devices and services (Geräte und Dienste)
  • search for another mvg and follow the configuration flow
  1. Search for your stop / station

  2. Select the correct stop from the matches and configure the wanted settings.

  3. There are a lot of options but normally there is no need to configure all of them. The easiest way is to select the Global ID and click on SUBMIT (BESTÄTIGEN).

German English
grafik grafik
grafik grafik
Filter für Linien und Ziele Filter for lines and destinations
grafik grafik
Erweiterte Einstellungen Advanced options
grafik grafik

⚠️ It may take a minute to create the entity

Option 2: via configuration.yaml (deprecated)

  • Configure the configuration.yaml (see guide below)
  • Check configuration.yaml with the check function under Dev-Tools
  • Restart HA again

3. Adding a card to your dashboard

  • create a manual card with this content:
type: custom:content-card-another-mvg
entity: sensor.yourSensor
  • create a manual card with this content, if you want to use the card with the big font as a single card:
type: custom:content-card-another-mvg-big
entity: sensor.yourSensor
  • replace sensor.yourSensor with the name of your sensor. Should be something with where name, the name from the parameter in the configuration.yaml is.
  • Enjoy

⚠️ If you get the error that custom:content-card-another-mvg doesnt exist, clear the frontend / browser cache.

3.1 Add the map to your dashboard


The card can be added and configured directly through the map selector, like other cards. Simply go to your dashboard, click on "Add Card", search for "Another MVG", and select the card from the results.



That’s all. In the standard configuration, it shows the complete map. If you want to zoom in, follow the instructions in the description. This editor is currently only available in German because I have no clue how to add language support to the card. If there is a real need, I can create an additional card for English users.

If, for some reason, you are not able to find the card, try clearing your frontend and browser cache, or try configuring the card on your own.

type: custom:content-card-another-mvg-livemap
mode: schematic
x: "2750800"
y: "1560005"
zoom: "4.8"

4. Code for your configuration.yaml (deprecated)

⚠️ Currently its still working, but it will be removed in one of the next versions. All sensors from the configuration.yaml will be migrated automatically. If you see the sensors in the GUI you can remove the code from the configuration.yaml. There will be no more updates on this section in the documentation.

Add the name of this integration

To load the integration, you have to add

- platform: another_mvg Required

to the sensor: part in your configuration.


Don't add the line sensor: a second time! If it is already there, just put - platform: another_mvg below your other platforms in the sensor part.

Define your station / stop / location

globalid: "de:09162:10" Required


The station identifier of the stop/station/location. I decided to use the identifier, instead of names, because it is more clear (for the API) and leads to less problems. The only problem you have, is to find the identifier (globalid) by your own. Here you can find the globalid for your station. Just replace the name in the query. If there is more than one entry, you have to find the correct one. I recommend to open the link on your PC/Notebook.


Name of the display

name: "Pasing" Required

Is the name of the display inside the card and will be used for the sensorname. It is NOT the name of the station for the API call.

Minimal configuration example

  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Pasing"
    globalid: "de:09162:10"

The code above, will show all connections from Pasing. (Pasing has the globalid de:09162:10) If you want to see only Bus, Regional Bus, Tram and/or U-Bahn (U-Bahn of course not in Pasing) you have to configure the transporttypes.

Extended Configuration

Types of public trasportation (Bus, Regional Bus, S-Bahn ...)


This should be selfexplaining. Add the types of transportation comma separated and without spaces in between. BUS and REGIONAL_BUS are different. BUS is MVG and REGIONAL_BUS is MVV. But it looks like, in the API they mixed it for some lines. Just add both, to be save. As mentioned above, by default all transportations are enabled. If you want to see only some, you have to use this parameter.

You can also use BAHN but this feature is not fully integrated and not enabled by default. There is also no special design / labeling available. If you want to include it to your departure list, you can use this code:


Show only some lines

onlyline: "S3,S4,S20"

If you want to see only some lines, like S3, S4 and S20, you can configure it comma seperated.

Hide some destinations

hidedestination: "Mammendorf;Maisach"

If you want to see only some directions / destinations, you have to insert the EXACT names of the unwanted destinations like they are shown in the connection display. (card) The names should be ; separated. They can be , or space sepatared, but this can lead to problems if a , or a space is in the name of the destination.

hidedestination: "Graßlfing, Olchinger See;Olching, Georgenstraße"

Only some destinations

onlydestination: "Ostbahnhof;Holzkirchen"

If you want to see only some directions / destinations, you have to insert the EXACT names of the wanted destinations like they are shown in the connection display. (card) The names should be ; separated. They can be , or space sepatared, but this can lead to problems if a , or a space is in the name of the destination.

onlydestination: "Graßlfing, Olchinger See;Olching, Georgenstraße"

Define the number of departures

limit: 15

By default you will see 6 departures. If you want to see more or less, you have to configure it. Please add only a number and no quotes. Die API will pull a maximum of 80 departures. If you use "filters" like hidedestination or onlydestination, witch filter out 40 entries, you will only see the remaining 40 as maximum.

Hide the name of the card (the row above the yellow row)

hidename: True

If you don't want to see the name of the card (the name of the station you configured in configuration.yaml with the name parameter) you have to set this parameter to True.


doublestationnumber: "2"


If you want to create 2 or more cards for the same globalid, you have to use this parameter. (e.g. one for BUS, one for SBAHN, one for TRAM) It can be a number or a letter. Also more numbers or letters are possible. No special chars are allowed and also no space.

Merge 2 different stations in one display

globalid2: "de:09179:6180"

If you have 2 stations close together (or far far away) like a train station and a bus stop, you can combine both in one card. Keep in mind, that you have to insert all transportations in transporttypes. The use of this function can lead to problems, because there are 2 API calls in 1 second and it can happen, that the API blocks the 2nd call. If you use it only in one card, it should be no problem. If you use more, the risk is higher that the API blocks the request.

Time Zone options

Default is "Europe/Berlin". If your system is running with UTC settings, you can use UTC in timezone_from. If you want to display a different timezone, you can define it in timezone_to

    timezone_from : "UTC"
    timezone_to   : "Europe/Berlin"

Alert Settings

    alert_for: "S3,S4,S20"

If you configure this option, there will be 3 additional attributes (per line) for your sensor. Format:


If you configure the the alert for S4 the name of the attributes are as follow


You can use it e.g. in an automation as condition

  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.olching_und_eichenau
    attribute: notifyLateMvgConnectionS4_3
    above: 0

The possible values from above in this example are

  • -1 --> departure is cancelled
  • 0 --> departure is in time
  • greater than 0 --> the delay in minutes of this departure

I am using this in an automation to change the color of a LED from WLED

alias: WLED Test - Unten Gelb
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.olching_und_eichenau
    attribute: connections
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "*"
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.olching_und_eichenau
    attribute: notifyLateMvgConnectionS4_3
    above: 0
  - service: select.select_option
      device_id: 2e48d67fbe95d4ee7c9ef03bdf8ffe08
      option: Unten Gelb
  - service: select.select_option
      device_id: d99baaee5d4ecce453980a792ec2f3a1
      option: Bahn 3 gelb
mode: single

This is an example code from my WLED configuration, dont copy and paste it, if you dont know what you are doing. ;)

Complex configuration example

  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Olching"
    globalid: "de:09179:6110"
    hidedestination: "Mammendorf,Maisach"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "SBAHN"
  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Olching Busabfahrten"
    globalid: "de:09179:6110"
    hidedestination: "Graßlfing, Olchinger See;Olching, Georgenstraße"
    onlyline: "860,831,843"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "BUS,REGIONAL_BUS"
    doublestationnumber: "2"
  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Eichenau"
    globalid: "de:09179:6180"
    hidedestination: "Geltendorf,Buchenau,Grafrath"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "SBAHN"
  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Eichenau Busabfahrten"
    globalid: "de:09179:6181"
    hidedestination: "Freiham (S) Süd"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "BUS,REGIONAL_BUS"
    onlyline: "860"
  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Pasing"
    globalid: "de:09162:10"
    onlyline: "S3,S4,S20"
    limit: 20
    transporttypes: "SBAHN"
    hidedestination: "Deisenhofen,Holzkirchen,Grafing Bahnhof, Trudering, Ostbahnhof,Haar,Ebersberg, München Hbf, Höllriegelskreuth"
    timezone_from : "Europe/Berlin"
    timezone_to   : "Europe/Berlin"
  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Pasing - alle Abfahrten"
    globalid: "de:09162:10"
    limit: 20
    doublestationnumber: "2"
    transporttypes: "SBAHN,BUS,REGIONAL_BUS,TRAM"
  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Olching und Eichenau"
    globalid: "de:09179:6110"
    globalid2: "de:09179:6180"
    hidedestination: "Mammendorf,Maisach,Geltendorf,Buchenau,Grafrath"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "SBAHN"
    doublestationnumber: "3"
    alert_for: "S3,S4,S20"
  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "UBahn Test"
    globalid: "de:09162:360"
    transporttypes: "UBAHN"
    limit: 15
    hidename: True

5. Screenshots

Browser View

Pasing all departures


  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Pasing - alle Abfahrten"
    globalid: "de:09162:10"
    limit: 20

Pasing S3, S4, S20 western direction


  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Pasing"
    globalid: "de:09162:10"
    onlyline: "S3,S4,S20"
    limit: 20
    transporttypes: "SBAHN"
    hidedestination: "Deisenhofen,Holzkirchen,Grafing Bahnhof, Trudering, Ostbahnhof,Haar,Ebersberg, München Hbf, Höllriegelskreuth"

Bus / Regional Bus Olching - some directions and lines


  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Olching Busabfahrten"
    globalid: "de:09179:6110"
    hidedestination: "Graßlfing, Olchinger See;Olching, Georgenstraße"
    onlyline: "860,831,843"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "BUS,REGIONAL_BUS"



  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "UBahn Test"
    globalid: "de:09162:360"
    transporttypes: "UBAHN"
    limit: 15
    hidename: True

Eichenau S-Bahn


  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Eichenau"
    globalid: "de:09179:6180"
    hidedestination: "Geltendorf,Buchenau,Grafrath"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "SBAHN"

Eichenau / Olching S-Bahn station combined in one card


  - platform: another_mvg
    name: "Olching und Eichenau"
    globalid: "de:09179:6110"
    globalid2: "de:09179:6180"
    hidedestination: "Mammendorf,Maisach,Geltendorf,Buchenau,Grafrath"
    limit: 15
    transporttypes: "SBAHN"

Mobile App View

Mobile App View Mobile App View
IMG_5431 IMG_5432
IMG_5433 IMG_5434

6. Change log

13.01.2024 - Version 1.1.0

  • better error handling for connection problems

29.01.2024 - Version 1.2.0

  • added timezone options, default is "Europe/Berlin" if your system is running with UTC settings, you can use UTC in timezone_from. If you want to display a different timezone, you can define it in timezone_to
  •   timezone_from : "UTC"
      timezone_to   : "Europe/Berlin"
  • minor fixes

01.03.2024 - Version 1.3.0

  • added an option alert_for: "S3,S4,S20" to set attributes for your sensor if the next 3 departures of defined lines are late or cancelled .... or in time. (Ref to "Alert Settings")
  • there is a 2nd lovalace card for single card use. Means with big font so that you can put it on a screen or on an Amazon Show 15 (with the silk browser and the kiosk mode HA addon via Media Function from HA)
  • 20240301_152359025_iOS
  • You have to add the resource /local/content-card-another-mvg-big.js as JavaScripts-Modul
  • improved error handling, additionally there will be an indicator on the card (Stop Name - nicht aktuell) if the data is outdated (older than 1 minute)
  • fixed a bug where the sensor was updated with wrong data (thx to @msp1974 )

28.05.2024 - Version 1.4.0

  • improved error handling
  • improved error reporting in the system log
  • workaround for missing track 2a (not provided by the API) in Ebersberg. It assumes that if there is no platform provided by the API that the departure is from track 2a (Gleis 2a).
  • fixed an issue with CSS on some installations (possible problems with other addons)
  • You can also use BAHN but this feature is not fully integrated and not enabled by default. There is also no special design / labeling available. If you want to include it to your departure list, you can use this code:


13.08.2024 - Version 1.5.0

  • Now with the option to install Another MVG via HACS
  • Custom cards will be registered automatically, not longer needed to add them manually

16.10.2024 - Version 1.5.1

  • Updated the API address

22.10.2024 - Version 2.0.0 (current version)

  • Formerly planned and announced as v1.6.0, now released as v2.0.0 due to the amount of changes.
  • v2.0.0 includes a complete GUI configuration, following the integration in HACS from the last version.
  • Added language files for English and German.
  • added "Only some destinations"

onlydestination: "Ostbahnhof;Holzkirchen"

If you want to see only some directions / destinations, you have to insert the EXACT names of the wanted destinations like they are shown in the connection display. (card) The names should be ; separated. They can be , or space sepatared, but this can lead to problems if a , or a space is in the name of the destination.

onlydestination: "Graßlfing, Olchinger See;Olching, Georgenstraße"

  • Improved error handling in the custom card if a sensor is unavailable or deleted.
    • grafik
  • Improved data handling of the custom card during startup.
    • grafik
  • Fixed the deprecation warning.
  • Updated documentation to improve the installation process.

6.1 How to Update / Change from Manual Installation to HACS

Update via HACS:

  • After you got the update notification from Home Assistant, just click on "Install"
  • restart Home Assistant
  • make sure the frontend cache is cleared

Manual Update:

  • Replace all files with the new files (like during the installation) and restart HA.
  • Afterwards you have to clear the frontend cache on all devices.

Change from manual installation to HACS installation

⚠️ change from before v1.5.0 (< v1.5.0)

🔴 Due to the fact, that Custom cards will be registered (since v1.5.0) automatically, you have to remove these 2 files from your www folder. 🔴


You also have to remove these 2 cards from Settings --> Dashboards --> 3 dots on the top right --> Resources

  • Remove the old Files and follow the instructions from the HACS installation part.

from v1.5.0 (>= v1.5.0)

  • Remove the old Files (and remove the entries from the configuration.yaml)
  • Restart HACS
  • follow the instructions from the HACS installation part. ⚠️ you can also comment (put a # in front of each another_mvg related line) the settings in your configuration.yaml and uncomment it after the installation for the case that you want to stay with yaml configuration.

7. Credits

  • To all the guys in the Home Assistant forum for the help.
  • @msp1974 for his code for the card integration
  • To the MVG for the API.
  • To other guys on github, were I was able to learn more about python code and Home Assistant.
  • And to my best friend Google. ^^

8. Disclaimer / Haftungsausschluss


Die Nutzung der Home Assistant Integration another_mvg erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. Der Entwickler übernimmt keine Verantwortung oder Haftung für etwaige Schäden, die durch die Verwendung dieser Integration entstehen können. Dieser Haftungsausschluss erstreckt sich auf direkte oder indirekte Schäden, finanzielle Verluste, Datenverluste, Beeinträchtigung des Systembetriebs oder andere potenzielle Unannehmlichkeiten.

Die Integration wird "wie sie ist" und ohne jegliche Gewährleistung bereitgestellt. Der Entwickler übernimmt keine Garantie für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Zuverlässigkeit der Funktionen dieser Integration. Es wird empfohlen, regelmäßige Sicherungen durchzuführen und alle notwendigen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu treffen, um unerwünschte Folgen zu vermeiden.

Die Benutzer sind angehalten, die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen in der Dokumentation der Integration zu befolgen. Jegliche Modifikationen oder Anpassungen an der Integration erfolgen auf eigenes Risiko und können die Funktionalität beeinträchtigen.

Durch die Verwendung dieser Home Assistant Integration erklärt sich der Benutzer mit den Bedingungen dieses Haftungsausschlusses einverstanden. Es wird empfohlen, regelmäßig auf Aktualisierungen oder Änderungen der Integration zu achten und diese entsprechend zu berücksichtigen.


The use of the Home Assistant Integration another_mvg is at your own risk. The developer assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages that may arise from the use of this integration. This disclaimer extends to direct or indirect damages, financial losses, data loss, impairment of system operation, or other potential inconveniences.

The integration is provided "as-is" and without any warranty. The developer makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the functions of this integration. It is recommended to perform regular backups and take all necessary security precautions to avoid undesirable consequences.

Users are encouraged to follow the instructions and recommendations in the documentation of the integration. Any modifications or adjustments to the integration are done at your own risk and may affect its functionality.

By using this Home Assistant Integration, the user agrees to the terms of this disclaimer. It is advised to regularly check for updates or changes to the integration and take them into consideration accordingly.

MVG Disclaimer for the use of the data

German: ... Für private, nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke, wird eine gemäßigte Nutzung ohne unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung geduldet. Jegliche Form von Data-Mining stellt keine gemäßigte Nutzung dar. Wir behalten uns vor, die Duldung grundsätzlich oder in Einzelfällen zu widerrufen. ...

English: ... For private, non-commercial purposes, moderate use is tolerated without our express consent. Any form of data mining does not constitute moderate use. We reserve the right to revoke our tolerance in principle or in individual cases. ...

Full (german) text can be found in the MVG impressum at the bottom.