Convolutional Neural Network to recognize the speaker from a spoken number dataset.
##Dataset The dataset includes audio spectrogram of 24 different speakers, speaking 0-9 numbers. Training set has the total of 3500 records and Testing set includes the total of 1080 records. Dataset Link
##Model Convolutional Neural Network consists of 5 convolution layers, 3 fully connected layers with ReLu and Max-Pooling in between.
##Deep Learning Platform Used Caffe
##Training Steps Executed the following command from Caffe root folder to train the model.
build/tools/caffe train --solver = speaker_recognition/solver.prototxt
##Accuracy Achieved 99% accuracy in 5000 iterations.
##Classification Executed the following command from Caffe root folder for classification the "0_Karen_160.png" which is a spectrogram of user "Karen" speaking number '0' by using the trained model.
build/examples/cpp_classification/classification.bin speaker_recognition/numbers_deploy.prototxt speaker_recognition/numbers_iter_5212.caffemodel speaker_recognition/train_mean.binaryproto speaker_recognition/synset_numbers.txt speaker_recognition/0_Karen_160.png