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🏆 GitHub Trophies


Connect with me:

nishant_chamate nishant-chamate nishant_chamate @nishant-chamate nishant_chamate

Languages and Tools:

arduino aws azure blender bootstrap c canvasjs cplusplus css3 express figma gcp html5 illustrator java javascript kafka linux matlab mongodb mysql nextjs nodejs opencv pandas photoshop postgresql postman python pytorch react sass scikit_learn seaborn selenium svelte tailwind tensorflow vuejs

📊 GitHub Stats:

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✍️ Random Dev Quote

Pinned Loading

  1. FANTA FANTA Public

    Website with Scroll Animation using GSAP & Scroll Trigger

    CSS 2 1

  2. AppleVisionClone AppleVisionClone Public

    Used GSAP's ScrollTrigger, Locomotive Scroll CDN, and captivating Apple Vision Pro concept to life virtually. Seamlessly integrating GSAP's ScrollTrigger and leveraging Locomotive Scroll CDN


  3. gmcwm gmcwm Public

    GOOGLE : Google Maps Platform. | Semi-Finalist.

    JavaScript 2

  4. Port-Folio Port-Folio Public

    Created with -Smooth Scrolling ✅ Attach Loco Scroll CSS ✅ Attach Locomotive Scroll Min JS ✅ Some Code from Loco GitHub for JS ✅ GSAP ✅ Attach GSAP ScrollTrigger ✅


  5. Magma Magma Public

    3D Animated Website Using HTML, CSS & JS, Scrolling Animations with Canvas

    JavaScript 1

  6. DSA DSA Public