Create an application in React Native where the application will: When the user opens the application, the user sees a form that contains one text input and a submit button. Use Enter country as a placeholder text in the text input form field. The submit button is disabled if text input is empty. When the user enters a country name or partial country name in the input field and presses submit, make a call to{{FORM_INPUT_HERE}} The user is taken to a screen that now displays the information about the country. Display the following information:
- capital
- population
- latlng
- flag (render the image from the URL provided in the response)
On the country information page, add a button called Capital Weather.
When the user clicks the
Capital Weather
button, the current weather for the city is displayed. Display the following information: - temperature
- weather_icons (render the image from the URL provided in the response)
- wind_speed
- precip To get weather information, sign up for a free account on After you sign up you will receive an API key. Use the following API to get city weather data. access_key={{YOUR_ACCESS_KEY}}&query ={{ENTER CAPITAL CITY HERE}} Generate APK and IPA files.