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@NoTengoBattery NoTengoBattery released this 27 Jan 04:29
· 0 commits to mt7621-upstreamtrack since this release

MT7621A Custom ROM v1.05

Based on OpenWrt commit 0f8fd1d

This build supports the following devices:

  • ZBT (Zbtlink) WG3526 16 and 32 MB versions

Don't forget to apply the hotfixes!

For small fixes and annoyances, the hotfix mechanics allows providing a differential update that can be flashed without reinstalling the firmware.

Here is how it works:

  1. Flash the image as always.
  2. Once the device boots, go immediately to the Backup / Flash Firmware in LuCI.
  3. Upload the tar.gz in the Restore section, as if it's a backup.

How to decompress and install

Warning: the 'sysupgrade' procedure will reset some settings to their default values. To see the system's changes by looking at the 'bootz' files in /etc/bootz.

First, decompress the downloaded file. This file is compressed using xz, and it's a tarball.

  • If using Windows, install PeaZip
  • If using macOS, install Keka (beta)
  • If using Linux, macOS or other UNIX/UNIX-like, it's likely that they have all the tools

A folder will be decompressed. Inside this folder, there are the following subfolders:

  • bin: this contains the two "flashable" versions of the firmware. One is a sysupgrade image that will upgrade from another version or OpenWrt, and the other is a factory image that will flash directly from the OEM firmware.
  • info: this folder contains the manifests, the configuration seed, and the checksums.
  • patches: it contains all the patches that apply cleanly over the fork point.

From the OpenWrt firmware or another version of this firmware

Follow the instruction on the OpenWrt wiki page for upgrading using LuCI or CLI:

From the Chinese firmware

Follow the instruction on the OpenWrt wiki page for the device:

Features and packages

The binary installable image contains the following packages and features:

  • DNS
    • Disabled dnsmasq DNS forwarder in favor of unbound resolver with TLS
    • Configured Unbound as a TLS forwarder for a secure DNS server (currently: Quad9)
  • Utilities
    • Tools: bash, nano, nologin, sudo
    • Performance: haveged, schedutil, compressed-memory
  • LuCI
    • adblock, advanced-reboot, commands, compressed-memory, dashboard, uhttpd, unbound
  • File Systems
    • exfat, ext4, f2fs, msdos (FAT16/32)
  • Kernel features and modules
    • New Linux IOSCHEDs elevators and Governors
    • schedutil enabled by default for all CPU's
    • Fully preemptive @ 100 Hz kernel for more responsiveness
    • Overclocked to 1.2GHz without the need to flash a custom bootloader

General notes

All kernel modules for a particular version, among with a wide set of LuCI apps, are automatically uploaded to GitHub, and opkg is configured to use them. The other software is available from OpenWrt's snapshots, but the ROM is not configured to use them by default. If there is some missing package or kernel module, please open a GitHub issue or send feedback to my email or my OpenWrt forum thread explaining exactly what's missing. It will be added to the next release.

This is a custom configuration optimized for MT7621 devices. The purpose of this build is to give the user a sensible selection of software for testing and using OpenWrt without too much extra effort. It's also optimized for lower latency and fixes for many annoyances. This build contains some important changes compared to OpenWrt. It contains some customizations that cannot be found in the official OpenWrt image or the OpenWrt repositories. However, most packages (excluding kernel modules) are 100% compatible.

Take into consideration

The default IP address is now 192.168.xx.1 and IPv6 is fd00:192:168:xx::1, the xx means that every supported device has a different subnet IP. The hostname is Glucose or Galactose, respectively.

For LuCI Administration WebUI, go to

Wireless password:
 - [Hostname] -> OpenWrt on [Hostname]
Login password:
 - admin -> admin
 - root -> root

Note: [Hostname] refers to the device's default hostname. Replace that placeholder accordingly. For example, the SSID for Glucose will be Glucose, and the password will be OpenWrt on Glucose.

Give Me Love 💌

Don't hesitate to give this repository a golden star or forking it. This build is and will be free forever. The only thing that may I ask in exchange is proper feedback.


Click the "Assets" button below and download the .tar.xz file. If you want to check the hotfix's integrity, here is the SHA256 checksum. Use the shasum command or PeaZip/7zip.

You should only flash the hotfixes file containing the hostname (in lowercase) of your device. If the hotfix file for your device is not present, but there is one called others or common, you should use both files first and finally the file for your device.

  No Hotfixes needed at the moment.