Benchmarks such as TensorFlow, TensorFlow-Lite, PyTorch, Torchvision, etc...
Description | Benchmarks | Framework | HW |
TF2 Detection Models | AP, Latency | TensorFlow XLA Auto-clustering |
Local PC GTX1070 |
TF2 Detection Models | AP, Latency | TensorFlow TF-TRT XLA Auto-clustering |
Google Colab Tesla P100 |
TF2 Detection Models | AP, Latency | TensorFlow | Google Colab Tesla V100 |
TF2 Detection Models | Latency | TensorFlow | V100 vs P100 vs GTX1070 |
Torchvision detection models | AP, Latency, YouTube video |
PyTorch, Torchvision | Local PC GTX1070 |
Description | Benchmarks | Framework | HW |
TensorFlow 1 Detection Model Zoo | AP, Latency | TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate ARM NN delegate EdgeTPU delegate |
Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 Coral USB Accelerator |
EdgeTPU Models | Latency | TensorFlow Lite EdgeTPU delegate |
Coral Dev Board |
EfficientDet-Lite | AP, Latency | TensorFlow Lit XNNPACK delegate ARM NN delegate EdgeTPU delegate |
Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 Coral USB Accelerator |
YOLOX TensorFlow LiteM | AP, Latency | TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate |
Raspberry Pi 4 |
TF-Lite SpaghettiNet EdgeTpu Latency vs max_detections | AP, Latency | TensorFlow Lite EdgeTPU delegate | Raspberry Pi 4 + Coral USB Accelerator Coral Dev Board |
Description | Benchmarks | Framework | HW |
TensorRT EfficientDet and TensorFlow Object Detection API | Latency, YouTube video |
TensorRT | Jetson Nano |
TensorRT Autoseg-EdgeTPU and DeepLab v3+ MobilenetEdgeTPUV2 |
Latency, YouTube video |
TensorRT | Jetson Nano |
TensorRT Fast-SCNN | Latency, YouTube video |
TensorRT | Jetson Nano |
TensorRT Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection | Latency, YouTube video |
TensorRT | Jetson Nano |
Description | Benchmarks | Framework | HW |
Sipeed Lichee RV Dock Allwinner D1 | Latency | TensorFlow Lite | CPU |
StarFive VisionFive 2 | Latency | TensorFlow Lite | CPU, GPU |
- TensorFlow 1 Detection Model Zoo
- TensorFlow 2 Detection Model Zoo
- TensorFlow XLA Auto-clustering
- TF-TRT (tensorflow / tensorrt)
- FP32 XNNPACK: PINTO0309/TensorflowLite-bin
- EfficientDet
- The Arm NN TensorFlow Lite delegate
- ARM Compute Librarry
- Coral EdgeTPU
- PINTO0309/Bazel_bin
- PyTorch
- Torchvision
- TensorRT
- meta-tensorflow-lite
- Yocto Project