This is the site map for the new site. The map has been developed using research done by Halla Kolbeinsdóttir. This will serve as the base and reference for the new site. All features and templates should be derived from it. If there is stuff that is not defined in the map, please ask first on our Facebook page or open an issue to discuss it.
- Site map on Google docs
- Wireframe on Invision
- [Design on Dropbox] (
- Front page
- Page
- Single (post)
- Search
- People (directory)
- Person
- Participate
- News (browse)
- Constituency (kjördæmi)
- Group/association
- Alþingi
The theme used for the Pirate Party site is the Underscores starter theme created by WordPress/Automattic.
There are two theme folders being used:
- piratar =
- piratar-child/ =
If you have Docker and docker-compose installed, you can do:
docker-compose up
Which creates a wordpress and mysql containers which mount the local folder inside the container.
(If port 80 is in use, change it in docker-compose.yml)
Visit http://localhost/
Go through the wordpress setup and activate the theme.
If you get a white page on your frontpage, you need to go to Settings - Reading and change the default page.
If you need to import your own database via Docker you can do the following:
- On your local machine, copy the .sql file to the repos This directory is mounted as /var/lib/mysql/ in the container.
Next you open a shell in that container, similar to SSH.
(Do docker ps
to get the correct container name.)
docker exec -it pirataris_db_1 bash
From within the container, import the .sql file. Pass & dbname = wordpress
2. mysql -u root -p wordpress < /var/lib/mysql/FILE.sql
docker exec -it pirataris_wordpress_1 bash
You might need to install vim or nano in that container with apt-get:
apt-get update && apt-get install vim
Edit the $table_prefix or DB_NAME, depending on if you imported the tables into the same db or not.