MAXDAYS="X" ## Automatically deletes Backups older then X Days
CRON='0 */X * * *' ## crontab time settings
BACKUPDIR="Backup Path" ## Path where the backups will be saved
containers=(MariaDB) ## Comma separated list of database container names
DB_User=USERNAME ## Database super user name
DB_Host=localhost ## Database host address
DB_Port=5432 ## Database port
DB_Password=XYZ ## Database super user password
MAXDAYS="X" ## Automatically deletes Backups older then X Days
CRON='0 */X * * *' ## crontab time settings
BACKUPDIR="Backup Path" ## Path where the backups will be saved
containers=(MariaDB) ## Comma separated list of database container names
DB_User=USERNAME ## Database super user name
DB_Host=localhost ## Database host address
DB_Port=5432 ## Database port
DB_Password=XYZ ## Database super user password
BACKUPNAME="Backup" ## Name Suffix for the Backup Files
MAXDAYS="X" ## Automatically deletes Backups older then X Days
BACKUPDIR="/root/backup/backups" ## Path where the backups will be saved
TIMESTAMP="timestamp.dat" ## Timestamp! Needed for incremental Backups
CRON='0 4 * * *' ## crontab time settings
SOURCE="/etc /home /opt /var/log /var/www" ## Folders to backup
### Times
DATE="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" ## Dateformat
STARTTIME="$(date +%H:%M:%S)" ## Timeformat
day_of_week="$(date +%w)" ## Actual day of the week
### EMAIL Settings
EMAILRECIPIENT="" ## Email, where the report will be sended to
EMAILSENDER="" ## Email, where the report will be sended from
### RSYNC Settings
SYNC="1" ## Boolean 0=inactive / 1=active
SYNC_HOST="" ## Sync Host adress
SYNC_PATH="/home/serverbackup/safebackup/test" ## Path where the backups will be saved on the sync host
SYNC_USER="safebackups" ## Username for the sync host
### Folders which will not be backuped! IMPORTANT no newline!!!
/bin/sh <new_hostname>
CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL="" ## Cloudflare Login Email
CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY="put-your-key-here" ## Cloudflare API Key
CLOUDFLARE_CONFIG_PATH="/etc/letsencrypt" ## Cloudflare Config Path
DOMAIN="" ## Domain
OS_PACKAGE_COMMAND="apt install -y" ## os command to install packages (apt, yum)