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Releases: Nolenz/GD-EngineerMastery


07 Jul 00:12
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Flamer range starts a little lower.

Flamer damage nerf.

Small rework of Turf Turner.

Overpowered Oscillators currently affects EVERYTHING while active. Added -Cast Speed to offset as intended.

Updated Ignoring Safety Labels to also revert the new Cast Speed change.

Crossover skills! Attempted balance, probably failed miserably as usual. Enjoy.

Excruciating Exhaust was a bit underwhelming. Boosted the fire damage a bunch since it's a burst skill anyway.

Pet skills now VISIBLY scale with pet bonuses.

Removed little icon under the exclusive skill. Doesn't need to be there.


07 Jul 23:48
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Flipped mastery button. Darn exporter gave it to me upside down in the first place.

Occultist Crossover: Cut damage

Demo Crossover: Less fragments, less attack rate.

Soldier Crossover: Less explosion radius, slightly less attack rate.

Nightblade Crossover: Hopefully actually invincible now, big OA boost so it actually hits, lower fuse.


26 Jun 23:25
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Power Palms now works with flat bonus damage and such. Preserving the scaling was extremely awkward, but I don't think I broke anything.

Flamer's range now scales, and does slightly less damage.

Imitate Sentry's %OA is now less nuclear.
Safe space scaling has been changed. Starts with lower damage, Scales higher, cooldown has been increased slightly.

Increased CD of Turf Turner.

Ignoring Safety Labels health drain has been changed a bit. Harder to out-regen it, but still probably possible.

Rework of Hands-Free skill. Again.

Invasive Internal Improvements has had its regen cut a bit.


24 Jun 06:06
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-999% Energy Regen on imitate skills. Should be no way to out-regen them now.
Nerfed spirit on Exclusive skill. Another oops, byproduct of increasing the skill max level last patch and not accounting for the change.
Cooldown for Exclusive skill turret proc.
Messed with exclusive skill leech retaliation. Don't see this stat very often in the main game so I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with it.
Re-buff of sentries to some degree. Attempting to ensure high levels scale well enough.
Nerfed flamer a bit. +pet fire damage from devotions and such make it a bit too absolutely ridiculous. Increased range to make up for that a little.


23 Jun 23:46
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A few changes to skill descriptions and such.
Increased energy drain on sentry imitation.
1/3 Safe Space innate cast speed bonus. Less ridiculous.
Exclusive skill rebalance. Less sentries allowed out at a time, less likely to spawn, and now scale with skill level properly.
Exclusive skill also makes you less invincible. My bad.
Sentry rebalance. Nerfed but agruably still extremely powerful.


23 Jun 05:53
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Rebalance of Turf Turner. Now less nuclear.
Removal of random %Trauma bonus from Pyro Punch. Silly leftover.
An ultimate skill! Not as cool as I wanted it to be, but some things are unfortunately hard-coded, so it was significantly less work than I had planned.
Rebalance of Focus Finder. Again.


22 Jun 21:31
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Small buff to Incendiary Implement.
Reasonably sweeping changes to Focus Finder.
Modified Iconic Imitation skills to be less exploitable with high energy regen. No fun allowed.
Complete re-work of Hands-Free Hyper-Gadgetry. It's now a short buff with a cooldown.


22 Jun 05:18
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The very first release of the mastery.