- To see some tiny projects in action, visit my personal website: http://nonvideri.ct8.pl
- Newer/bigger projects are higher up on the lists, so if you want to see my current skills, start from the top.
- A very basic Rust app.
- A basic project exploring the Terraform.
- A basic Serverless Framework config for AWS Lambda.
- Various Kubernetes object declarations.
- Templates for connecting with AWS and Amazon EKS.
- An educational Docker project.
- An API for a bike courier app.
- Built in NestJS.
- Uses sequelize-typescript and Postgres Database.
- Accesses Google Maps Distance Matrix to calculate distances.
- Allows to add trips and view stats in different units.
- A Mini Blog that's a Web RESTful API Application.
- Uses sequelize-typescript and Postgres Database.
- Has authentication with Passport, validates user input and has routes protected with JWT.
- Allows the user to perform standard CRUD actions with blog posts.
- Built using NestJS.
- Task Manager API built with NestJS.
- An educational project in Express for logging in and managing job search.
- Contains both authentication and CRUD actions.
- Also implements cloud hosting — deployed on Heroku.
- Contains documentation with Swagger UI.
- An educational project on JWT — an Express API.
- Implements standard CRUD actions.
- Implements mock user registration and authentication using JWT.
- A Store API in Express.
- Uses MongoDB.
- Utilizes:
- Filtering by fields (including regex for strings and numeric filters)
- Sorting
- Choosing fields to be sent
- Pagination and limiting results.
- A simple educational project using Sequelize and Postgres Database.
- A basic forum API with users and posts.
- Allow basic CRUD actions, does basic verification.
- An internal tool for a coffee shop called Expresso.
- Allows users to:
- Create, view, update, and delete menus
- Create, view, update, and delete menu items
- Create, view, update, and delete employees
- Create, view, update, and delete employee’s timesheets
- Uses React, Node/Express and an SQLite database.
- A dummy API for the products part of an e-commerce website.
- Allows the user to use the standard CRUD actions with the products.
- Built with NestJS.
- An internal tool for a comic book publishing company.
- Allows users to:
- Create, view, and update artists
- Create, view, update, and delete comic book series
- Create, view, update, and delete issues of a specific comic book series
- Uses React, Node/Express and an SQLite database.
- A small application to allow users to create and save small one-pane comic strips.
- You can select a head, body, background location, thought/speech bubble type, thought/speech bubble text, and caption for a strip.
- Uses Node/Express and an SQLite database.
- An Olympic metrics reporting web application.
- Allows users to:
- View countries in a list with their population, GDP, and number of Olympic gold medals.
- Sort the list of countries by any of these attributes, as well as alphabetically by name.
- View a detailed description of a country, with statistics on their Olympic wins.
- View a list of every Olympic win a country has with the year, season, winner name, city, and event.
- Sort the list of Olympic wins by any of these attributes.
- Uses React, Node/Express and an SQLite database.
- An API in Node/Express for managing workers and meetings.
- Allows to execute different CRUD actions on:
- Minions (workers)
- Profitable ideas
- Meetings
- Work.
- Uses a faker "database" with utility functions to access it.
- An article submission web app in Node.
- Allows users to:
- Create and log in to custom username handles
- Submit, edit, and delete articles containing a link and description
- Upvote and downvote articles
- Create, edit, and delete comments on articles
- Upvote and downvote comments
- View all of a user’s articles and comments.
- Uses a Yaml database.
- API for a Task Manager App.
- Uses Express and MongoDB with mongoose.
- A simple educational project for testing Express.
- Allows the user to "authenticate", uses static data and all of the main REST methods.
- A simple training API for performing CRUD on spices in various locations.
- A simple training API for performing CRUD actions on expression and animal emojis.
- A simple app for mixing sound beats and using simple sound synthetizer.
- A user can save his beats as presets.
- A simple command-line app for encoding messages using a few simple ciphers.
- single-encoder is used to encode using one method; enhanced-encoder is using all three of them.
- An educational project in JS — an enhanced version of Rock Paper Scissors.
- Uses the traditional moves plus the "move value" system.
- Has an option of playing either with another player or with a bot.
- A simple function returning correct media types depending on the resource requested.
- A simple script created to add Markdown headers to all .md files in a directory.
- Headers are based on the file names.
- Adds headers into the second line (after tags).
- Contains various algorithms and data structures written in Javascript for training purposes.
- A Netflix clone demo built using React.
- Uses GraphQL to load movie data, using pagination to limit the requests.
- Has multiple copies of placeholder movies in a database (for testing).
- See the second repository for project itself.
- A simple todo app created to learn new Next 13 features.
- A simple blog app created for learning Next.
- A simple project in Next for learning Tailwind.
- A very simple PWA implementation.
- A To-Do App created as a part of a React course.
- Connects with a local API to do CRUD actions on tasks.
- Supports login with Facebook.
- Uses React Router, Context, Formik, Styled Components and other technologies.
- A simple tech article website app.
- Supports viewing different tech articles and looking up authors.
- The user can also search through articles.
- Allows the user to "log in" and change his username.
- Uses React Router.
- Displays a list of fake comments fetched from JSONPlaceholder server.
- Allows user to search by author's e-mail address.
- Implements the responsive design guidelines.
- A list of cooking recipes in React-Redux.
- Allows the user to add and remove recipes from favorites.
- Implements searching functionality.
- Uses redux-toolkit. (recipes-old is the older version which doesn't use redux-toolkit.)
- Uses msw to simulate getting recipe data from a server.
- A simple demo of a messenger app using React-Redux.
- Allows the user to view (mock) contacts.
- Messages are displayed in the main view.
- Allows user to enter and send messages.
- My personal webpage written entirely in React.
- Uses Bootstrap and Sass for style.
- Showcases some small React/Redux apps: Randomizer, Clock and ToDoApp.
- Randomly picks from number ranges (Number Range Mode) or comma-separated sets of data (Custom Items Mode).
- Has two sub-modes: Repeat or No-Repeat.
- Allows the user to hide the list and toggle item picking sounds.
- Designed to be used as a board game support app.
- Uses Redux. (RandomizerOld is the simple version which uses only React.)
- A simple app in React used to write thoughts appearing in your head.
- Thoughts disappear after 15 seconds, but can be deleted faster with a button.
- Uses Jest and RTL for testing.
- A simple React clock.
- Has two modes: Normal and Precise.
- A simple todo app in React.
- Allows to add tasks with descriptions and delete them.
- Uses Redux to transfer contact data.
- A simple exercise app for displaying user information.
- A simple exercise app for displaying balance and withdrawing money from account.
- A basic web server in Flask.
- Lists the numbers of the open doors after you visited all of the 100 doors 100 times.
- Accepts a string and returns two strings: the first containing consonants only, the second containing vowels only, in their original order.
- Takes a file from the user, reads each line of that file, and displays those pairs of words which are anagrams in separated lines.
- anagrams.csv is an example.
- A simple notetaking app.
- Allows user to read the list, add new ideas or delete existing ones.
- Saves ideas in ideas.txt
- A simple Python calculator.
- Supports addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Finds the greatest common divisor between the two numbers.
- Accepts a verb and returns a Present Participle form of that verb.
- Accepts a sentence and reverses the character order.
- Accepts a number from 1 to 3999 and returns a Roman version of that number.
- A simple Python todo app.
- Allows to add tasks, mark them as done, display the list and remove all marked tasks.
- Takes 6 integers: a, b, c, d, e, f - the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle (a, b), (c, d) and (e, f).
- Prints the triangle area.
- A simple project for testing Nx possibilities.