An open-source code structure that integrates assimilation code, model code and ensemble setup scripts for assimilation and prediction with NorESM.
- NorCPM quick-start (pdf,pptx)
- NorCPM how-to-contribute (pdf,pptx)
- NorCPM developer-meeting-2024.09.24: Ready-to-use setup for high-frequent EnKF assimilation with NorESM2 (pdf,pptx)
Create public ssh key on Betzy with
cd $HOME/.ssh
ssh-keygen # press enter if asked for password phrase
This will generate a public ssh key at $HOME/.ssh/
Open in your browser, log into your github account and add your public ssh key from Betzy to your github profile.
We recommend to create a personal folder in nn9039k under which NorCPM can be installed, e.g. mkdir -p /cluster/projects/nn9039k/people/$USER cd /cluster/projects/nn9039k/people/$USER
Next, download the code with git clone ssh:// NorCPM
In case git clone
throws a permission denied
error then use instead
git clone NorCPM
In the following, we refer to the location where NorCPM is installed as NORCPMROOT.
The assimilation code will be compiled for each new experiment that uses
assimilation when calling the
For debugging and testing, it is also possible to build the assimilation code in stand-alone manner with e.g.
cd $NORCPMROOT/assim/enkf_cf-system1
This will compile the assimilation code into
To download NorESM2 from github and install it in the NorCPM structure execute
cd $NORCPMROOT/setup/noresm2
Change to setup folder
cd $NORCPMROOT/setup/noresm2
Set up a new experiment
./ <path to experiment settings file> [VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2 ...]
where <path to experiment settings file>
points to one of the experimental
settings files in the settings sub-directory.
For example
./ ../settings/ ENSSIZE=15
will set up a no-assimilation hist-esm experiment with 15 simulation members.
Optional VAR=value
arguments can be specified to override the defaults from the
settings file.
The setup script will prepare individual configuration directories for the
simulation members in $NORCPMROOT/cases/$EXPERIMENT
and run directories in
set in the settings file.
Launch the experiment with
./ <path to experiment settings file> [VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2 ...]
./ ../settings/ ENSSIZE=15
will submit the hist-esm experiment created in the previous example.
Optional VAR=value
arguments can be specified to override the defaults for e.g.
walltime and simulation length (see "Reference for settings variables").
If an experiment is resubmitted then it will automatically continue from the latest set of restarts present in the run directory.
The frequency of restart dumps is controlled via the setting variables
and STOP_N
The directory of the first simulation member serves as a template for all other simulation members.
Do the following steps if you wish to apply any changes of the code or diagnostic output configuration of th simulation members.
Prepare the experiment as usual, for example with
./ ../settings/
Change to the configuration directory of the first simulation member in
with the value of EXPERIMENT
set in the settings file.
Make modifications to the code (by placing alternative code in SourceMods sub- directory and then rebuild) and/or modifications to the output configuration (edit bld.nml.csh-files in Buildconf directory).
Rerun the
script but this time with the arguments
For example,
./ ../settings/ SKIP_CASE1=1 ASK_BEFORE_REMOVE=0
argument will force the script to skip the configuration of the
first simulation member. The settings of the existing first simulation member
will then be applied to the other simulation members.
Make a copy of one of the folders in setup/noresm2/user_mods
and point to the new folder
by changing the value of USER_MODS_DIR the variable in the settings file of your experiment.
The code can be modified by changing the content in SourceMods and the diagnostic output can be customized by changing the user_nml-files in the new user_mods folder.
Occasionally, one wants to continue an old experiment that either has been run by another user, or, for which the case and run directories for other reasons are not intact anymore.
This can be achieved via setting appropriate values in the settings file of the
experiment as demonstrated in
The case names must be identically to original ones.
The experiment start-date START_DATE
should also be the same as for
the original experiment e.g.1981-11-15
must be set to branch
should be set to the date at which the experiment should be
continued, matching the date of the restart files e.g. 2022-09-15
should be set to 1 if an assimilation update has already
been applied to the restart conditions.
If the above conditions are met then the
script will
automatically set CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE
and the simulations will continue
from the restart data as if running the original simulations.
Note that with CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE
any changes to the diagnostic output or
external forcing specification in the namelists of CAM and CLM will be ignored.
Reference case names can be specified explicitly with REF_CASE_LIST. The reference cases are cycled through if their number is smaller than the ensemble size.
Alternatively, the variables REF_CASE_PREFIX and REF_CASE_SUFFIX_MEMBER1 can be specified and the reference case names will then be guessed.
A single reference case for all members can be specified by either setting REF_CASE or REF_CASE_LIST.
For hybrid initialisation, multiple reference dates can be specified by using REF_DATE_LIST instead of REF_DATE. The dates are cycled through if their number is smaller than the ensemble size.
For hybrid initialisation, a perturbation can be applied to the atmospheric initialisation by setting ADD_PERTURBATION to 1.
Experiment settings
EXPERIMENT : Experiment name (without start-date and member suffixes)
MEMBER1 : First member, default is 01
ENSSIZE : Number of members in ensemble
COMPSET : Component and forcing configuration of the NorESM
RES : grid configuration, always "f19_g16" for NorCPM1
START_DATE : Start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Initialisation settings
RUN_TYPE : Default "branch", use "hybrid" only if compset changes
REF_EXPERIMENT : name of reference experiment, including start date
: suffix (if present) but not member suffix
REF_SUFFIX_MEMBER1 : suffix of first reference member (e.g., _mem01)
REF_PATH_LOCAL_MEMBER1 : local path to restart data of first reference member
REF_PATH_REMOTE_MEMBER1 : remote path to restart data of first reference member
(currently not used)
REF_DATES : Reference date or dates (multiple only for RUN_TYPE=hybrid)
Job settings
STOP_OPTION : Units for STOP_N, valid values are "nyears", "nmonths"
: and "ndays"; must be "nmonths" for assimilation
STOP_N : Simulation length; must be 1 for assimilation
RESTART : Number of times to restart after STOP_N is reached; must
: be 0 for assimilation experiments
WALLTIME : Total walltime for STOP_N*(1+RESTART) simulation length
PECOUNT : CPU setting that defines cores used per simulation
: with T=32, S=64, M=96, L=128, X1=502
ACCOUNT : CPU account name
MAX_PARALLEL_STARCHIVE : threads used for short-term archiving
General settings
CASESROOT : Location for configuration folders of simulations
CCSMROOT : Location of Earth system model code
ASK_BEFORE_REMOVE : 1=will ask before removing existing cases
VERBOSE : 1=set -vx option in all scripts
SKIP_CASE1 : 1=assume that first simulation member is already set up
: and can serve as templated for other members
SDATE_PREFIX : prefix for start-date, recommended is either empty or "s"
MEMBER_PREFIX : prefix for member counter, recommended is either empty or "mem"
Assimilation settings
ASSIMROOT : Location of assimilation code
MEAN_MOD_DIR : Location of model climatology data
ENSAVE : 1 = diagnose and archive ensemble averages
SKIP_ASSIM_START : 1 = skip DA at experiment start (before running model)
SKIP_ASSIM_FIRST : 1 = skip first assimilation update also if experiment continues
RFACTOR_START : 8 = phase in assimilation at start
1 = full assimilation from start
COMPENSATE_ICE_FRESHWATER : 1=add/remove freshwater to mixed layer to
: componesate for sea ice removed/added by
: assimilation ; must be 0 if ice not updated
ENKF_NTASKS : number of mpi-tasks used for EnKF
MICOM_INIT_NTASKS_PER_MEMBER : number of tasks used for post-assimilation
: modification of ocean restart files
OCNGRIDFILE : path to ocean grid file
OBSLIST : observation types to be assimilated
PRODUCERLIST : observation products to be assimilated
REF_PERIODLIST : reference periods for observation types
COMBINE_ASSIM : sequence that controls sequential vs combined
: assimilation, always '0 0 1' for NorCPM1
Experiment settings
EXPERIMENT : Experiment name (without start-date and member suffixes)
MEMBER1 : First member, default is 001
ENSSIZE : Number of members in ensemble
COMPSET : Component/forcing configuration of NorESM e.g. NHISTfrc2
RES : grid configuration e.g. f19_tn14 or f09_tn14
START_DATE : Start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
USER_MODS_DIR : Relative path to user-mods directory
Initialisation settings
RUN_TYPE : Default "branch", use "hybrid" if compset changes or if
REF_CASE : Single reference case used to initialise all members
REF_CASE_LIST : List of reference cases; the list is cycled through if
the number of reference cases < ENSSIZE, in which case
also ADD_PERTURBATION should be set
REF_CASE_PREFIX : sets prefix of references cases (excluding _memXXX)
and must be used together with REF_CASE_SUFFIX_MEMBER1
but not together with REF_CASE_LIST
REF_CASE_SUFFIX_MEMBER1 : suffix of first reference member (e.g., _mem01)
REF_DATE : Reference date (set to START_DATE if not specified)
REF_DATE_LIST : List of reference dates that is cycled though i.e.
different dates are picked for different members
REF_PATH_LOCAL : path to restarts e.g. /cluster/work/users/$USER/restarts
Job settings
STOP_OPTION : Units for STOP_N, valid values are "nyears", "nmonths"
: and "ndays"; must be "nmonths" for assimilation
STOP_N : Simulation length; must be 1 for assimilation
RESTART : Number of times to restart after STOP_N is reached; must
: be 0 for assimilation experiments
WALLTIME : Total walltime for STOP_N*(1+RESTART) simulation length
ACCOUNT : CPU account name
General settings
CASESROOT : Location for configuration folders of simulations
CCSMROOT : Location of Earth system model code
ASK_BEFORE_REMOVE : 1=will ask before removing existing cases
VERBOSE : 1=set -vx option in all scripts
SKIP_CASE1 : 1=assume that first simulation member is already set up
: and can serve as templated for other members
SDATE_PREFIX : prefix for start-date, recommended is either empty or "s"
MEMBER_PREFIX : prefix for member counter, recommended is either empty or "mem"
Assimilation settings
ASSIMROOT : Location of assimilation code
MEAN_MOD_DIR : Location where model climatologies are stored (for anomaly DA)
NTASKS_DA : total number of mpi-tasks available for assimilation
NTASKS_ENKF : number of mpi-tasks used for EnKF
OCNGRIDFILE : path to ocean grid file
OBSLIST : observation types to be assimilated e.g. 'TEM SAL SST'
PRODUCERLIST : observation products e.g. 'EN422 EN422 NOAA'
FREQUENCYLIST : update frequencies e.g. 'MONTH MONTH DAY'
REF_PERIODLIST : reference periods for observation types
COMBINE_ASSIM : sequence that controls sequential vs combined
: assimilation, always '0 0 1' for NorCPM1