Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
This is a project of framework allowing to easily experiment and play with basic reinforcement learning algorithms. RLToolBox consist of 3 main groups of components:
- reinforcement learning algorithms
- basic grid and continuous state environments
- approximators, that can be used to perform experiments in continuous state environments.
Unzip this package. Add newly created folder with project to PYTHONPATH environment variable. Install all requirements with command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then you'll be able to import its modules into your scripts or Jupyter Notebooks.
To run automated unit tests use command pytest
A simple example of using this framework is presented below.
from rltoolbox.algorithm.classic import Q
from rltoolbox.environment.continuous import BallBeam
from rltoolbox.approximator import TableApproximator
from rltoolbox.misc import plot_learning_stats
environment = BallBeam(max_steps=10000)
algorithm_instance = Q(environment, alpha=0.01, lambd=0.5,
epsilon=0.1, gamma=0.995)
algorithm_instance.learn(n_episodes=20, render=False)
title='BallBeam Q(lambda)-learning')
This code runs process of learning agent balancing ball on beam using Q-learning algorithm and table approximation of environment state values.
Changing value of parameter render
to True in algorithm.instance.learn()
will show animation of learning, so you can track and observe behaviour of environment while it learns.
After all it plots results of learning (number of steps per each episode) using MatPlotLib.
Folder scripts
contains more ready to use examples of experiments scenarios.