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Signature inference for Functional Property Discovery in Haskell


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Easyspec: Automatic Functional Property Discovery using Signature Inference in Haskell


This is a proof-of-concept of the automation and the signature inference strategies described in the master thesis 'Signature inference for functional property discovery and test generation'. Because this software was built within the constraints of a master thesis, corners were cut to ensure that the research could be done. This is by no means production-ready. There are a lot of wrinkles to be ironed out before this can be used in practice, but you can already start to play with it. There is more research to be done on this subject, but more importantly more real software engineering. Please contact the author if you would like to get involved.

Installing easyspec from source

First, get the source:

git clone

Then, use stack to install easyspec:

cd easyspec
stack install


Running easyspec without arguments or easyspec --help will show you the usage of easyspec.


To discover properties, the internals of the ghc API that easyspec uses must have access to QuickSpec. You can either install quickspec globally with cabal install quickspec, or you can have stack arrange everything for you by using stack exec to run the commands described below. For example, instead of running easyspec discover MyFile.hs, you would have to run stack exec easyspec -- discover MyFile.hs.

Discovering properties

To discover the properties of a functlon func in a file File.hs in the directory 'example-dir', you can run easyspec discover File.hs File.func --base-dir example-dir. Easyspec will find all the functions that are in scope at the top-level of a module (including all the imported functions). Then it performs its magic and uses quickspec to discover the properties of the chosen function with respect to all the other functions in scope.


There are plenty of examples in the examples directory, but here is a worked example:

Suppose you have the file MySort.hs in your working directory with the following contents:

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module MySort where

import Prelude (Bool(True), otherwise, (&&), Ord((<=)))

mySort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mySort [] = []
mySort (x:xs) = insert (mySort xs)
    insert [] = [x]
    insert (y:ys)
        | x <= y = x : y : ys
        | otherwise = y : insert ys

myIsSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
myIsSorted [] = True
myIsSorted [_] = True
myIsSorted (x:y:ls) = x <= y && myIsSorted (y : ls)

... and suppose you are interested in the properties of the mySort function in this file. This function mySort is called the 'focus function'. Now you can run stack exec easyspec -- discover MySort.hs mySort to discover the properties of mySort with respect to the functions that are in scope. The output should look something like the following:

$ ls MySort.hs 
$ stack exec easyspec -- discover MySort.hs MySort.mySort
myIsSorted (mySort xs) = True
mySort (mySort xs) = mySort xs
xs <= mySort xs = myIsSorted xs
mySort xs <= xs = True

If you don't specify a focus function, and use the full-background strategy, easyspec will find the properties of all the functions in scope. Take care, this may take a lot longer. The output should look something like the following:

$ stack exec easyspec -- discover MySort.hs MySort.mySort --strategy=full-background
otherwise = True
x && x = x
x && True = x
True && x = x
y && x = x && y
y <= y = True
y <= True = True
True <= x = x
x && (x && y) = x && y
(x && y) && z = x && (y && z)
myIsSorted (mySort xs) = True
mySort (mySort xs) = mySort xs
(y && y) <= z = y <= (y && z)
xs <= mySort xs = myIsSorted xs
mySort xs <= xs = True

As part of the research, multiple signature inference strategies were developed. You can try them out as well using the --strategy flag.

Evaluating strategies and experimenting with strategies using easyspec-evaluate

easyspec-evaluate is a tool that is used to evaluate the different signature inference strategies, generate plots, and eventually hopefully draw helpful conclusions.

The main component is a build system that knows how to make, evaluate and plot data. You can use it with stack exec easyspec-evaluate -- build myTarget. To build all plots, and transitive dependencies of those plots, use stack exec easyspec-evaluate -- build analyse.


Contributions are welcome in many forms (vaguely in the order of time investment):

  • An issue suggesting an improvement
  • An issue that brings a bug to the attention
  • A PR with a file in examples that shows functionality that is not shown by other examples.
  • A PR with a file in examples-wishlist that shows me that certain functionality is missing.
  • A PR with a failing test case
  • A PR with a bugfix
  • A PR with a new signature inference strategy evaluator
  • A PR with a new signature inference strategy
  • Any work that gets this project closer to being used in production.

Make sure to install the zift.hs script and that any PR passes the continuous integration.


Signature inference for Functional Property Discovery in Haskell








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