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The main page of the Cado-NFS source code is If you're accessing the cado-nfs source from a different link, it may be an outdated fork.

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Quick install:

(see also the section about running cado-nfs in a container)

in most cases the following should work to factor the number 903...693 using all cores on the local machine

  1. make # 已操作
  2. ./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693

More details follow.

Important note: For a larger factorization (distributed on several machines), the command line to be used is a priori more involved. Please refer to scripts/cadofactor/ Documented example parameter files are in parameters/factor/params.c90 and scripts/cadofactor/parameters*.

root@dkcd7jqtSk17et ~/t/cado-nfs (main) [1]# ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--screenlog LEVEL] [--filelog LEVEL] [--parameters PARAMETERS] [--workdir WORKDIR] [--client-threads CLIENT_THREADS] [--server-threads NCORES] [--slaves SLAVES]
                   [--gfpext GFPEXT] [--ell ELL] [--server] [--dlp] [--mysql] [--mysql-user MYSQL_USER] [--mysql-password MYSQL_PASSWORD] [--verboseparam] [--no-colors] [--dlp-no-keep]
                   [OPTION ...]

Integer factorization or GF(p) discrete logarithms with the Number Field Sieve

positional arguments:
  OPTION                options as in parameter file (format: key=value). NOTE that this also includes the integer N or p, and that this sequence of OPTIONs must be contiguous, otherwise parsing
                        fails. For example, 12345 -t 3 some.specific.arg=42 does *NOT* work, since 12345 and some.specific.arg=42 must be put next to eachother in the command line.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --screenlog LEVEL     Screen logging level, e.g., INFO/COMMAND/DEBUG
  --filelog LEVEL       Log file logging level, e.g., INFO/COMMAND/DEBUG
  --parameters PARAMETERS, -p PARAMETERS
                        A file with the parameters to use
  --workdir WORKDIR, --wdir WORKDIR, -w WORKDIR
                        Aliases (and conflicts with) tasks.workdir. WORKDIR is created if it does not exist. If unspecified (neither here nor in the parameter files), a temporary directory is
  --client-threads CLIENT_THREADS
                        Number of threads for sieving and polynomial selection jobs.
  --server-threads NCORES, -t NCORES
                        Overrides tasks.threads. NCORES may be "all", which then is the number of physical cores of the current node. Argument --client-threads may also be passed, leading to
                        finer grain setting. When used to run the factorization locally, set slaves.nrclient = tasks.threads / max(task.sieve.las.threads, tasks.polyselect.threads)
  --slaves SLAVES, -s SLAVES
                        Aliases (and conflicts with) slaves.nrclients
  --gfpext GFPEXT, -gfpext GFPEXT
                        Degree of the finite field extension (DLP only)
  --ell ELL, -ell ELL   Aliases (and conflicts with) ell in parameter files
  --server              Run a bare server, do not start any clients
  --dlp, -dlp           Run discrete logarithm computation instead
  --mysql, -mysql       Use a mysql db for tracking workunits etc
  --mysql-user MYSQL_USER, -mysql-user MYSQL_USER
                        Use a mysql db for tracking workunits etc
  --mysql-password MYSQL_PASSWORD, -mysql-password MYSQL_PASSWORD
                        Use a mysql db for tracking workunits etc
  --verboseparam        Enable very verbose parameter parsing
  --no-colors           Turn off colored output
  --dlp-no-keep, -dlp-no-keep
                        Disable the feature that CADO_DEBUG is set by default in dlp mode

Supported platforms

The primary development platform is x86_64 linux with gcc 5 or newer, the most common processor being Intel core2-like or more recent.

Other architectures are checked regularly, and should work. Please refer to the gitlab-ci page for the list of regularly tested platforms, and their current status. The overall pipeline status for the master branch is pipeline status, and details can be obtained by clicking on the badges. Note however that a failing pipeline might mean that a bug affects only one platform in particular, or could be caused by one runner encountering difficulties. Such things do happen.

Since we use gitlab-ci pipelines, the authoritative source as to what gets tested on a routine basis is of course the .gitlab-ci.yml file. In plain english, the configurations that we test, or that we at least used to test at some point, are as follows. Anything beyond the set of regularly tested machines perhaps works, perhaps does not.

  • The primary development platform is x86_64 Debian GNU/Linux, latest version, with gcc. If it doesn't work, we have a problem.

  • The current version, as well as a few other versions of Debian, Alpine Linux, Fedora, Centos Stream, and OpenSuse are also tested. CentOS distributions (or derivatives) that have been EOL'd for some time, or are deemed to be shortly because they have vastly out-of-date software, are not tested.

  • Current FreeBSD is also routinely tested.

  • x86_64 with icc 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 did work once, but are not checked regularly (cado-nfs uses C++11, which is not available with icc <= 14). Compilation with icc 19 has undergone more testing. Routine checks use the ICC version that is provided by Intel's intel/oneapi-hpckit:latest docker image. As icc has become icx, we now test with all icx versions.

  • Mac OS X is used for CI routine compilation checks, using the default compiler from XCode. All version from 10.5 onwards were part of the CI routine checks at some point in time, and worked successfully. However we do not commit to continued support for old versions. As of cado-nfs 2.3.0, Mac OS X 10.8+ should work. As of cado-nfs 3.0.0, we expect that Mac OS X 10.12+ should work.

  • Windows used to be partly supported, but this has been abandoned for some time now (see a longer note there at the end of this file).

These configurations are run within specific containers, or on specific machines. Compared to the base install, these are equipped with the necessary dependencies (see below). The console outputs for the different builds contain information related to the compiler versions being used.

Required software tools

  • GMP, version 5 or newer: usually installed in most Linux distributions (on some Linux distributions you need to install the libgmp-dev or gmp-devel package that includes gmp.h. It is often not installed by default). Note: make sure to configure GMP with --enable-shared so that a shared library is installed ( under Linux) otherwise CADO-NFS might not compile.
  • As of cado-nfs-3.0.0, a C/C++ compiler and C/C++ standard library that conform to the C99 and C++11 standards are required. (cado-nfs-2.3.0 only needed C99 and C++98). The dependency on C++11 is now substantial enough that an "almost conformant" compiler is not guaranteed to work. The minimal required versions for various compilers are as follows. Not all old compiler versions are part of our routine checks, so that a break for an old compiler is possible. The only thing that we're quite certain of is that versions older than below are a no-go.
    • GCC: the minimal required version is >= 5
    • LLVM Clang: the minimal required version is >= 4.0.0
    • Apple Clang: the minimal required version is >= 6.0.0
    • Intel ICC: the minimal required version is >= 15
  • GNU make and CMake (cmake 3.18 or later) for building.
  • Support for POSIX threads.
  • Python 3.6 or later is required, as well as a few fairly common packages such as python3-requests and python3-flask. These are packaged with most software distributions, or alternatively you can install them via pip. As a convenience means, we also provide the script ./scripts/, which you can use to install the python requirements of cado-nfs in a venv. Running this script is probably the quickest way to get you going on the Python front.
  • Several very common unix tools are used in many places. Among them, gzip, and under some circumstances, ssh and rsync.
  • On MacOS X, the cado-nfs client script needs an alternative to the system-provided curl binary, which it doesn't like. The simplest way to deal with this issue is to install the wget downloader (e.g. via homebrew).
  • For a large computation, it is recommended to use a MySQL backend for the database.

Optionally, cado-nfs can use the following additional software.

  • Support for OpenMP (at least version 3.0)
  • Support for MPI (see and linalg/bwc/README)
  • Support for hwloc (see parameters/misc/cpubinding.conf) Under Debian the command to install HWLOC is: apt-get install libhwloc-dev
  • Support for GMP-ECM. Define the environment variable GMPECM if it is installed in a non-standard place.
  • A formatting library fmt is used if found, otherwise a snapshot is embedded in the cado-nfs code anyway.


Normally you have nothing to do to configure cado-nfs.

However if your site needs tweaks, set such tweaks using environment variables, or via the shell script ; you may start with


Edit according to your local settings and your taste: gives documentation on the recognized environment variables and their effect.

Note that tweaks in are global (relevant to all sub-directories of the cado-nfs tree, not to a particular directory).

As a rule of thumb, whenever you happen to modify the script, it is advised to trigger re-configuration of the build system, by the special command make cmake. Another way to achieve the same goal is to remove the build tree, which is below build/ (normally named as the hostname of the current machine): make tidy should do it. Then, of course, you must recompile with make, since make cmake is just the equivalent of ./configure in a classical build system.

Optional (alternative): configure using cmake directly

cado-nfs includes a top-level Makefile which builds the binary objects in a special build directory which is below build/ (normally named as the hostname of the current machine). This way, parallel builds for different machines may coexist in one shared directory. This is sort of a magic out-of-source build.

Another way to do out-of-source build is to create a separate build directory and build from there, by calling cmake directly for the configuration. This proceeds as follows:

mkdir /some/build/directory
cd /some/build/directory
cmake /path/to/cado-nfs/source/tree

Note however that in this case, the file found in the source tree is not read (but you may elect to do so before calling cmake).




The relevance of the make install step depends on the platform. Cado-nfs binaries link to shared libraries, and some do so dynamically. For this to work, we rely on some control logic by cmake and cooperation with the operating system's dynamic linker.

  • if make is directly called from the source directory $SRCDIR, then make install installs all programs and binaries in $SRCDIR/installed.

  • otherwise programs and binaries will be installed in /usr/local/share/cado-nfs-x.y.z, and this default installation prefix can be changed by one of the following commands:

cmake .../cado-nfs -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/install
export PREFIX=/tmp/install ; cmake .../cado-nfs

There are several ways to call cado-nfs scripts (e.g., Here we assume that $SRCDIR is the source directory, that $BUILDDIR is the build tree for the local machine (typically $SRCDIR/build/$(hostname)), and that $PREFIX is the installation prefix (see above). We refer to these different ways, and later discuss how they work on different systems (which is mostly impacted by the shared library mechanism).

  • $SRCDIR/ This deduces $BUILDDIR from the machine hostname, and amounts to calling binaries from there. Parameter files are obtained from $SRCDIR/parameters/

  • $PREFIX/bin/ This calls binaries from $PREFIX/bin, and loads parameter files from $PREFIX/share/cado-nfs-x.y.z/

  • $BUILDDIR/ This calls binaries within $BUILDDIR. This is useful when several processors with the same architecture share a file-system, you have to compile CADO-NFS on one only.

Linux, BSD: the first two choices above should work ok. MacOS X: For any invocation to work, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable must be set up properly. The easiest method is to do make install, and include in these environment variables the directory $PREFIX/lib/cado-nfs-x.y.z.

Run a factorization on the current machine:

./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693 -t 2

where the option -t 2 tells how many cores (via threads) to use on the current machine (for polynomial selection, sieving, linear algebra, among others). It is possible to set -t all (which, in fact, is the default) to use all threads on the current machine.

CADO-NFS is optimized only for numbers above 85 digits, and no support will be provided for numbers of less than 60 digits (for very large numbers, no support is promised). Note that it is a good idea to remove small prime factors using special-purpose algorithms such as trial division, P-1, P+1, or ECM, and use CADO-NFS only for the remaining composite factor.

Parts of the Number Field Sieve computation are massively distributed. In this mode, client scripts (namely, are run on many nodes, connect to a central server, and run programs according to which computations need to be done. The programs (for the polynomial selection and sieving steps) can run multithreaded. It is better to have them run with a capped number of threads (say, 2), and run several clients per node. By default, programs in this step are limited to 2 threads. When running the computation on the local machine, the number of clients is set so that the number of cores specified by -t are kept busy.

Run a larger factorization on several machines:

CADO-NFS has several ways of operation, which can be roughly split into three modes as follows.

  • For small computations, or for tests where it is important to have a single command line, the strategy above works. The script can arrange so that the binaries for all steps of the computation are run on the current machine, or possibly on other machines, via SSH. Some of the documentation here is specific to this mode of operation (see in particular there or there). If you get it right, you may manage to run factorizations as follows. However be aware that this mode of operation is fragile, and we advise not to use it beyond trivial testing.

    ./ 353493749731236273014678071260920590602836471854359705356610427214806564110716801866803409 slaves.hostnames=hostname1,hostname2,hostname3 --slaves 4 --client-threads 2

    This starts 4 clients per host on the hosts hostname1, hostname2, and hostname3, and each client uses two cpus (threads). For hostnames that are not localhost, ssh is used to connect to the host and start a client there. To configure ssh, see the next section. For tasks that use the local machine only (not massively distributed tasks), the number of threads used is the one given by -t (which defaults to all threads on the local machine).

  • For larger computations where work distribution is an important point (distribution on several machines, possibly with different parameters for different machines), it is considerably more flexible to let the server be just a server, and start clients separately, that will be used to offload the distributed tasks (polynomial selection and relation collection). Clients can come and go. The server has plenty of timeout provisions to deal with such events.

    This is called the --server mode (see scripts/cadofactor/ and scripts/cadofactor/parameters). See also this thread on the cado-nfs list. If you want to use cado-nfs even to a little extent, we recomment that you familiarize with this mode of operation.

  • For much larger computations, the is only of moderate use. The individual cado-nfs binaries and internal scripts are the most flexible entry points, and should be used in order to adapt to the specificities of the platform being used (e.g. to deal with various requirements such as memory for filtering, interconnect for linear algebra, and so on).

Check that your network configuration is correct:

In case you run a factorization on the local machine, the clients should be able to connect to the server. Under Linux, CADO-NFS uses 'localhost' to identify the server, thus you should have the following line in your /etc/hosts file:   localhost

Check that your SSH configuration is correct:

The master script (unless in --server mode) uses SSH to connect to available computing resources. In order to avoid the script asking your password or passphrase, you must have public-key authentication and an agent.

The SSH keys are usually installed in the files ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/; if you don't have them yet, you can create them with the ssh-keygen command. See the man page ssh-keygen(1) for details. The private key should be protected with a passphrase, which you can enter when you create the keys. Normally ssh will ask for the key's passphrase when you log on to a machine, but this can be avoided by using ssh-agent, see the man page ssh-agent(1), and providing the passphrase to the agent with ssh-add. Public-key authenticaton together with an ssh-agent will allow cadofactor to use ssh to run commands on slave machines automatically.

Most of the recent Linux distributions will run an ssh-agent for you. But if this is not the case with your distribution, or if you are running inside a screen in order to logout from your desktop, you will need to run the ssh-agent by hand. As a short recipe, you can type:

eval `ssh-agent`

You should also copy your public key, i.e., the contents of the file ~/.ssh/, into $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on the slave machines, to allow logging in with public-key authentication.

Also, since localhost has an IP and key that varies, you should have those 3 lines in your $HOME/.ssh/config:

Host    localhost
        StrictHostKeyChecking no
        UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

If everything is correctly configured, when you type

ssh localhost

you should end up with a new shell on your machine, without having to type any password/passphrase.

Restarting an interrupted factorization:

If you have started a factorization with the script, and it was interrupted (for example because of a power failure) you can restart in any of these two ways:

  • with the same command line if a work directory was explicitly provided on the command line:

    $ ... workdir=/path/to/workdir
  • with a single argument as in:

    $     [[work directory]]/XXX.parameters_snapshot.YYY

    where [[work directory]] is the directory which has been chosen automatically, XXX is the "name" of the running factorisation, and YYY is the largest possible integer value for which such a file exists.

Factoring with SNFS:

It is possible to take advantage of the special form of an integer and use the Special Number Field Sieve. See parameters/factor/parameters.F9 for that:

$ parameters/factor/parameters.F9 slaves.hostnames=localhost

Note in particular that you can force the special-q to be on the rational side if this is more appropriate for your number, with tasks.sieve.sqside=0 on the command line or in the parameter file (assuming side 0 is the rational side).

The default square root algorithm does not work in some very rare cases that could possibly occur with SNFS polynomials (a degree 4 polynomial with Galois group Z / 2 × Z / 2 is the only reasonable example, next case is for degree 8). The CRT approach is a workaround. See sqrt/crtaglsqrt.c .

Big factorization (200 digits and more):

By default, to decrease memory usage, it is assumed that less than 2 3 2 (~ four billion) relations or ideals are needed and that the ideals will be less than 2 3 2 (i.e., the lpb0 and lpb1 parameters are less or equal to 32). In the case of factorizations of numbers of 200 digits and more, these assumptions may not hold. In this case, you have to set some variables in your script (see Configure section above for more information on and section on big factorizations in

Factoring with two non-linear polynomials:

You can find a bit of information on this topic in the development version, in the GIT repository (see file README.nonlinear).

Importing polynomials or relations:

If you have already computed a good polynomial and/or relations, you can tell CADO-NFS to use them, see scripts/cadofactor/


As a current work in progress, cado-nfs now ships pre-prepared containers which should be enough to do some quick tests. For example, the following command line should pull pre-compiled cado-nfs binaries, and run them in a docker container (assuming you are using an x86_64 CPU, haswell or later).

docker run --rm 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693

Again, this is work in progress.

Using CADO-NFS under Windows:

Portability of CADO-NFS on Windows was not an initial goal of that project, however we give here some hints that might help people wanting to use CADO-NFS under Windows. We hope that the following information can be useful to some extent, but the general message is that you're on your own.

  • Cado-NFS uses the POSIX interface all over the place, which means that in one form of the other, you need to have the corresponding functionality. If you don't, you're out of luck. (e.g., cado-nfs cannot build as a "pure" visual studio project.)

  • if you only need the siever to run on Windows, then you only need to compile the las program on Windows.

  • Cygwin provides a Unix-like environment, where compilation should be easy. However the binary requires a cygwin.dll file. We have been told of problems with shared libraries, which the following seems to address:

    PATH="installed/lib/cado-nfs-x.y.z:$PATH" ./ [...]
  • if you want a binary without any dependency, you might try MinGW. The INSTALL file from GNU MPFR contains detailed instructions on how to compile MPFR under Windows. Those instructions should work for CADO-NFS too. See dev_docs/howto-MinGW.txt.

  • you might try to use MPIR ( instead of GMP. MPIR is a fork of GMP, which claims to be more portable under Windows. Alternatively, Windows ports of GMP shouldn't be too hard to find.

  • you might succeed in compiling the cado-nfs binaries with a cross-compiler for Windows (which does not waive the runtime requirements for, notably on unix-like utilities). See dev_docs/README.cross in the source code repository for information on how to cross-compile.

Examples of basic usage:

  • Run a full factorization on the local machine, using all available cores:
./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693
  • Run a full factorization on the local machine, using all available cores, but with a slightly modified set of default parameters.

    The difficulty here is that when uses a parameter file supplied on the command line, it does not automatically insert into the parameter set the options that are necessary for running jobs. Therefore, we need to add these options:

./ --parameters ./parameters/factor/params.c60 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693 slaves.hostnames=localhost slaves.nrclients=2
  • Run a full factorization on the local machine, using 8 threads for the server (this includes the linear algebra), and 4 jobs of 2 threads each for the polynomial selection and the sieving:
./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693 --slaves 4 --client-threads 2 --server-threads 8
  • Run a factorization in the given directory (must be an absolute path), interrupt it (with Ctrl-C, or whatever unexpected event), and resume the computation:
./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693 workdir=/tmp/myfacto
./ /tmp/myfacto/c60.parameters_snapshot.0
  • Run a server on machine1, and a slave on machine2, disabling ssl:
machine1$ ./ --server 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693 server.port=4242 server.ssl=no server.whitelist=machine2
machine2$ ./ --server=http://machine1:4242 --bindir=...

Note: if you are on an insecure network, you'll have to activate ssl, and then pass the appropriate sha1 certificate to the client (the server prints the appropriate command-line to be copy-pasted on machine2).

  • Run a factorization on machine1, and have it start automatically a slave on machine2 via SSH:
./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693

Note that, in that case, you have to specify machine1 as well in the list of hostnames if you want it to contribute to the polynomial selection and the sieving.

Stopping the factorization during a specific step:

It is possible to stop the factorization:

./ 90377629292003121684002147101760858109247336549001090677693

This command works with: xxxx = polyselect, sieve, filter, linalg

Known problems:

(some of these problems refer to versions or operating systems that are no longer supported by cado-nfs anyway)

  • when running the square root step in multi-thread mode (tasks.sqrt.threads=2 or larger) with GMP <= 6.0, you might encounter an issue due to a "buglet" in GMP ( Workaround: use tasks.sqrt.threads=1 or GMP >= 6.1.0.
  • GCC 4.1.2 is known to miscompile CADO-NFS (see, GCC 4.2.0, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are also affected.
  • under NetBSD 5.1 amd64, Pthreads in the linear algebra step seem not to work, please use -t 1 option in or tasks.linalg.threads=1x1.
  • under AIX, if GMP is compiled in 64-bit mode, you should set the environment variable OBJECT_MODE, for example: export OBJECT_MODE=64
  • if you encounter the error "Exceeded maximum number of failed workunits, maxfailed=100", you can restart the factorization with tasks.maxfailed=200. But it would be wise, first, to try to understand why workunits are failing. This should not appear. It might be that all your workunits are timing out, because your adrange and qrange parameters are too large. Or it's a bug in cado-nfs, and then it should definitely be reported.

Contact, links:

The website of the project is hosted at:

You can get the latest development version with:

git clone


git clone

(use the latter if you have an account on Inria gitlab, and commit access to cado-nfs)

There is now a unique mailing-list associated to Cado-nfs Please do not use the old cado-nfs-discuss mailing list, the infrastructure that hosts this mailing list has been removed in september 2021. All mailing list content has been moved to the new mailing list, but links are broken.

If you find a bug, if you have a problem compiling cado-nfs, if you want to factor a large number and seek for advice for tuning the parameters, then the cado-nfs list is the right place to ask.

On the web page you can also find the cado-nfs bug tracker (a.k.a project issues). The bug tracker is an important piece of the cado-nfs development cycle. Submitting bugs and merge requests there is welcome (you need an Inria gitlab account), although if you are unsure, it might be better to speak up on the cado-nfs mailing list first.