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A data feed orchestrator


After some investigation, we could not find an easy to setup tool that would handle data accelerators in a distributed system where if one piece of the puzzle suddenly crashes or for some reason stop processing the whole puzzle manages and is capable of healing itself

What it does?

The Data Feed Orchestrator consists basically in 2 main pieces, an Orchestrator and N Modules, all modules are connected to the Orchestrator who is responsible for handling new messages arrivals and is able to decide to which module each new messages should be delivered in the next iteration. After a message is handled by the module, it sends the message back to the orchestrator that decides what to do next.


The Orchestrator is listening to 2 basic queues in an ampq (rabbitmq) server, Messages queue and Register Queue.

  • Register Queue
    • The register queue, is a queue that new modules should register themselvees, by sending a shallow copy of itself to the queue (Automagically done by the Module#register() method.
  • Messages Queue
    • The messages queue is the one that new messages will arrive, by an external process (or a module).

Each modules register itself using the Module#register() method using the Register queue and the Orchestrator answers back a queue to which the module will be listening to.

NOTE: Modules are grouped by the Module.service property, which means, all modules registered with the same service name will be listening to the same queue. This enables the capability that N instances of the same module can be launched to process messages in parallel.



npm install data-feed-orchestrator


  • Launching infra
#Launch elasticsearch
docker run --name=es -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 elasticsearch:2.0

#Launch rabbitmq
docker run --name=mq -d --hostname my-rabbit -p -p rabbitmq:3-management

#Launch the orchestrator
docker run --name orc -v /data --link=mq --link=es -e ENABLE_ELASTICSEARCH=true -e ES_HOST=es:9200 -e NODE_ENV=prod -e AMQP_URL=amqp://mq:5672 notastica/orchestrator node lib/app.js

NOTE: There are several environment variables that can be set when launching the orchestrator, see them all in options.js

  • Create your module
var dataFeed = require('data-feed-orchestrator');

var m = new dataFeed.Module({
    service: 'test-service',  // This groups several modules into the same service and messages are distributed evenly
    name: 'arandomname',      // this should be your modules name, if you dont provide a random one will be asigned
    positivePath: '$',        // messages matching the positivePath and *NOT* matching the negativePath will be sent to your module
    negativePath: '$.key1'

var count = 0;

var start;
m.on('data', function (message) { // our listener when new messages arrive, proccess as quick as you can
    if (!start) {
        start = new Date();
    // console.log('Received data', message.toString());

    // ... Your module's magic goes here
    message.key1 = 'hooooray, I got a value';

    m.afterProcess(message); // **IMPORTANT** to call this one once you finish processing
    console.log('Received: ', count);
    if (count === 5000) {
        console.log('Started at', start);
        console.log('Finished at', new Date());
        console.log('Took:', new Date() - start);
        console.log('Amazingly fast ah? Only ' + Math.round((new Date() - start) / count) + 'ms per request!');

m.register().then(function (m) {
    console.log('Module registered', m);

Let us know the nice things you build with it 👍



Contributions and issues report, as well as feature requests (and Pull requests) are highly welcome!