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Unish - One Configuration To Rule Them All

Hopefully it will eventually come true in ten years. :)

Current State: Primitive.


Some might not be related with Unish, but with Linux or in general with POSIX or UNIX.

Some One-Liners That May Fade From Memory

  • tilsuc: Unattended download of videos over unstable connection.

    Note: There is a shell script now, at commands/

    It seems more appropriate to add a sleep in the while loop, when the main command doesn't support immediate re-entrance.

    tilsuc() { while true; do "${@}"; if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then break; fi; sleep 1; done; }; tilsuc youtube-dl --proxy 'socks5://' ''
  • If you have many Git repositories, this one-liner might come in handy.

    Note that all my repositories are named in this format, '<name>.<vcs>'. For instance, unish.git, unish.hg and unish.svn.

    find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.git' -exec sh -c 'cd {} && git status' \;
  • Clean up compiled Python files before packaging or distributing.

    find -name '*.pyc' -delete && find -name '__pycache__' -delete
  • I tend to use this pylint recently.

    E.g, 1000, to which pylint defaults, is not a good candidate for maximum line count, whereas 999 or 9999 is.

    Guess what?

    I refuse to pay the space of a single character, len('1000') - len('999'), for a single line, 1000 - 999, when my editors always have line numbers on.

    pylint --reports n --output-format colorized --disable=missing-docstring,too-few-public-methods,too-many-ancestors,broad-except,invalid-name,too-many-locals,too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods,too-many-lines,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,duplicate-code


Unish may work only in Zsh 5.2 & Bash 4.3. You have been warned.

Still Warning

You are not recommended to use Unish directly. (It sucks :(.) Instead, absorbing or extracting and adapting some bits or pieces that fit in your needs.

But it's not abandoned and will be updated regularly as I experiment on various fancy stuffs.


  • Intentional command-not-found handler

    Work in progress, prototype available.

    For more details, see py/, py/, as well as the command-not-found handling functions.


py/ and related code now reside in UrlMark.

Show Cases

$ # Search in Google or Bing, and many others.
$ @google Who is the president of US
$ @bing Who is the president of US

$ # Open a website.
$ @github

$ # Search in dictionaries.
$ @oxford pulchritude
$ @urban '<3'
  • Smart Commands (Growing)

    Commands with knowledge of their invocation environment and behave accordingly.

    See the dedicated section below.

  • Logging Layer (Primitive)

    I'm addicted to logs, and dream of writting fantastic ones, which give me a feeling that my code is more of myself, a human being, rather than some strange pieces run inside a cold machine.

    Because it's me that wrote it!

  • Built-in Help Layer (Primitive)

    Created by a previous Bash user who missed that handy help builtin and appreciated the fantastic run-help in Zsh world.

  • Documentation generator (Ongoing)

    I hate documentation that isn't generated from code.

    Known exceptions: readme, changelog as well as commit messages.

  • Plugin Layer (Planned)


  • Clone this repository

    git clone or

    git clone --recursive

    Clone recursively if you want the bundle packages as listed below.

  • Use the included makefile to prepare symbolic links

    make zsh or make bash

    Warning: Check the makefile before typing make.

    Backup your original ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc if necessary.

  • Alternatively, you can just source the of Unish.

    Both Zsh and Bash are supported.

    Suggestion: use export DISABLE_UNISH_PLUGINS=1 before you source to avoid unintentional side effects.

  • Happy Tweaking!

Smart Commands

Take cd for instance, we think it smart when it:

  • cd into the directory containing the given file

    if it's invoked with a single argument which is a file. For example, cd /etc/fstab behaves as cd /etc.

  • runs git status or hg status after cd

    if it knows that the directory is a Git or Mercurial repository.

  • displays files up to a default count in the given directory

    when it finds nothing special about that direcotry.

As matter of fact, we are able to add smartness further, for instance, integrating autoenv or smartcd.

Integrated Utilities

Unish provides integration (wrapping) of some useful daily utilities, for example, ssh-agent and tmux.

  • ssh-agent

    ssh-agent will be started if available when Unish is ready.

    You can use addkey function to add keys.

  • tmux

    If Unish finds tmux, it will be started with the default session named main.

    a function can be used to attach to the most recent session, or create a new session main if there is none.

Major Functions Currently Available

  • dog

    Colorized cat (Actually less) if applicable.

    This requires highlight or pygmentize.

  • lsgit and upgit

    lsgit: Check the status of git repositories in the specified directory.

    upgit: Update the specified git repositories.

    And variants, lshg, uphg, etc. See help lsgit and help upgit.

  • lsmd5 and rmmd5

    lsmd5: List the md5sum of files (but without filenames) in the specified directory.

    rmmd5: Remove the files with the specified md5sum.

    And its siblings, lssha1, lssha224, lssha256, lssha383, lssha512 and the corresponding rm versions.

    See help lsmd5 for more.

  • catmp3

    Concatenate mp3 files in the specified directory.

    And its brothers, catflv, catmp4, etc. See help catmp3.

    It requires ffmpeg.

  • summp3

    Calculate total duration of mp3 files in the specified paths.

    And its brothers, sumflv, summp4, etc. See help summp3.

    It requires ffmpeg.

Bundled Packages

Author & License

Copyright 2015-2016 Gu Zhengxiong <>

Unish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


One configuration conquers them all. (Hopefully.)







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