The SDK for third-party integration with nulink-web-agent project.
nulink web agent access sdk
is a complete library to interact with the NEAR blockchain. You can use it in the browser, or in Node.js runtime.
These APIs allow you to access Nulink Web Agent programmatically and perform various actions, such as connect, upload, apply, approve and download.
Network | Chain ID |
Horus (BSC Testnet) | 97 |
Conflux eSpace Testnet | 71 |
The default address in the Nulink Web Agent Access SDK:
- NuLink Agent:
- Backend service address:
- NuLink Staking Service Address:
- NuLink Porter Service Address:
The default network is Horus (BSC Testnet), default chain id is 97. If you need to change these addresses and network, you will need to write the following configurations in the .env file of your project:
- REACT_APP_NULINK_AGENT_URL: the web agent address
- REACT_APP_CENTRALIZED_SERVER_URL: the centralized service address
- REACT_APP_STAKING_SERVICE_URL: the staking service address
- REACT_APP_BSC_TESTNET_PORTER_URL: the porter service address
- REACT_APP_DEFAULT_NETWORK_CHAIN_ID: the network chain id
// modify .env in your project
// web agent address
// agent centralized bcakend service address
// staking service address
// porter service address
// chain Id
npm i @nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk
yarn add @nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk
All APIs take a callback function as a parameter and execute the callBackFunc after the corresponding method is successfully executed.
The callback function type that takes an optional parameter responseData and returns a Promise object. When the API call returns, the callback function is called with the responseData parameter, which is the data returned from the API call. The callback function can then process the data and handle any errors that occurred during the API call.
type CallBackFunc = ( responseData?:any ) => Promise<any>;
is used for handling login functionality for nulink web agent. It opens a new window for the user to complete the login process, and then executes the callBackFunc with the login data when the login is successful.
- Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server.
accountAddress: string - the address of the logged-in user
accountId: string - the ID of the logged-in user
action: 'login' - the action type
result: string
redirectUrl: string
import { connect } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const gotoConnect = async () => {
await connect(loginSuccessHandler)
const loginSuccessHandler: CallBackFunc = async (responseData) => {
if (responseData) {
// Do something with the responseData
} else {
// Handle the error case
console.error('Failed to login in');
uploadData(_uploadData: UploadData, callBackFunc:CallBackFunc)
used for uploading data and executing a callback function after the upload is successful
type UploadData = {
dataLabel : string,
fileBinaryArrayBuffer: Blob
- _uploadData: UploadData - The type UploadData is defined as an object with properties dataLabel of type string and fileBinaryArrayBuffer of type Blob
- Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server
accountAddress: string
accountId: string
action: 'upload'
subAction?: string
dataInfo?: [{dataHash: string, dataLabel : string}]
result: 'success' | 'failed'
redirectUrl: string
errorMsg?: any
import { uploadData } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _uploadAction = async () => {
await uploadData({ dataLabel : dataLabel, fileBinaryArrayBuffer: blob }, async (responseData) => {
if (responseData) {
// Do something with the responseData
} else {
// Handle the error case
console.error('Failed to upload');
uploadDataBatch(dataList: UploadData[], callBackFunc:CallBackFunc)
allows batch uploading of data and executes a callback function after the upload is successful
type UploadData = {
dataLabel : string,
fileBinaryArrayBuffer: Blob
- dataList: UploadData[] - an array of UploadData objects
- Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server
accountAddress: string
accountId: string
action: 'upload'
subAction?: string
dataInfo?: [{dataHash: string, dataLabel : string}]
result: 'success' | 'failed'
redirectUrl: string
errorMsg?: any
import { uploadDataBatch } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _uploadAction = async () => {
await uploadDataBatch(dataList, async (responseData) => {
if (responseData) {
// Do something with the responseData
} else {
// Handle the error case
console.error('Failed to upload');
uploadFile(file: File, callBackFunc:CallBackFunc)
uploading file and executing a callback function after the upload is successful
- file : File - the file to be uploaded, of type File
- Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server
accountAddress: string
accountId: string
action: 'upload'
subAction?: string
dataInfo?: [{dataHash: string, dataLabel : string}]
result: 'success' | 'failed'
redirectUrl: string
errorMsg?: any
import { uploadFile } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _uploadAction = async () => {
await uploadFile( file, async (responseData) => {
if (responseData) {
// Do something with the responseData
} else {
// Handle the error case
console.error('Failed to upload');
uploadFileBatch(files: File[], callBackFunc:CallBackFunc)
allows batch uploading of file and executes a callback function after the upload is successful
- files: File[] - the files to be uploaded, an array of File
- Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server
accountAddress: string
accountId: string
action: 'upload'
subAction?: string
dataInfo?: [{dataHash: string, dataLabel : string}]
result: 'success' | 'failed'
redirectUrl: string
errorMsg?: any
import { uploadFileBatch } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _uploadAction = async () => {
await uploadFileBatch( files, async (responseData) => {
if (responseData) {
// Do something with the responseData
} else {
// Handle the error case
console.error('Failed to upload');
apply(dataName: string,
dataId: string,
dataCreatorAddress: string,
dataStorageUrl: string,
dataHash: string,
zkProof: string,
usageDays: number,
The apply function is used for applying for files, takes eight parameters: dataCreatorAddress,dataId,dataName,dataStorageUrl,
dataHash,zkProof,usageDays and callBackFunc, which is the callback function to be executed after the application is successful.
- dataName : string - The data name
- dataId : string - The data id
- dataCreatorAddress : string - The data creator Address
- dataUrl : string - The data storage url
- dataHash : string - The data hash
- zkProof : string - The data zkProof
- usageDays : number - The number of days applied
- Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server.
The parameters in the apply
API can be obtained from the response of the getFileList
accountAddress: string - the address of the logged-in user
accountId: string - the ID of the logged-in user
action: 'apply'
subAction?: string
owner: string - the file owner's address
user: string - the file requester's address
result: string
redirectUrl: string
import { apply } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const applyForFile = async () => {
await apply(_dataName, _dataId, _dataCreatorAddress, _dataStorageUrl, _dataHash, _zkProof, _usageDays, async () => {
if (responseData) {
// Do something with the responseData
} else {
// Handle the error case
console.error('Failed to upload');
approve(applyId : string,
applyUserAddress : string,
applyUserId : string,
dataName : string,
dataHash : string,
dataStorageUrl : string,
days : string,
backupNodeNum : number,
callBackFunc : CallBackFunc)
is used for approving files, takes parameters: applyId, applyUserAddress, applyUserId, dataName, dataHash, dataUrl, days, backupNodeNum and callBackFunc.
- applyId : string - the application ID
- applyUserId : string - the application user id
- applyUserAddress : string - the application user address
- dataName : string - The data name
- dataUrl : string - The data storage url
- dataHash : string - The data hash
- days : string - the application days
- backupNodeNum : number - number of nodes used for data backup, this number is the response of
API - Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server.
accountAddress: string - the address of the logged-in user
accountId: string - the Id of the logged-in user
action: string
subAction?: string
from: string - the file owner's address
to: string - the file requester's address
applyId: string - the apply id
result: string
redirectUrl: string
import { approve } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const approveSubmit = async () => {
await approve(_applyId, _applyUserId, _applyUserAddress, _dataName, _dataUrl, _dataHash, _days, _backupNodeNum, async () => {
if (responseData) {
// Do something with the responseData
} else {
// Handle the error case
console.error('Failed to upload');
dataHash: string,
zkProof: string,
dataUrl: string,
encryptedDataSize: string,
The dataDownload API provides the function of downloading files.
- dataId : string - The ID of the data to be downloaded
- dataName : string - The name of the data to be downloaded
- dataHash : string - The hash of the data to be downloaded
- ownerAddress : string - The owner of the data
- zkProof : string - The zk proof of the data
- dataUrl : string - The data storage url
- encryptedDataSize - The size of encrypted data
- Promise : CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server.
accountAddress: string
accountId: string
fileName: string
action: 'decrypted'
subAction?: string
result: 'success' | 'failed'
redirectUrl: string
arrayBuffer?: string - The ArrayBuffer of the raw data
errorMsg?: any
import { download } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const fileDownload = async () => {
await download(
const fileDownloadCallBack = async (data) => {
try {
if (!!data && data.arrayBuffer) {
const blob = new Blob([data.arrayBuffer], { type: 'arraybuffer' })
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
const link = document.createElement("a"); = "none";
link.href = url
link.setAttribute("download", data.fileName);
}catch (error){
throw new Error("Decryption failed, Please try again")
getFileList(accountId:string, include:boolean, desc:boolean = false, pageNum:number, pageSize:number)
Get the list of files belonging to other users.
- accountId : string - ID of the currently logged-in user
- fileName : string - File name, supports fuzzy matching, can be empty.
- include : boolean - If include=false, exclude the files belonging to the current account; otherwise, the files belonging to the current user will be placed at the beginning of the list.
- format : string - the format of file,can be empty.
- desc : boolean - Whether to sort in descending order by upload time
- pageNum : number - page number (starting from 1)
- pageSize : number - page size
total: number
list: [{
file_id: string - the file ID
file_name: string - the file name
file_hash: string - the file hash
file_raw_size: string - the original file size
file_zk_proof: string - the zero-knowledge proof of file
file_encrypted_size: string - The size of the encrypted file
category: string - the file category/type
format: string - file format
suffix: string - file suffix
address: string - file address
thumbnail: string - file thumbnail
owner: string - file owner
file_url: string - file storage url
address: string - the file hash in backend
owner_id: string - file owner's account ID
owner_avatar: string - file owner's avatar
created_at: number - file upload timestamp
import { getFileList } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const pageChange = async () => {
let result = await getFileList(
accountId, include, desc, pageNum, pageSize
getFileDetail(fileId:string, fileUserAccountId:string)
get file details
- fileId : string - the file id
- fileUserAccountId : string - The file user's account ID, which refers to the current user's account ID.
file_id: string - File ID
file_name: string - File name
file_hash: string - the file hash
file_raw_size: string - the original file size
file_zk_proof: string - the zero-knowledge proof of file
file_encrypted_size: string - The size of the encrypted file
thumbnail: string - File thumbnail
creator: string - Owner of the file (policy creator)
creator_id: string - Owner ID of the file (policy creator ID)
creator_avatar: string - Owner avatar of the file (policy creator avatar)
creator_address: string - Ethereum address of the file owner (policy creator's address)
file_created_at: number - File upload timestamp
apply_id: number - Application record ID
proposer_address: string - Ethereum address of the file user (policy user's address)
status: number - Application status, 0: not applied, 1: applying, 2: approved, 3: rejected
apply_start_at: string - Application start timestamp (policy start timestamp)
apply_end_at: string - Application end timestamp (policy end timestamp)
apply_created_at: string - Submit application timestamp
policy_id: number - Policy ID
hrac: string - Policy HRAC
consumer: string - Policy user (applicant, file user)
consumer_id: string - Policy user ID
gas: string - Policy gas
tx_hash: string - Policy transaction hash
policy_created_at: string - Policy creation timestamp
file_ipfs_address: string - File IPFS address
policy_encrypted_pk: string - Encrypted public key of the policy
encrypted_treasure_map_ipfs_address: string - Policy treasure map address
alice_verify_pk: string - File owner's Verify public key
import { getFileDetail } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _getFileDetail = async () => {
let result = await getFileDetail(
fileId, fileUserAccountId
getSendApplyFiles(proposerId:string, status:number, pageNum:number, pageSize:number)
Function to fetch send application files
- proposerId: string - Applicant's account ID
- status: number - Application status 0:no distinction, 1: applying, 2: approved, 3: rejected, 4: in progress, 5: expired
- pageNum: number - the page number
- pageSize: number - the page size
file_id: string - File ID
file_name: string - File name
file_hash: string - the file hash
file_raw_size: string - the original file size
file_zk_proof: string - the zero-knowledge proof of file
file_encrypted_size: string - The size of the encrypted file
thumbnail: string - File thumbnail
apply_id: number - Application record ID
proposer: string - Applicant name
proposer_id: string - Applicant account ID
proposer_address: string - Applicant's address
file_owner: string - File owner name
file_owner_id: string - File owner account ID
file_owner_address: string - File owner's address
status: number - Application status, 1: applying, 2: approved, 3: rejected
remark: string - Approval comment or remark
start_at: number - Application start timestamp
end_at: number - Application end timestamp
created_at: number - Application timestamp
policy_id: number - Policy ID
policy_label_id: string - Policy label ID
hrac: string - Policy HRAC code
import { getSendApplyFiles } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _getSendApplyFiles = async () => {
let result = await getSendApplyFiles(
proposerId, status, pageNum, pageSize
getIncomingApplyFiles(fileOwnerId:string, status:number, pageNum:number, pageSize:number)
Function to fetch the received application files
- fileOwnerId: string - File owner's account ID
- status: number - Application status 0:no distinction, 1: applying, 2: approved, 3: rejected, 4: in progress, 5: expired
- pageNum: number - the page number
- pageSize: number - the page size
file_id: string - File ID
file_name: string - File name
file_hash: string - the file hash
file_raw_size: string - the original file size
file_zk_proof: string - the zero-knowledge proof of file
file_encrypted_size: string - The size of the encrypted file
thumbnail: string - File thumbnail
apply_id: number - Application record ID
proposer: string - Applicant name
proposer_id: string - Applicant account ID
proposer_address: string - Applicant's address
file_owner: string - File owner name
file_owner_id: string - File owner account ID
file_owner_address: string - File owner's address
status: number - Application status, 1: applying, 2: approved, 3: rejected
remark: string - Approval comment or remark
start_at: number - Application start timestamp
end_at: number - Application end timestamp
created_at: number - Application timestamp
policy_id: number - Policy ID
policy_label_id: string - Policy label ID
hrac: string - Policy HRAC code
import { getIncomingApplyFiles } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _getIncomingApplyFiles = async () => {
let result = await getIncomingApplyFiles(
proposerId, status, pageNum, pageSize
Function to fetch the backup nodes number of ursula
ursulaNumber : number
import { getUrsulaNumber } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
let ursulaNum = await getUrsulaNumber()
Function to get the network info
chinId: number - the network chain id
import { getNetWorkChainId } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _getNetWorkChainId = async () => {
let chainId = await getNetWorkChainId();
// do something
getNetWorkChainId(chainId : string )
Function to get the network info
chainId : string - the network chain id which you will set
import { setNetWorkChainId } from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk"
const _setNetWorkChainId = async () => {
await getNetWorkChainId(97);
// do something
sendCustomTransaction(callBackFunc:CallBackFunc, toAddress: string, rawTxData?: string, value?: string, gasPrice?: string)
send custom transaction by agent website
- Promise: CallBackFunc - A callback function that will be called with the response data from the server.
- toAddress: string - The recevier of the transaction.
- rawTxData?: string - The call data of the transaction, can be empty for simple value transfers.
- value?: string - The value of the transaction in wei.
- gasPrice?: string - The gas price (wei) set by this transaction, if empty, it will use web3.eth.getGasPrice()
accountAddress: string - the address of the logged-in user
accountId: string - the Id of the logged-in user
toAddress: string - The receiving address
rawTxData?: string - The call data of the transaction
value?: string - The value of the transaction in wei
gasPrice?: string - The gas price (wei) set by this transaction
action: string - "transaction"
subAction?: string
result: string - 'success' or 'filed'
transactionHash?: string - the transaction hash, if success
errorMsg?: any - the error message
import {
} from "@nulink_network/nulink-web-agent-access-sdk";
const sendTransaction = async () => {
await sendCustomTransaction(sendTransactionCallBack, toAddress, null, value)
const sendTransactionCallBack = async (data) => {
try {
if ('success' == data.result){
//do something
} else {
//do something
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Transaction failed, Please try again");