This script is designed to give the user access to Linux utilities that may otherwise be unavailabe on a compromised system.
Besides including BusyBox, SBD also provides functionality to download static binaries for net utilities namely; Ncat, Socat, Nmap, and Ngrok.
After a system has been succesfully compromised wget
or git
SBD to the system in question, depending on what's available. From there making it executable and running it with chmod +x && ./
should bring you to a menu. The options for which are as follows;
1) Help 4) Deploy BusyBox 7) Quit
2) Set Outpath 5) Deploy Net Utilities
3) Deploy All 6) Clean up
The Help
option shows this informational message. The Set Outpath
option allows you to define a directory to which the static binaries will be deployed. Deploy All
downloads all static binaries available with this tool. Deploy BusyBox
downloads a BusyBox binary with built-in Linux Utilities. Choosing the Deploy Net Utilities
option will download static binaries for Ncat, Socat, Nmap, and Ngrok. With Ngrok being a portforwarding/tunneling utility. Clean up
removes all downloaded files and; Quit
exits SBD.
SBD was written to be a complimentary script to my RootHelper tool. But I have decided to release it as a stand-alone version as well