IEEE ICRA 2023 - 3DSGrasp: 3D Shape-Completion for Robotic Grasp [ Youtube Video ]
We present a grasping strategy, named 3DSGrasp, that predicts the missing geometry from the partial Point-Cloud data (PCD) to produce reliable grasp poses. Our proposed PCD completion network is a Transformer-based encoder-decoder network with an Offset-Attention layer. Our network is inherently invariant to the object pose and point's permutation, which generates PCDs that are geometrically consistent and completed properly. Experiments on a wide range of partial PCD show that 3DSGrasp outperforms the best state-of-the-art method on PCD completion tasks and largely improves the grasping success rate in real-world scenarios.
- run the full pipeline (from camera depth input to kinova grasping the object) ➡️ Full Pipeline
- run only the completion network to generate shape completion on a partial.pcd ➡️ Completion Network
- run only GPD to generate grasps for PCD of either partial.pcd or complete.pcd ➡️ Test GPD
- 🚋 use our model? ➡️ Completion Network
- 🚦 use the same train-test split of the YCB dataset? ➡️ Completion Network
To begin, clone this repository locally
git clone
$ export 3DSG_ROOT=$(pwd)/3DSGrasp
This repo was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and with ROS Noetic
$ cd $3DSG_ROOT
$ conda create -n 3dsg_venv python=3.8 # or use virtualenv
$ conda activate 3dsg_venv
$ sh
- install ROS, moveit, ros_kortex, and ros_kortex_vision
- Check oficial documentation for ROS
- Check oficial documentation for Moveit or just do this
- Check oficial documentation for ROS_kortex and ROS_kortex_vision
- install gpd
- Check oficial documentation for GPD (:warning: gpd repo was tested on Ubuntu 16.04; if you have trouble installing on Ubuntu 20.04 send an issue to us and we'll help)
- replace files
with the ones provides in folder GPD on this repo - add the correct path of your pipeline
ofstream fw("'PATH_TO_THE_DIR/gpd_grasp_scores.txt", std::ofstream::out);
- compile GPD again
- Check oficial documentation for GPD (:warning: gpd repo was tested on Ubuntu 16.04; if you have trouble installing on Ubuntu 20.04 send an issue to us and we'll help)
Open terminals:
- Open a terminal and start kinova gen3 ros
source catkin/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch kortex_driver kortex_driver.launch
- (optional) open our rviz environment in 3DSG_ROOT/ROS/rviz/. It includes our table for moveit
open config file grasp_kinova.rviz
- Open a new terminal and start kinova gen 3 intel sense camera ros package
source catkin/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch kinova_vision kinova_vision_rgbd.launch device:=$IP_KINOVA
- Place an object on top of the table and in front of the robot. The object should be visible from rviz using the Point Cloud data
- Open a new terminal and run main pipeline with GPD
source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Windows will pop out showing the progress of segmentation, the completion network, merging the completion output in the scene, and the gpd output on the completion output
- After finishes a
appears on rviz. It should be pointing at the object. - Open a new terminal and run the ros node to grasp the object
source catkin/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch kortex_examples reach_approach_grasp_pose.launch
- The node asks first if you want to move the robot to the initial position. If not type "n", otherwise it will bring you to a predefined initial position. You can change this initial position by following the steps in How to set the initial position of Kinova
- After the first question, it then asks if you want to execute the grasp pose. Type "y" to execute or "n" to quit. If you press "y" moveit should try to find a feasible path to control the robot to the desired grasp pose. It it fails you should see an output in the terminal of kortex_driver stating
No solution was found
. This could be for various reasons: out of reach for the robot; there is an obstacle in the robot's path, or moveit timeout before finding a solution. You could try to change to another grasp pose by changing the index of the gpd output
####### ---------------------------// ---------------------------------- #####
# change grasp [k]
# pose = coord_to_transform(grasp_poses[0])
k = grasp_poses[0]
pose = coord_to_transform(k)
approach = approach_coord_to_transform(k)
####### ---------------------------// ---------------------------------- #####
You can pick from 0-5 grasp poses generated by GPD. 0 - best quality score to 5 - worst quality score.
set an initial pose for kinova manually or (optional) set it as a .npy file and load it in
cd 3DSG_ROOT/ROS/src/
(optional) open and set location of initial_state.npy of kinova
# Load initial state of robot (joint angles)
initial_state = np.load('location_of_initial_state.npy')
set location of final_pose.npy and final_approach.npy (These are the best grasp and approach from GPD)
print('Load grasp pose')
final_pose = np.load('location_of_final_pose.npy')
final_approach = np.load('location_of_final_approach.npy')
- When grasping the closure of the gripper is predefine, if you want to change open
and change variable
- For acquiring the point cloud and segmenting it run:
it saves the acquired_point cloud as original_pc and the segmented as partial_pc in tmp_data
To run GPD on .pcd file
cd $GPD_ROOT/build
./detect_grasps ../cfg/eigen_params.cfg $LOCATION_OF_FILE.PCD
🎉 The pre-trained model is avaliable to download
To train our point cloud completion model
cd Completion
python3 --config ./cfgs/YCB_models/SGrasp.yaml
To test point cloud completion model
python3 --test --ckpts /PATH_TO_pre_trained_MODEL/MODEL.pth --config ./cfgs/YCB_models/SGrasp.yaml
Note that the input of the network for the real-world grasping experiment should be a single sample
Our train/test split is avaliable to download
There are two folders: input (for partials PCD) and gt (for grouth truth PCD). Inside each folder there are the objects folders with the train/test split
If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing our paper. Available on IEEE Xplore and ArXiv:
title={3dsgrasp: 3d shape-completion for robotic grasp},
author={Mohammadi, Seyed S and Duarte, Nuno F and Dimou, Dimitrios and Wang, Yiming and Taiana, Matteo and Morerio, Pietro and Dehban, Atabak and Moreno, Plinio and Bernardino, Alexandre and Del Bue, Alessio and others},
booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},