Software to detect the iCub's face from Images and Videos
- Use VoTT (Microsoft)
- change export data to Pascal VOC (to get .xml files)
- don't forget to specify that you only want the labelled data
- get a video/image in mp4 MPEG format
- build bounding boxes of the icub face in the relevant frames
- save the project (remember that I won't save the labelled assets)
- always confirm that the project is counting the labelled assets (otherwise you won't have bouding boxes of the icub face in the .xml files)
- get the dataset and use file to convert to a csv file
- From tensorflow/models/research/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim - to run the object_detection API to convert to TFRecords
- use the file to genereate the tfrecords from the csv file
- add the train.records, test.records, and 2 more to the data folder of the object_detection API
- add the model (ssd_model for now) + the .pbdx file to the training folder
- add the images of the dataset to a folder (icub_face) inside the object_detection API (still don't know what for)
After you have trained your model you want to test it. This is what you need to do:
- export the graph of your train model
python3 object_detection/ --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path object_detection/training/ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix object_detection/training/model.ckpt-200000 --output_directory object_detection/icub_graph/
- add the frozen model to your program - frozen_inference_graph.pb
- add the labels of your model - icub_detection.pbtxt
- From tensorflow/models/research/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim
- Add the object detection folder
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/object_detection