This is my pretty simple theme for prezto and oh-my-zsh, based on some themes by other people's, which I do not remember presently. sorry for that
prezto theme in OSX terminal with Dark Pastels colorscheme.
oh-my-zsh theme looks similar but without N/I part because of lacking support of vi-mode
- editor
- git
- python
- prompt
- git
- virtualenv-promt
$ git clone
$ cp nuqlezsh.zsh-theme/prezto/prompt_nuqlezsh_setup ~/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_nuqlezsh_setup
$ echo "zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'nuqlezsh'" >> ~/.zpreztorc
$ git clone
$ cp nuqlezsh.zsh-theme/oh-my-zsh/nuqlezsh.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes
$ echo 'export ZSH_THEME="nuqlezsh"' >> ~/.zshrc