This library is an implementation of the algorithm described in the original paper by the team at Microsoft Research. It differs from the complete implementation in that it does not yet model/allow the option for draws to happen in games and doesn't support partial play.
Note: TrueSkill is a patented algorithm by Microsoft Research and is not suitable for commercial use.
I created this library as a fun way of being able to understand the TrueSkill algorithm as part of my journey on all things Bayesian and Machine Learning and also as a way for me to be able to rank games in table football/tennis amongst my mates.
- Python 3.6+
- Scipy 1.1.0
- Numpy 1.18.0
To get started straight away and run the algorithm checkout the code and run using
python trueskill/ -h
See the README here if you want to build your own factor graph using the components or use the TrueSkill environment directly.
Currently skills are stored in a CSV file as this was a lightweight way that suited my purposes. If you would like to change the way data is stored then inherit from the abstract base class DataSource in trueskill/player_ratings and implement the required methods.
This library has tests written using the Python unittest library under the tests package in the code. To run the tests navigate to the project and use:
python -m unittest discover
I am currently writing a post detailing my journey to understanding the algorithm which I hope will aid others' understanding, watch this space!
As listed above the original paper where the details of the TrueSkill algorithm were laid out. I used the following blog/article to help with my understanding and it was very useful.
I also took design inspiration for this library from the accompanying code repo for the above article.
Below are listed some other implementations I found that implement the general TrueSkill algorithm very nicely.