A Map Editor for Splatoon 3! (Made using KillzX's Sample-Editor & Sheldon's Splatoon 2 Editor Fork)
- Logic (.ainb) reading/editing
- Environment editor (FieldEnv, RenderingDay/Night, Ocean etc)
- GLFrameworkEngine : A 3D engine used for manipulating 3D opengl data with gizmo tools, selection handling, ray casting, and much more. This also includes various helper classes to handle OpenGL easier.
- Map Studio UI : The UI engine used to display this editor running off imgui.
- Toolbox.Core : A small, portable backend used for file IO to read/write data along with commonly shared things like texture swizzling and decoding.
- Wheatley.io : Custom Byml Libary to make things easier, created by Wheatley.