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Migration to version 10.0

Pedro M. Baeza edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 19 revisions

Before migrating

Tasks to do in the migration

  • Switch the installable key to True

  • Bump module version to

  • Remove any possible migration script from previous version.

  • Migrate code to new ORM API if not yet.

  • Replace openerp imports to odoo. You can use this command:

    find . -type f -name '*.py' | xargs sed -i 's/from openerp/from odoo/g'
  • Rename to if not yet renamed.

  • Update README.rst from if not updated to the latest template.

  • Add tests to increase code coverage.

  • Update code to remove use of deprecated methods.

  • Update code to take advantage of the new features.

  • Replace select = True by index = True

  • Replace string selectors in XML by name (if possible) or other attribute selector or even another equivalent path/reference. For example, change <group string="x" position="after"> by <group name="x" position="after">

  • Remove <data> and </data> in xml files if noupdate="0"

  • Replace the <openerp>/</openerp> tags in xml files by <odoo>/</odoo>.

  • Don't use with @api.onchange or it will crash.

  • base.group_configuration has been renamed to base.group_system.

  • Change decorator of copy method def copy(self): from to @api.multi.

  • These security groups have changed its module from base to sales_team:

    • base.group_sale_salesman > sales_team.group_sale_salesman.
    • base.group_sale_salesman_all_leads > sales_team.group_sale_salesman_all_leads.
    • base.group_sale_manager > sales_team.group_sale_manager.
  • Do the changes you need to do for making the module works on new version.


Technical method to migrate a module from "9.0" to "10.0" branch

  • $REPO: the OCA repository hosting the module
  • $MODULE: the name of the module you want to migrate
  • $USER_ORG: your GitHub login or organization name

Full process for beginners in Git flows

$ git clone$REPO -b 10.0
$ git checkout -b 10.0-mig-$MODULE origin/10.0
$ git format-patch --keep-subject --stdout origin/10.0..origin/9.0 -- $MODULE | git am -3 --keep
$ # Adapt the module to the 10.0 version and commit the changes
$ ...
$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "[MIG] $MODULE: Migration to 10.0"
$ git remote add $USER_ORG$USER_ORG/$REPO.git # This mode requires an SSH key in the GitHub account
$ ... or ....
$ git remote add $USER_ORG$USER_ORG/$REPO.git # This will required to enter user/password each time
$ # push the changes to GitHub and make the PR
$ git push $USER_ORG 10.0-mig-$MODULE --set-upstream

Short method for advanced users that know the rest of the Git flow

$ git remote update # In case the repo was already cloned before
$ git checkout -b 10.0-mig-<module> origin/10.0
$ git format-patch --keep-subject --stdout origin/10.0..origin/9.0 -- <module path> | git am -3 --keep

Initialization (already done in OCA)

Before migrating the first module, the following tasks must be performed in the repository:

There's an script to automate all these process in: